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Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Reigai-Kenpachi Zaraki is a fight taking place in the Reigai Uprising. It focuses upon the conflict between 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki against his Reigai counterpart.



Kenpachi Zaraki and the captains arrive in Soul society.

Captains Kenpachi Zaraki, Byakuya Kuchiki, and Tōshirō Hitsugaya run across the streets of Seireitei, stopping abruptly to sense massive Reiatsu flooding throughout the area. Zaraki comments that their enemies are aware of their presence, attempting to head out. However, Captain Hitsugaya stops him in his tracks, as Zaraki is surprised at this. Hitsugaya states that they will have to fight against the Reigai regardless, explaining that their only target as of right now is Kagerōza Inaba. [1]

He tells the two captains to split up, in order to get to the 12th Division barracks individually. Zaraki agrees with this plan, as Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi appears upon his shoulders, directing him forwards. He states that he knows where he is going, as Hitsugaya tells them to meet up at the 12th Division's headquarters. The three captains then head off in opposite directions, as Hitsugaya senses the Reiatsu emanating from Zaraki's path, realizing who it belongs to. [1]


Reigai-Zaraki awaits his arrival.

As it begins to rain, Zaraki makes his way up a flight of stairs, approaching his opponent. Yachiru wonders whether it truly is his Reigai counterpart, to which Zaraki confirms this. Zaraki greets Reigai-Zaraki, stating that he was eagerly awaiting his arrival, to which the Reigai smirks in response. He comments that it is as if the Reigai can read his mind, but he denies this. Reigai-Zaraki asks why he is here, to which Zaraki reveals that he wanted to find out how strong he truly is. [1]

The Reigai comments that he truly can read his mind, removing his eye patch. Zaraki wields his katana, stating that he doesn't mind losing, so long as the other is stronger. He tells Yachiru to seek shelter, to which she clambers up a tower, observing the battle.[1]

Kenpachis release reiatsu

Both Zarakis release their tremendous Reiatsu.

Zaraki then tells his Reigai counterpart to make their battle fun, removing his own eye patch. He releases a tremendous amount of Reiatsu, which Reigai-Zaraki emulates, the conflicting forces rippling into the sky. Both Zarakis smirk at each other, as Yachiru notes that they are both very similar. Zaraki tells his counterpart not to hold back, otherwise he will die. As he charges at Reigai-Zaraki, the counterpart states that he will be the one who dies, as the two begin their violent clash. [1]


Zaraki and the Reigai lock blades, pushing each other away. The original leaps down from an alcove, successfully cutting Reigai-Zaraki's chest. He staggers backwards, blood surging out from his injury. Zaraki asks what the matter is, stating that he thought a Reigai was meant to possess far greater power than the original. He tells Reigai-Zaraki not to disappoint him, prompting the Reigai to reassure him, stating that the battle is far from over. Zaraki is surprised at this statement, whereupon a similar gash appears upon his chest, as drops of blood begin to drip onto the ground. [1]

Reigai-Kenpachi's iron skin

Zaraki lunges at the Reigai, but is unable to cut him.

He touches the wound, commenting upon his sheer strength. Zaraki then charges at his Reigai opponent. He attempts to cut Reigai-Zaraki once more, but his blade is knocked away effortlessly. Reigai-Zaraki comments that it was a nice ploy, proceeding to grab his head and throw him into a nearby wall. As the debris falls around the battlefield, Reigai-Zaraki explains that he will retract his previous statement, stating that he no longer wishes to lose to a weak opponent like him.[1]

Zaraki laughs wildly, breaking free from the rubble. The Reigai-Zaraki asks why he is laughing, to which Zaraki reveals that he is enjoying their battle. He jumps down from the ruins, asking the Reigai whether they share the same memories. He compares his battle to that of when he fought Ichigo Kurosaki, stating that he cannot help himself, rushing at the Reigai. Zaraki brings his sword down upon the Reigai, both swords clashing together. He comments that it is a shame, proclaiming that he will be the one who enjoys this fight, if a Reigai truly is superior.[1]

Kenpachi stabbed by his Reigai

Zaraki impaled by Reigai-Zaraki.

Zaraki brings his sword down again, this time easily slashing the Reigai. Reigai-Zaraki stumbles momentarily, purple sparks flashing from his eyes. Zaraki tells him not to admit defeat, not when the fight is starting to become enjoyable. Reigai-Zaraki states that he will not, and that he is starting to feel the way Zaraki does. The two clash violently across the area, each being able to cut the other with ease. Zaraki charges at his Reigai counterpart, their blades locking in mid-air. Reigai-Zaraki roars, knocking away Zaraki's sword with his own.[1]

As Zaraki is defenseless, the Reigai proceeds to run him through. He pulls his sword out from Zaraki sadistically, who crashes to the ground uncontrollably. Yachiru cries out in protest, as Zaraki stares lifelessly in front of him. Reigai-Zaraki asks whether their battle is finished, to which Zaraki does not respond. Zaraki expresses his disbelief in the fact that he was defeated by himself, but states that he does not mind, as the Reigai proved himself to be stronger. His eyes then close, as Yachiru calls out to him.[1]

Kenpachi reminisces to Rukongai

Zaraki reminisces back to his time in Rukongai.

He opens his eyes, as Yachiru appears over his immobile body. She calls out to him, allowing Zaraki to reminisce back to their time in Rukongai. Zaraki states that he understands, and that he had forgotten about their inseparable ties. He stands up again, releasing his yellow Reiatsu once again. Zaraki explains that he cannot die, as Yachiru would be all alone. Reigai-Zaraki turns to face him, asking what is he talking about. Zaraki states that he will also retract his statement, explaining that he strives for victory.[1]

He diminishes his Reiatsu with one strike, as rubble collapses once more over the area. Reigai-Zaraki shields himself from the rubble, as Zaraki wields his Zanpakutō with two hands. He reiterates that he wants to win, even if it is against an impostor like him. Reigai-Zaraki refutes this proclamation, wielding his Zanpakutō with two hands also. He proceeds to charge at Zaraki one final time, who stands his ground. As the two release Kendō, they are consumed within the explosion.[1]



Yachiru comes to the fallen Zaraki's aid.

As the explosion ceases, a cloud of smoke billows from the area. Yachiru emerges, covering her eyes from the attack. As she opens them, she notices Zaraki stumble to the ground. Yachiru calls out in concern for him, as he brushes this off. The dust then clears, as Reigai-Zaraki emerges seemingly uninjured. He tells Zaraki that he finally understands his motivation for fighting, falling defeated to the ground. His Zanpakutō clatters to the ground, as the Reigai disintegrates into dust. Zaraki smirks, before falling to the ground himself. Yachiru runs over to him, asking whether he is dead, to which he refutes this. Yachiru then smiles.[1]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Bleach anime; Episode 324

