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Bleach Wiki
Ichigo Dies!
Kanji 一護、死す!
Romanji Ichigo, shisu!
Episode Number 17
Manga Chapters Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57
Arc Agent of the Shinigami arc
Previous Episode The Encounter, Renji Abarai!
Next Episode Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami
Japanese February 1, 2005
English January 6, 2007
Theme Music
Opening *~Asterisk~
Ending Thank You!
Episode 17 Screenshots

Ichigo Dies! is the seventeenth episode of the Bleach anime.

Ichigo Kurosaki loses his Shinigami powers and Rukia Kuchiki is taken back to Soul Society.



Renji Abarai explains how Reiryoku changes a Zanpakutō's form.

As a wounded Ichigo Kurosaki falls to his knees with blood spurting from his shoulder, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai retracts his Shikai, Zabimaru, and asserts that this is the difference in their strength before explaining how a Zanpakutō changes in size and shape depending on its wielder's Reiryoku, with Zabimaru being the shape of his power.


Renji prepares to finish off Ichigo Kurosaki.

With Ichigo trembling uncontrollably and unable to look up as he continues kneeling wordlessly on the sidewalk, Renji decides that it is time that he and his fellow Shinigami left because he does not like the air here and levels Zabimaru at Ichigo. Watching this in shock and concern, Rukia Kuchiki mentally notes that she had hoped a single direct attack from Renji would cause Ichigo to realize the great difference in their strength and decide to retreat with only a small injury before he got seriously hurt by a proper battle against a trained Shinigami.


Rukia Kuchiki restrains Renji's sword arm to buy Ichigo time.

While Rukia admits that she knew Ichigo would never give up for such a reason, Renji asks Ichigo if he is ready, prompting Rukia to mentally urge Ichigo to get up and run if he can still move. However, Ichigo remains unresponsive, and as Renji charges in to deal the finishing blow, Rukia runs up and grabs his sword arm while spinning around to his back, restraining his movement. Surprised by this, Renji demands to know what Rukia is doing and if she purposely wants to make things worse for herself as she pulls back his arm while crouching on his back. Despite Rukia telling him to get up and run, Ichigo grabs his Zanpakutō and begins standing up, to her and Renji's surprise.


The tassels on Ichigo's Zanpakutō are destroyed by his Reiatsu.

Incredulous that Ichigo still has the strength to move, Renji throws off Rukia and claims that he was just thinking how it is no fun to slaughter someone who cannot move anymore. As Ichigo gets to his feet, Renji encourages him to fight hard and die while Rukia screams at him to run away if he can stand, only to stop mid-sentence as she sees the tassels on Ichigo's Zanpakutō moving on their own. Renji declares that he will make the first attack if Ichigo will not and assumes a battle stance, but while more power condenses around Ichigo's Zanpakutō, the tassels on the end of the hilt burst off as he unleashes a powerful wave of Reiatsu, stunning Renji.


Ichigo knocks Renji off his feet with a powerful slash.

Glaring at Renji, Ichigo surges toward him and slashes through his left shoulder as he leaps into the air behind him. Upon landing, Ichigo quickly turns back to face Renji, and as the latter raises Zabimaru in an attempt to block him, Ichigo delivers a powerful upward slash, knocking Renji backward off his feet and into the air. Forced to grab onto a nearby railing in order to bring himself to a halt, Renji looks up at Ichigo while bleeding from the forehead and is shocked when his visor snaps in two. An astonished Renji wonders how Ichigo acquired this sudden burst of power despite being on the verge of death a moment ago as Ichigo stands up and grins at him.


Ichigo casually deflects Renji's Zabimaru swings.

