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Jūshirō Ukitake (浮竹 十四郎, Ukitake Jūshirō) was the captain of the 13th Division in the Gotei 13. At one point in time, his lieutenant was Kaien Shiba, and later was Rukia Kuchiki. For most of his life, he hosted Mimihagi, the Right Arm of the Soul King, in his body.[2] After being cast into Hell, Ukitake gains the epithet of "Kamikake" (神掛, Divine Possession; Viz "God Sworn").[3]


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Ukitake's green eyes.

Ukitake is a tall man with a somewhat emaciated appearance, caused by an illness which occasionally causes him to cough up blood. Because of his illness, he often spends his time recuperating at Ugendō, his family's estate. During one of his attacks when he was much younger, his hair turned white over a three-day period. This is why his eyebrows are black, the color his hair used to be.[1]

110 years ago, he wore his hair in a long ponytail. Currently his hair is worn long, almost reaching his waist. He wears it parted on the left side with one long piece that tends to fall over his right eye. He has green eyes.[4] Ukitake wears the standard Shinigami shihakushō with a long sleeved captain's haori, and a crimson lining. He wears a narrow white obi, in which he secures his Zanpakutō.


Ukitake is well-respected and highly honorable, and always treats those around him with respect, even those who are weaker or not as highly ranked as he is. As a result, he can be easily approached by other members of Soul Society who seek favors or advice from the captain. Due to his high moral code, Ukitake will never let any harm come to either his underlings or those who attempt to protect them.[5] He refuses to give up when he believes something is wrong and will break a rule to do what is right.[6] He is also quite perceptive, as seen when he analyzes the various disturbances caused in Soul Society,[7] and has the ability to correctly judge people's character, as noted by Yamamoto, and knows when they are lonely. He observes that, before meeting Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends, Rukia often had trouble opening up about certain things and was very lonely, but sees a difference in her when she spends time training with Orihime.[8]

Ukitake has on occasion given people strange or unwanted gifts for no apparent reason, particularly Tōshirō Hitsugaya because of their similar sounding names and hair color.[9]

Due to his long-standing position with the Gotei 13, Ukitake is one of the most proficient combatants in Soul Society and always maintains a level of honor and integrity when engaging in battle, much like his best friend Shunsui. He refuses to fight with a child or even in the presence of a child, even if that child is an Arrancar.[10] He always maintains a semblance of respect for his opponent and is polite in combat situations. He also has a high measure of mercy, never taking the chance to kill Lilynette, but rather actually try to teach her how to be a better fighter, even though she was an enemy.[11]

Ukitake's favorite food is ohagi. In his free time he feeds the carp in the lake of Ugendō's garden and also trims the bonsai there, despite lacking the artistic sense necessary for the latter. He also writes a novel series in the Seireitei Communication titled "Sōgyō's Refusal!" (双魚のお断り!, Sōgyō no Okotowari!), in which the lead character, Sōgyo, fights evil and saves innocent villagers. Sōgyo's catchphrase is "I refuse that!" (そいつはお断りだ!, Soitsu wa Okotowari da!) and is hugely popular among the children in Seireitei. The serial is frequently on hiatus, but when it is in the magazine, it ranks in the top three features.[12]



Jūshirō Ukitake in the academy.

Ukitake is the eldest son from the low-class aristocratic Ukitake family. He has five brothers and two sisters, whom he essentially supports by himself. At the age of three, Ukitake developed a fatal lung disease, which caused his hair to turn white. His parents were very superstitious, and when he was abandoned as a lost cause by the doctors, they took Ukitake to the outskirts of the 78th District of Eastern Rukongai, where they prayed at the shrine of the old fallen god Mimihagi to save their child. It was thanks to Mimihagi that Ukitake survived and eventually became a Shinigami.[13]

While being trained at Shin'ō Academy, Ukitake revealed to Shunsui that his sister-in-law had been executed after losing the sacred treasure Shinken Hakkyōken.[14]

He, along with Shunsui Kyōraku, were one of the first graduates of Captain Yamamoto's Shin'ō Academy and they were the first graduates to become captains. Furthermore, he was personally trained by Yamamoto himself.[15] He and Kyōraku are the oldest captains among the Gotei 13, with the exception of Retsu Unohana and Yamamoto himself. It is stated that the four of them have been captains of the Gotei 13 for at least 100 years as of 110 years ago before the current time.[16]


Jūshirō Ukitake as a captain 110 years ago.