As he exerts more Reiatsu, Ichigo asks Renji what is wrong and declares his movements have gotten slower, leading Renji to mentally assert he is the one who has gotten faster instead, before admitting he feels great and does not feel pain from his wounds anymore even though he does not understand why. When Ichigo claims he does not think he can lose anymore, an angered Renji gets to his feet and swings Zabimaru at him, only to retract it and swing again from a different angle when Ichigo further exerts his Reiatsu. After Ichigo dodges his second swing, Renji fully retracts Zabimaru and swings downward at him, prompting Ichigo to deflect it with a slash.


Ichigo pursues Renji across the nearby rooftops.

Knocked off-balance by this, Renji retracts Zabimaru once more and assumes a battle stance as a grinning Ichigo leaps over the railing and attacks Renji, who dodges to the side. As she watches this, Rukia is left incredulous at Renji being pressured by Ichigo while 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki continues to watch silently. Nearby, Ichigo runs and jumps over a rooftop to slash at Renji, leading the latter to leap away and land back on the street, where he falls to his knees as Ichigo lands nearby and sarcastically praises his ability to run away. Feeling another surge of Reiatsu from Ichigo, a speechless Renji can only wonder how much higher it can go.


Ichigo discovers his Zanpakutō is missing most of its blade.

Ichigo proclaims that this is about to end and leaps high into the air. With Renji unable to move due to his heavy and intense Reiatsu, a yelling Ichigo hurtles toward him and slashes downward as Renji mentally states that he cannot dodge in time. However, as the dust clears from the resulting impact, Ichigo discovers his Zanpakutō is suddenly missing most of its blade, with Renji not having been wounded by his last attack. With Rukia equally shocked by this, Ichigo realizes Renji himself did not do anything and turns to look at Byakuya, whom he mentally asserts could not have done anything at that distance before seeing Byakuya is holding his Zanpakutō's severed blade.


Byakuya finishes Ichigo's battle with Senka.

While Byakuya drops the severed blade on the ground and moves his hand to grip his own Zanpakutō, Ichigo notes he will be attacking and prepares to intercept him. However, as he initiates Senka, Byakuya appears next to Ichigo and moves behind him faster than he can follow, and while Renji and Rukia watch in shock, a stunned Ichigo stands for a few seconds before looking down to his chest, where blood suddenly begins spurting out of a fresh wound. Ichigo begins to fall over and wonders what happened while mentally admitting he cannot even tell if Byakuya hit him from the front or the back. Appearing next to Ichigo, Byakuya mocks him for falling slowly.


Ichigo collapses after Byakuya completes Senka.

Though Rukia calls out to him in an attempt to stop this, Byakuya merely looks at her before stabbing Ichigo again, completing Senka as Ichigo collapses. Watching this from behind the two of them, an astonished Renji mentally admits that Byakuya is still incredible in action after all this time and that he had to strain his eyes in order to follow the second attack after being completely unable to tell when Byakuya drew his sword or attacked the first time. As he notes that Ichigo likely has no idea what happened if he could barely follow Byakuya himself, Renji wonders how Ichigo was able to exert such tremendous Reiatsu earlier, only to be alerted when Byakuya asks him what is wrong.


Renji pins Rukia against a pole when she tries to run to Ichigo.

Renji asserts that Byakuya did not need to help him with someone of Ichigo's level, but Byakuya merely states that he would get rusty if all he did was watch Renji fight, though Renji mentally denies this. Upon seeing Rukia running over to Ichigo, Renji angrily intercepts her and pins Rukia against a sign pole with his free hand. When Rukia tearfully demands that he let her go so she can tend to Ichigo, Renji declares that Ichigo is dead, to her surprise, and explains that just touching Ichigo will add 20 years to Rukia's prison sentence before demanding why she would want to do this for a dead person, leading Rukia to note she is the one who got him involved in this.


Ichigo reveals he is still alive and grabs Byakuya's shihakushō.

Declaring that she is the reason Ichigo died, Rukia questions what is wrong with her going to him if this is the case, discomforting Renji. As he steps in front of Ichigo, Byakuya observes that Rukia would knowingly make her prison sentence worse just to go to Ichigo and states that he understands as he notes that Ichigo looks a lot like "him", further saddening Rukia. Suddenly, Ichigo grabs the hem of Byakuya's shihakushō, which alerts him, and requests that he stop talking about Ichigo like he is not here. Surprised by this, Rukia begins to happily call out to Ichigo before stopping upon noticing Byakuya's expression while he tells Ichigo to let go.


Rukia kicks Ichigo's hand away from Byakuya.

As Ichigo claims that he cannot hear Byakuya and tells him to make eye contact when speaking, Renji internally expresses disbelief at Ichigo still being able to move, and when an irritated Byakuya decides that Ichigo must no longer want his arm, a shocked Rukia runs over and kicks Ichigo's hand away from Byakuya, to his surprise. While Ichigo inquires what she is doing, Rukia recalls the time she has spent with him in the Human World before coldly berating him for laying a hand on her brother and telling him to know his place, stunning Ichigo. Turning to Byakuya, Rukia asks him to take her back to Soul Society because Ichigo's actions have finally opened her eyes.


Rukia tearfully declares that she will never forgive Ichigo.

With Rukia promising to atone for all her sins, a confused Ichigo demands to know what she is saying, only to be interrupted when Renji pins him down with his foot and tells him to give up and die rather than keep squirming around. After asserting that there is no need to kill Ichigo because he will eventually die from his wounds on his own, Rukia reiterates her desire to leave and stands next to Byakuya as Ichigo questions what kind of joke this is and tells Rukia to look at him. However, when Ichigo attempts to get up, Rukia orders him to not move and tearfully declares that she will never forgive him if he moves or comes after her as she looks back at him.


Renji opens a Senkaimon for him, Byakuya, and Rukia to enter.

Rukia tells Ichigo to stay put and live just a bit longer since he is going to die before turning away. As it begins to rain heavily, Byakuya agrees to not deal the finishing blow and explains how he has shattered the vital spots of Ichigo's Soul, the Saketsu and Hakusui, which means he should die within the hour, before revealing that Ichigo somehow surviving will still leave him with no Reiryoku or Shinigami powers. At Byakuya's command, Renji opens a Senkaimon, which three Jigokuchō fly out of, before returning his Zanpakutō to its sealed form and sheathing it as he, Byakuya, and Rukia walk through the open doors, leaving Ichigo lying behind them.


Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihōin arrive to save Ichigo.

As the doors close behind Rukia, she looks back one last time at Ichigo, who continues to lie motionless as he mentally notes that he cannot move or speak at all. With the Senkaimon fading from view, Ichigo bemoans having been protected again and slams his fist into the ground as the rain grows in intensity. Shortly afterward, as the nearby streetlamp flickers back on, Ichigo notes that his body is heavy and feels cold while blood continues to flow from his wound. Suddenly, Ichigo is approached by Kisuke Urahara, who is carrying Yoruichi Shihōin on his shoulder and holds an umbrella over Ichigo, and looks up at him before losing consciousness.


Ichigo wakes up to find Tessai Tsukabishi lying on top of him.

Some time later, as he regains consciousness, Ichigo realizes his body no longer hurts and wonders if this means he is about to die. Theorizing he can no longer feel pain because he is on the verge of death, Ichigo observes he is feeling warmth now despite how cold his body was earlier and slowly opens his eyes, only to find Tessai Tsukabishi lying on top of him. When Ichigo begins screaming in fright, Tessai praises his quick reaction and alerts Urahara that Ichigo is awake as the latter attempts to push Tessai off of him for being too close. Ichigo recognizes Tessai as Urahara's friend and demands to know why he is on top of him before managing to kick Tessai away.


Ichigo realizes that he is not dead and has been saved.