Approximately 110 years ago, Ukitake arrived at the 1st Division Headquarters with Captain Shunsui Kyōraku and Lieutenant Lisa Yadōmaru of the 8th Division. He first asked about the whereabouts of the 12th Division captain. As Shunsui and Captains Love Aikawa and Shinji Hirako started a conversation about the status of the Gotei 13, he reminded Shunsui not to forget Captain Unohana as one of the captains from 100 years ago.[17] He then went inside with the rest of the captains to await the arrival of the newly-appointed captain of the 12th Division, Kisuke Urahara.[18]


Ukitake pressures a reluctant Kaien to be his lieutenant.

The following day, he tried to persuade a then-reluctant Kaien Shiba into becoming his lieutenant. The two conversed about the current happenings in Soul Society, including a young Gin Ichimaru, who happened to be a child prodigy surpassing the previous record set by Kaien himself. Kaien shrugged off any attempt Jūshirō made at him being any type of prodigy. While visiting the Shiba residence, Jūshirō was quite popular with the servants, with Kaien noting that Jūshirō was still very charming and that he had a smile that made his servants blush. Jūshirō dismisses the compliment as he tries to remain humble about his notable quality.[19]

9 years later, Ukitake was present at an emergency meeting called by Captain-Commander Yamamoto, where he decided to create an investigation team to locate the missing 9th Division squad members. When he gave out orders, Yamamoto ordered him to guard the Seireitei.[20] Jūshirō was seemingly stunned by Kyōraku sending Lisa to investigate the disappearance of the 9th Division captain and lieutenant.[21] Jūshirō, due to his illness, was rarely able to fulfill his role as captain on a regular basis, instead having Kaien fill the role under his guidance.[22]


Jūshirō Ukitake attacking a Hollow possessed Kaien Shiba.

Sometime later, when a then-unknown Hollow killed a squad being lead by Kaien's wife, Miyako Shiba, Kaien became enraged and wanted revenge. Despite this, Jūshirō tried to reason with him that nothing was known of this new Hollow. Kaien did not relent, so Jūshirō gave him the only information they did have, the lair of the creature. The following night, Jūshirō, Kaien, and Rukia Kuchiki traveled to the Hollow's lair, and when they arrived, Kaien asked for permission to fight the creature alone, which Jūshirō allowed. Kaien fought the creature evenly until it used its unique technique and destroyed his Zanpakutō. However Kaien continued to fight the creature with his bare hands. Eventually, the battle started to turn against Kaien, causing Rukia to try and assist him. Jūshirō stopped Rukia from assisting, explaining that Kaien was fighting for his honor. The Hollow's abilities allowed it to possess Kaien and Jūshirō began to fight it, but his illness got in the way and allowed the Hollow to attack Rukia. But at that moment, to both Jūshirō and Rukia's horror, Kaien took control and impaled himself upon Rukia's sword, thanking the captain for understanding the value of his honor and that of his wife's.[23]

Sometime in the past, Ukitake gave Kūgo Ginjō a badge that allowed him the recognition of being the first ever Substitute Shinigami.[24]


Soul Society arc[]

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Jūshirō stops Byakuya from killing Ganju and Hanatarō.

Ukitake is informed of Aizen's apparent death by one of the messengers of Soul Society, and is rather shocked when told. He later visits the Senzaikyū, where he stops Captain Byakuya Kuchiki from killing Ganju Shiba and questions his actions, only to be told that special wartime orders have been issued.[25] He later prevents Ganju and Hanatarō Yamada from getting killed for their crimes by having them locked up.[26] After hearing of the execution date being moved up, Jūshirō tries to convince Byakuya to do something, but the noble seemed uncaring that his sister is dying sooner rather than later, and in the stress of the situation, Jūshirō shortly succumbs to his illness.[27] Jūshirō decides to help save Rukia and tries to request a hearing with Central 46, but upon being turned down, sets out to help using other means.[28]


Ukitake and Shunsui Kyōraku about to engage in battle with Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

His new plan sets around unsealing the Shihōin Shield, an artifact belonging to the Shihōin Clan that is in his possession for unexplained reasons.[29] Using this device, he arrives at the execution site, almost too late and along with Captain Shunsui Kyōraku they destroy the Sōkyoku.[30] The two are then faced by Yamamoto, until Kyōraku grabs him and both of them run away, together with Kyōraku's lieutenant, Nanao Ise.[31] They are, however, caught up by Yamamoto who, after almost choking Nanao with his spiritual pressure, releases his Zanpakutō.[32] Ukitake notes on how long it has been since he last saw that battle stance, and on the urges from Yamamoto both of them release their Zanpakutō in order to fight on equal ground with their former teacher, resulting in a large explosion as they clash.[33]

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Ukitake questions Aizen.