Glaring at Tessai, Ichigo suddenly grips his shoulder in pain, which leads him to realize that he is actually not dead as he wonders why. As he looks around the interior of the Urahara Shop, Ichigo observes that this is not his house and questions where he is as the panels to the room open. Urahara walks in, prompting Tessai to quickly sit up and assume a more respectful position, and chides Ichigo for moving around so much because his wounds not having closed yet means he will die if he keeps it up. Upon recognizing Urahara, Ichigo concludes that this must be his house, which Urahara confirms, and inquires if Urahara is the one who saved him.


Uryū Ishida heads home after Urahara heals him.

When Urahara notes that it sounds like Ichigo did not want to be saved, Ichigo recalls his failure and defeat the previous night before suddenly remembering the presence of Uryū Ishida at the site of the battle and asking Urahara if he is here as well. Revealing that Uryū went home because his wounds were not serious despite his blood loss and would not have killed him for a couple days, which allowed him to treat them there, Urahara asserts that Uryū was concerned about Ichigo when he left, and as Ichigo denies this being possible, Urahara recounts having asked Uryū to rest at the Urahara Shop for a while, only for Uryū to claim that he was alright.


Urahara requests that Ichigo train with him for the next 10 days.

With Urahara recalling how Uryū told him to take care of Ichigo because he is the only one who can beat the Shinigami and save Rukia, Ichigo considers this for a few seconds before scoffing at the idea of him being able to save Rukia now that she is in Soul Society. However, Urahara questions if he really believes this and reveals that there is a way to get to Soul Society, shocking Ichigo, who gets to his feet and demands Urahara tell him how. Agreeing to tell him, Urahara declares he will only do so if Ichigo agrees to train with him for the next 10 days. Incredulous at this proposition, Ichigo claims that they do not have time for this since Rukia will be executed.


Urahara pins Ichigo to the floor with Shitonegaeshi.

Noting that Ichigo does not seem to understand, Urahara pushes him over and pins him to the ground with Shitonegaeshi while clarifying that Ichigo will die if he goes to Soul Society right now. As he inquires if Ichigo believes he could defeat the Shinigami if he fought them now, Urahara explains that he let him fight Renji and Byakuya this time because he figured Ichigo would understand that better than words before asserting that Ichigo would be useless in Soul Society at his current level of strength. Urahara asserts that a weak person entering the den of the enemy is called suicide and berates Ichigo for using others as an excuse to kill himself.


Urahara details how much time they have to save Rukia.

With Yoruichi walking into the room, Urahara stands up and explains that Soul Society usually has a one-month waiting period before an execution, which should be true for Rukia as well, as Ichigo expresses shock at the idea of Rukia being executed. Noting that it is done differently than executions for Humans, Urahara details how they have 10 days to train Ichigo, 7 days to open the gate to Soul Society, and 13 days after they enter Soul Society, leaving them with lots of time. As he recalls Rukia walking into the Senkaimon, Ichigo asks Urahara if he can really become stronger in 10 days, prompting Urahara to affirm this will be the case if he truly wishes to save Rukia.


Ichigo agrees to train with Urahara.

Urahara praises Ichigo's feelings as being stronger than steel and tells him to abandon all doubt before inquiring if Ichigo can play a game of life and death with him for 10 days. After contemplating this for a few seconds, Ichigo firmly asserts that he can do so, prompting Urahara to grin, and mentally notes that it feels like the rain has stopped as Yoruichi meows.

Next Episode Preview[]

Promising to show the audience the proper way to use a Zanpakutō, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai explains how one must first call out the name of their Zanpakutō in order to release its true power before repeatedly declaring that they must slash, prompting Ichigo Kurosaki to angrily point out that this is not explaining anything and tell Renji to do the next episode preview.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

  1. Ichigo Kurosaki
  2. Renji Abarai
  3. Rukia Kuchiki
  4. Uryū Ishida
  5. Byakuya Kuchiki
  6. Kisuke Urahara
  7. Yoruichi Shihōin
  8. Tessai Tsukabishi