The battle is, however, short-lived and is suddenly stopped when the 4th Division Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu reveals to all of Soul Society that Sōsuke Aizen is a traitor, something Ukitake appears quite shocked to hear.[34] When Aizen is captured, he seems genuinely put out that the former captain has become 'this corrupt' and voices his opinion on the matter while Aizen is escaping with Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tōsen. Aizen only responds by saying that Ukitake is arrogant, revealing his plan to sit on the throne of heaven.[35]

As thanks for helping save Rukia, Ukitake later gives Ichigo Kurosaki a badge that permits him to legally hunt Hollows in his home town and allows him to transform into his Shinigami state, officially making him a Substitute Shinigami.[36][37]

Arrancar arc[]

Ukitake is present when Yamamoto calls him and all the captains for an emergency meeting.[38] While speaking to Hitsugaya, Yamamoto explains that Ukitake had been investigating the Great Spirits Library when he discovered a document unrelated to the Hōgyoku that Aizen had accessed. This document had been about the Ōken - the key of the royal family.[39]


Ukitake with Hisagi.

He later observes Rukia and Orihime training at the Thirteenth Division's training ground. He is approached by Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi, who gives Ukitake a copy of the Seireitei Communication and wonders about Ukitake approving of Orihime and Rukia's friendship given that Orihime is a human. Ukitake discusses Rukia's friendship with Orihime Inoue. Ukitake says that friendship is a great thing no matter what and further notes that Orihime and her friends aren't normal and may well become Shinigami once they come to Soul Society at the end of their life. Ukitake then asks Hisagi about his role leading the Ninth Division. Hisagi states that he did not know how much work a captain had to do as Kaname Tōsen was the kind of captain that never let his subordinates feel his burden. Ukitake invites Hisagi to join him for a bit, but Hisagi declines. As Hisagi walks away Ukitake notes that too short a time has passed for hearts to heal.[40]


Ukitake addresses Hitsugaya's task force.

Ukitake later hears that Arrancar are attacking the Human World and tells Rukia to go to the Senkaimon to help out the other Shinigami in the Human World. Orihime attempts to go with her as well, but Rukia states that without a hell butterfly she would just be sent to the waste dimension. However, Ukitake goes over to where they are and tells her that instructions were sent to secure the walls of the waste dimension and that she can pass through freely in a little while. He tells her that he understands that she's in a rush to get there, but in times like these it's good to be patient. Rukia tells Orihime that she will go ahead and wait for her and leaves.[41] When Orihime is brought to Hueco Mundo, Ukitake addresses Hitsugaya's advance squad letting them know that he was the last person to see her before she entered the Senkaimon. He informs them of how she vanished and could be dead before he is interrupted by Ichigo and Yamamoto.[42]

Hueco Mundo arc[]

Ukitake, along with Byakuya and Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, are told that Rukia and Lieutenant Renji Abarai have disappeared and that the Second Division is looking for them all throughout Seireitei.[43]

Fake Karakura Town arc[]


Ukitake appears with the Gotei 13 to stop Aizen.

Ukitake is present during the Arrancar battle.[44] He is shocked by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's initial, swift actions, wondering if such harshness was necessary.[45] When the pillars are successfully defended, it appears he is ready to fight Lilynette Gingerbuck and Coyote Starrk alongside Kyōraku. He appears surprised by Starrk's request to "pretend to fight" and admits he though Shunsui was going to comply due to his amusement and usual laid-back attitude.[46] Ukitake then takes to meditating atop one of the buildings of the town, where he is questioned by Lilynette on why he isn't fighting as well. Ukitake tells her two on one wouldn't be fair, Lilynette tells him that it doesn't matter and Starrk is strong and Kyōraku is as good as dead. Ukitake, with a smile, assures her that Kyōraku is strong too and that her concern is appreciated, and he'll pray that his friend wins.[47] Ukitake then tells her as she is just a child, she has no place in the battle, which enrages Lilynette to the point where she screams at him and says Arrancar don't have ages. Ukitake explains that he can't fight since she looks like a little kid to him. He further tells her if she tries to fight him, he will force her to leave, and that she should "go home and play with a ball or something."[48]


Ukitake dispelling Lilynette's Cero with his bare hands.

Lilynette feels Ukitake is patronizing her and proceeds to draw her Zanpakutō. She then tells him she will fight him. Ukitake appears somewhat annoyed at this.[49] Ukitake blocks Lilynette's attacks with his Zanpakutō while looking fairly unamused at her futile attempts.[50] She then blasts him with a Cero, which he just blocks with his forearm. He then comments on how he has seen many Cero blasts in his time, and her's is immature at best and not even on par with a Menos. He then tells her to go home, as he doesn't wish to fight her any longer.[51]


Ukitake defending against Lilynette.

They continue fighting until Ukitake manages to steal her Zanpakutō. He continually avoids her attempts to recover it, all the while chiding her for not putting her heart into her attacks.[52] When Starrk finally calls back Lilynette, so as to release his true form, Kyōraku, sensing that the true battle is about to begin, throws his kimono to Ukitake and informing him that they were now "fighting for keeps". Ukitake then watches in shock as the Primera releases his true power and Kyōraku releases his own Zanpakutō.[53]

Ukitake helps out Shunsui

Ukitake intervenes in Shunsui's battle with Starrk.

After watching the battle unfold between Shunsui and Starrk, Ukitake releases his Shikai and jumps in front of Shunsui. He uses a huge energy blast to negate Starrk's Cero Metralleta. Starrk side steps the blast and wonders if it was a Cero. [54]

Shunsui begins to speak, but Ukitake cuts him off explaining that he shouldn't complain because the Arrancar are double teaming him and his coming to his aid is only fair. Ukitake then comments that besides that Shunsui doesn't seem to want to use his Bankai. Shunsui assures him that he will eventually. Ukitake, however, retorts that it would be best to not reveal his Bankai in front of everyone.[55]

Ukitake continues by saying that in any case his powers are better suited for this sort of fight. Starrk interrupts by asking Ukitake how he fired a Cero. Ukitake plainly says "who knows, maybe he'll figure it out if he does it again." Determined to figure out Ukitake's power Starrk fires again much to Lilynette's loud protest that it's most likely a trap. No sooner does he fire a large Cero, that moments later, it comes right back at him, to which Starrk dodges. He fires again and notices the same result. He uses Sonído to get closer to Ukitake and then explains what he has learned of his ability. Ukitake is surprised that he figured it out after only three attacks. Starrk then expresses that he is glad that Ukitake's power isn't to reflect any and all attacks back at his opponent. Starrk surmises that if Ukitake has to absorb the attack first, there has to be a limit to what can be absorbed. He then tells Ukitake that he doesn't think he'll be able to absorb the attack if he fires 1,000 shots at once.[56]


Ukitake lying on the ground.

Before Starrk can fire, Shunsui appears behind him and tries to cut off his head, but Starrk dodges and fires a large Cero which Shunsui also dodges. Then seemingly out of nowhere a Garganta begins to open, surprising the three combatants. Ukitake asks Shunsui if it's someone new. Shunsui responds by asking if Ukitake thinks it's someone who could back up the top three Espada, as he hopes it isn't. When the Garganta is fully open, Wonderweiss Margela walks through. Ukitake and Shunsui both question who he is while Starrk, just as surprised to see him being accompanied by a huge hollow[57], simply says his name. While Ukitake's attention is on Hooleer, Wonderweiss attacks him from behind, impaling him in the back and out through his chest with his hand. Seeing this, Shunsui goes to attack the Arrancar, but is quickly shot at point blank range in the back by a Cero from Starrk. They are both seen falling out of the sky to the city below.[58]


Ukitake, happy and relieved.

Later, after Aizen is captured, Ukitake recovers and eavesdrops alongside Sentarō and Kiyone on Yamamoto scolding Shunsui, Byakuya, and Kenpachi Zaraki for losing their respective captain haori. Ukitake notes that 10 days have past since the battle, Yamamoto has lost his left arm, but it looks like his stamina has returned, which is a relief as Soul Society still has yet to see a being capable of replacing the man.[59]

The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc[]

Sentarō informs Ukitake that Ichigo has defeated Kūgo Ginjō and that he is okay. Ukitake states that he is glad to hear the news. Later, Shunsui visits Ukitake, telling him that Ichigo had came to Soul Society. Ukitake asks about his Combat Badge and Shunsui replies that he took it with him. He states that he asked Ichigo, but that he apparently trusts them, commenting that he has grown up. Ukitake states that they had failed to realize this.[60]

The Thousand-Year Blood War arc[]


Ukitake prepares to battle one of the Sternritter.

Ukitake attends a captain meeting where he is informed about Wandenreich's infiltration, and is ordered to prepare for war alongside other captains.[61] Captain Ukitake later encounters one of the enemy soldiers when Soul Society is invaded by the Wandenreich and prepares to fight him with his Shikai already released.[62] He is later dismayed as he receives word from Rangiku Matsumoto that the enemy has the ability to steal Bankai.[63]

Later, Ukitake is notified via transmitter swords along with the other captains and lieutenants by Rin Tsubokura that Ichigo is currently heading to Soul Society.[64] Some point afterwards, Ukitake and several other members of the Gotei 13 are surprised to sense Yamamoto's Reiatsu resonate throughout Seireitei as the Captain-Commander enters the front lines.[65] Thereafter, Ukitake notices that his throat felt dry and concludes that Yamamoto had activated his Bankai.[66] Ukitake is then later shocked to sense that Yamamoto had actually fallen at the hands of Yhwach.[67]

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Ukitake and Suì-Fēng are silenced by Shunsui's words.

After the battle's conclusion, Ukitake and the other captains gather to mourn the death of the Captain-Commander. Reporting that a body couldn't be found, he concludes that it must have been destroyed by the enemy. Watching on as a messenger reports the status of Zaraki and Byakuya, he says nothing while the others fight among each other. Shunsui then enters to calm everyone down and after reminding them about the purpose of the Gotei 13, Ukitake and the others are silenced by his words.[68] Ukitake and the other captains later gather outside Seireitei to witness the arrival of the Royal Guard.[69]


Ukitake initiates Kamikake.

At the beginning of the Wandenreich's second invasion, Ukitake isn't present on the battlefield and is instead far outside of the city's borders with his two assistants, Kiyone and Sentarō, inside of a shrine deep in the forests.[70] The next day, Ukitake meets with Shunsui in the ruins of what was once the Seireitei as Shunsui notes the extensive damage done to the Wandenreich City. When Shunsui asks him if he thinks the Seireitei's buildings will also be damaged when they return, Ukitake states they will simply rebuild them if this is the case. After Ukitake takes note of the Wandenreich's invasion of the Royal Realm and casting an unusual shadow, he states that this is what his Kamikake is for. When Shunsui notes they may be able to stretch themselves a little further, Ukitake claims that he sounds like a doctor. Shunsui bids him farewell and reveals he must speak with Central 46 about something.[71]

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Ukitake reveals his successful treatment of the injured.

Later, in Urahara's laboratory, Ukitake operates on the wounded and eventually completes the operation. When Ukitake emerges from the medical room to announce his success, a shocked Shinji claims that he is the one who requires medical attention, prompting Ukitake to explain how he has quite a bit of medical knowledge due to being so sick himself. Zaraki emerges and asks Ukitake whom he was claiming could not move yet, prompting a surprised Ukitake to note he can already move.[72] After Zaraki agrees to leave the search for his lieutenant to the rest of the 11th Division, Urahara gives Ukitake a sphere to charge with his Reiatsu.[73] When Urahara explains his method of entering the Soul King Palace and notes that there may not be a way back, Suì-Fēng admonishes him for thinking they would back down upon learning this, prompting Ukitake to note that they all share similar sentiments as members of the Gotei 13.[74]

616Ukitake completes Kamikake

Ukitake completes the Kamikake.

When Ichigo is forced to kill the Soul King, Soul Society begins experiencing tremors, prompting Ukitake to prepare to take action.[75] A shadow begins rising from Ukitake's back as he declares his intention to replace the Soul King. When Urahara asks him if this is possible, Ukitake states he will explain later as his robes fall off to reveal the Kamikake on his back. Drawing his sword, Ukitake begins praying to Mimihagi and asks it to lend him power, causing the Kamikake to transform into a large eye hovering above him. Ukitake explains to those present how he has had a lung disease since he was three years old and reveals that he was saved by Mimihagi, who took his lungs away at the request of his parents. Coughing up blood, Ukitake explains how Mimihagi is taking the rest of his body and his life in preparation for making Ukitake the new right hand of the Soul King and states he will happily give up the life given to him for the Seireitei before screaming in pain as the Kamikake begins reaching toward the sky.[76]

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Mimihagi is forcefully drawn out of Ukitake.

Later, when Yhwach absorbs Mimihagi, the darkness emanating from Ukitake's mouth is pulled into the sky, leaving Ukitake to collapse and die as Sentarō and Kiyone rush to him.[77]

Echoing Jaws of Hell arc[]

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Ukitake pulls Szayelaporro Granz back into Hell.

Twelve years after Ukitake's death, Shunsui and the rest of the Gotei 13 prepare to perform the Konsō Reisai ceremony in front of his grave. At the same time, in the Human World, Ichigo is forced to kill Jigoku no Gaki that broke out of Hell, thereby unknowingly completing the Konsō Reisai ceremony and casting Ukitake into Hell. From inside Hell, having gained the epithet of "Kamikake" (神掛, Divine Possession), Ukitake intervenes in Szayelaporro Granz's battle against Ichigo by using his now-enlarged Sōgyo no Kotowari to impale him through the chest and pull him back through the Gates.[78]

Powers & Abilities[]

Expert Swordsman: While hating the concept of having to engage in a fight and suffering from a reduced physical capacity due to recurrent illness,[79] Ukitake still manages to hold his own against Yamamoto alongside Shunsui.[80] The unique shape of his sword's Shikai and its corresponding abilities make his form of fighting unconventional among Shinigami, but show his skill in this art.[81] When in better health he was capable of inflicting swift slashes against vital areas.[82]

Kidō Master: Ukitake has high-level knowledge of Kidō, which allows him to assists in the resealing of the Jōkaishō.[83] He also aids in the opening of the Senkaimon, and can easily use Kidō in battle, such as when he used Seki against Lilynette Gingerbuck.[84]

Shunpo Master: As a captain, Ukitake is exceptional in the art of Shunpo. He is able to gain sufficient ground while trying to put distance between himself and Captain-Commander Yamamoto during their chase through Soul Society.[85]

Immense Spiritual Power: As one of the oldest and strongest captains in the Gotei 13, Ukitake possesses immense spiritual power. He, alongside his best friend Shunsui Kyōraku, are said to possess Reiatsu unmatched by their peers or predecessors.[86][87] During his fight against the Captain-Commander, he is not overwhelmed by the spiritual pressure of Yamamoto, though most people would be in such a situation.[88]

  • Masterful Reiatsu Control: Captain Ukitake has spent his whole life supporting his ailing body through the strength of his Reiatsu alone. His sheer volume of Reiatsu was tremendous, even for a Captain. When the remnants of the high ranked members of the Gotei 13 pooled their Reiatsu together to open a gateway to the Soul King Palace, the loss of his Reiatsu could not be compensated for by the Visored or Shinigami present.[89]

Enhanced Durability: Ukitake is incredibly durable, even by Shinigami standards. He was able to withstand the devastating attacks of Captain-Commander Yamamoto, whose Zanpakutō is the most devastating in all of Soul Society in terms of destructive power.[90] He was also able to effortlessly block Lilynette's Cero with his bare hand, though he himself admitted it was not even of Gillian-level power.[91]

Medical Knowledge: Due to years of undergoing many different medical treatments because of his health issues, Ukitake has accumulated much knowledge of medicines and healing techniques. Using this knowledge, he has directed the treatment of many important members of the Gotei 13 during the devastating war against the invading armies of the Wandenreich.[92]


Sōgyo no Kotowari redirects here. For the manifested spirit that appears in the anime-only Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc see Sōgyo no Kotowari (Zanpakutō spirit).

Sōgyo no Kotowari (双魚理, Truth of Pisces; Viz "Law of the Twin Fish"): Ukitake's Zanpakutō resembles an average katana, with a rectangular bronze cross guard and dark red handle.

Sogyo no Kotowari Shikai

Ukitake using his Shikai.

  • Shikai: Its Shikai command is "All Ye Waves, Become My Shield. All Ye Thunder, Become My Blade" (波悉く我が盾となれ 雷悉く我が刃となれ, nami kotogotoku waga tate to nare, ikazuchi kotogotoku waga yaiba to nare; Viz "All Waves Rise, and Become my Shield, Lightning, Strike now, and Become my Blade"). Once he completes the incantation, he grasps the single blade with two hands. The blade then transforms slowly, and begins to form two blades. As the blades peel apart, a large red rope-like chain at the base of the hilt lengthens, and silver metal square charms attached to the chain begin to fall, until all five present themselves. The blade is now somewhat thinner than the sealed Zanpakutō, and the tsuba now extends a little bit up the blade. About halfway along the length of the Zanpakutō, a second blade juts out from the inside of the main blade and extends back towards the hilt, running parallel to the main blade. The cutting edge of the second blade faces inward instead of outward.[93]

Sōgyo no Kotowari's Special Ability.

Shikai Special Ability: Sōgyo no Kotowari has the ability to absorb an opponent's energy attack through the left sword and direct it through the connecting rope, where the five charms on the rope increase the attack's speed and pressure. It then reverses the attack's original course by firing the same attack from the right sword at full force, making it much more difficult for the opponent to dodge. The entire process occurs so fast that the attack looks as though it originally came from Sōgyo no Kotowari.[94]


Illness: Ukitake has been stricken with a fatal illness since three years old. Despite clinging to his life due to Mimihagi,[13] his body remains ailing perpetually, suffering from time to time.[1] This serves as an unexpected hindrance during battle.[95]

Appearances in Other Media[]

Video Game Appearances
Blade Battlers
Blade Battlers 2nd
The Blade of Fate
Bleach: Dark Souls
The 3rd Phantom
Flame Bringer
Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami
Shattered Blade
Versus Crusade
Heat the Soul
Heat the Soul 2
Heat the Soul 3
Heat the Soul 4
Heat the Soul 5
Heat the Soul 6
Heat the Soul 7
Soul Carnival
Soul Carnival 2
Hanatareshi Yabou
Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
Erabareshi Tamashii
Soul Resurrección
J-Stars Victory Vs
Brave Souls
Paradise Lost
Jump Force
Rebirth of Souls
Movie Appearances
Memories of Nobody
The DiamondDust Rebellion
Fade to Black
The Hell Verse
Live-Action Film
Novel Appearances
Letters From The Other Side
The Honey Dish Rhapsody
Spirits Are Forever With You
The Death Save The Strawberry
Can't Fear Your Own World

BBSShikai Ukitake

Promotional artwork of Ukitake using his Shikai from Bleach: Brave Souls.

  • Ukitake is playable in multiple forms in Bleach: Brave Souls, including one drawing from his appearance in the Lost Agent arc. In this form, Ukitake is a melee character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Hollow Killer" ability whose first and third Strong Attacks have a chance to inflict Freeze while his Normal Attacks and second Strong Attack have a chance to inflict Paralysis. His unlockable skills are "Bruiser +20%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge Time -14%". Ukitake's special is Sōgyo no Kotowari (双魚理, Truth of Pisces), where he absorbs the energy of an opponent's attack and fires it back, inflicting immense damage and Paralysis.

Ukitake as he appears during the fight against Starrk.

  • Ukitake is also playable in a form drawing from his appearance during the battle against Coyote Starrk. In this form, Ukitake is a melee strong attack character with the "Speed" Attribute and the "Arrancar Killer" ability whose second Strong Attack is a ranged move with a chance to inflict Freeze and whose third Strong Attack has a chance to inflict Paralysis. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +10%", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +10%", "Long Reach +20%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Damage +20%"; when Resurrected, his second Strong Attack is no longer ranged and his unlockable skills are "Berserker +10%", "Bruiser +20%", "Devastation +30%", "Frenzy +1", "Havoc +10%", "Long Reach +20%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Traits are "Strong Attack Damage +20%" and "Paralysis Duration -55%". His Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Focus +30". Meanwhile, his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Strong Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Ukitake's special is Senju Kōten Taihō (千手皎天汰炮, Thousand-Hand Incandent Heaven Culling-Sear), where he unleashes a massive, multi-pronged blast of concentrated Reiatsu that inflicts immense damage to any enemy it hits.
BBSKido Ukitake

Ukitake using Kidō.

  • Additionally, Ukitake is playable in a form relying entirely on Kidō as part of the Kidō Tournament event. In this form, Ukitake is a ranged strong attack character with the "Technique" Attribute and the "Sternritter Killer" ability. His normal attacks are Hadō #4. Byakurai followed by Hadō #58. Tenran, his first Strong Attack is Hadō #62. Ōkasen, his second Strong Attack is Bakudō #75. Gochūtekkan, and his third Strong Attack is Hadō #78. Zangerin. He has three Innate Skills built in at ★5: "Guard Break", "Poison Duration -100%", and "Sprinter +1", and his unlockable skills are "Party Technique Attribute Captain Strong Attack Damage +20%", "Berserker +60%", "Bruiser +40%", "Devastation +60%", "Frenzy +1", "Killer Effect +30%/+50% in Guild Quests", "Ranged Damage +10%/+30% in Guild Quests", and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%", while his Soul Trait is "Freeze Duration -100%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Spiritual Pressure +90", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Poise" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +30%" at level 10. Ukitake's special is Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō (飛竜撃賊震天雷炮, Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon), where he fires a large and powerful blast of energy at a tournament target, inflicting immense damage.
BBSKageoni Ukitake

Ukitake after gaining a power beyond Bankai and absorbing Kageoni.

  • Ukitake is also playable as an alternate-universe version of himself introduced as part of the Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You tie-in event who gained a power beyond Bankai and absorbed Shunsui Kyōraku's Kageoni, causing him to gain a headdress composed of material resembling that of a folding paper fan which arcs over his head from his shoulders, as well as changing the thin rope connecting the two swords of Sōgyo no Kotowari to a large and thick rope arcing above his body with sheets of paper dripping with shadows attached to it instead of charms, and resulting in the shadows of Kageoni emanating from various parts of his body and the air around him. In this form, Ukitake is a ranged normal attack character with the "Speed" Attribute and the "Hollow Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Drain with every attack other than his second strong attack, which is a barrier and boost move. He has two Innate Abilities built in at ★5: "Freeze Duration -100%" and "Sprinter +1", and his unlockable skills are "Party Speed Attribute Captain Normal Attack Damage +20%", "Berserker +30%", "Bruiser +40%", "Debilitator +2 secs.", "Enhancer +10 secs.", "Flurry", "Guard Break", "Multi-Barrier +2" and "Poise", while his Soul Trait is "Normal Attack Damage +20%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Damage Taken -10%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Normal Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Normal Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Ukitake's special is Sōkoku no Awase (双黒戮, Twin Blackness Joined to Kill), where Ukitake attacks with two black fish, inflicting immense damage and Drain.
BBSSwimsuit Ukitake

Ukitake wearing a swimsuit.

  • Additionally, Ukitake is playable in a swimsuit form, based on his appearance in episode 228. In this form, Ukitake is a ranged strong attack character with the "Technique" Attribute and the "No Affiliation Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Weaken with every attack. He has three Innate Skills built in at ★5: "Freeze Duration -100%", "Havoc +20%", and "Sprinter +1", and his unlockable skills are "Party Technique Attribute Soul Reaper Damage to Status Ailment-Affected Enemies +40%", "Party Technique Attribute Soul Reaper Strong Attack Damage +20%", "Berserker +40%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy +1", "Guard Break", "Increased Status Ailment Chance Against Speed Attribute No Affiliation Enemies +10%", "Speed Link Slot Potions +10", and "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%", while his Soul Trait is "Damage to Weakened Enemies +35%". Meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Recharge Time -7%" and "Spiritual Pressure +90", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Poise" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +30%" at level 10. Ukitake's special is Midsummer Recuperation (盛夏の保養, Seika no Hoyō), where Ukitake rests and accepts some water after being worn down by the sun, inflicting immense damage and Weaken.
BSBWater Prison

Ukitake using a water and lightning based attack in Bleach: Shattered Blade.

  • In the Bleach games Shattered Blade, The Blade of Fate, Dark Souls, Blade Battlers 2nd, Heat the Soul 4, 6, and 7 Ukitake's Zanpakutō utilizes water and electricity to attack. It makes orbs of water and shoots out streams of water from those orbs. These orbs can be made into a certain formation and another skill is to make a puddle of water in the ground as a trap, called Minabuki, when the opponent steps upon the puddle, spears of water and thunder pierces through the enemy. It also creates crashing waves or tornadoes of water that either protect Ukitake from attacks or engulf a target. Another ability is to create a cube of water to imprison a target. In terms of lightning, it can shoot fast bolts at a target, create a powerful shockwave, or send a surge through the ground to a target. The lightning can also be used in combination with Ukitake's speed to surround him and perform a powerful tackling attack.[96]
  • In both Blade of Fate and Dark Souls specifically, Ukitake has several named techniques:
  • Mizutama (