Powers and Techniques Used[]

Zanjutsu Techniques:

Hohō Techniques:

  • Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash Steps)
  • Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom)

Shinigami Techniques:

  • Senkaimon (穿界���, World Penetration Gate)

Zanpakutō released:



Timestamp Track Listing
01:34 Bleach OST 1 - 09 - Enemy Unseen
02:55 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 04 - BL_75
03:28 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 06 - BL_21
04:40 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 09 - BL_82
05:06 Bleach OST 1 - 20 - Storm Center
06:47 No Official Release
07:32 Bleach OST 1 - 13 - Burden Of The Past
09:01 Bleach OST 1 - 10 - Will of the Heart
10:09 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 17 - BL_13
11:00 Bleach OST 1 - 19 - Never Meant To Belong
15:12 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 16 - BL_92
15:39 Bleach 5th Anniversary Box CD 1 - 11 - BL_995
19:06 Bleach OST 1 - 01 - On the Precipice of Defeat

Anime Notes[]

  • Renji Abarai declaring that he will finish off Ichigo Kurosaki so they can leave.
  • Renji wondering how Ichigo's will can be so strong.
  • Ichigo screaming in despair after Rukia Kuchiki enters the Senkaimon.
  • Ichigo noting that his wounds will not stop bleeding.
  • Ichigo observing that the rain has stopped after Kisuke Urahara arrives.
  • Uryū Ishida wishing Ichigo a swift recovery.
  • Ichigo describing Shitonegaeshi as feeling like the point of a sword is hovering over him.
  • Ichigo admitting that no one other than him can rescue Rukia if he decides not to train with Urahara.

  • Renji asking Ichigo if he is ready and observing the lack of response.
  • Renji standing up after being wounded by Ichigo and attacking him repeatedly with Zabimaru, only for Ichigo to dodge and counter his strikes before moving the fight to the nearby rooftops, where Renji is further overpowered and eventually collapses back on the street below as Ichigo mocks his skill at running away.
  • Renji realizing he will not be able to react in time as Ichigo comes down on him.
  • Renji beginning to decry his own lack of skill mentally before being interrupted by Rukia.
  • Flashbacks to the time Rukia has spent with Ichigo in the Human World.
  • Renji sealing and sheathing his Zanpakutō.
  • Ichigo throwing Tessai Tsukabishi off himself and across the room.
  • Ichigo picking up on Urahara's mention of an execution, prompting Urahara to note that Soul Society's method of execution is different than that of the Human World.
  • Urahara grinning as Yoruichi Shihōin meows loudly.

  • 57Urahara arrives

    Ichigo bleeding on the ground in the manga.

    • The blood from Renji and Ichigo's various injuries is heavily darkened.
    • Ichigo does not leave a trail of blood on the ground after dragging himself forward.

  • In the manga, when moving to restrain Renji's sword arm, Rukia leaps onto him from behind; here, since she is standing across from him behind Ichigo instead of behind Renji himself, she instead leaps onto Renji from the front and swings around onto his back using his arm.
  • In the manga, when restraining Rukia, Renji pushes her up against a streetlamp with his right hand; here, he instead pushes her up against a road sign pole with his left hand.
  • In the manga, Renji warns Rukia against making things worse for herself by crying over a corpse before pointing out how touching Ichigo will add 20 years to her sentence; here, the order of these two statements is reversed.
  • In the manga, when forcing Ichigo to let go of Byakuya Kuchiki, Rukia kicks the back of his hand; here, she instead kicks the palm of his hand.
  • In the manga, by the time she decides to return to Soul Society voluntarily, Rukia no longer has a bleeding cut on her right cheek; here, the wound instead remains present.
  • In the manga, when telling Ichigo to give up, Renji steps on his right shoulder to push him down; here, he instead steps on Ichigo's head.

  • Navigation[]

    Previous Next
    The Encounter, Renji Abarai! Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami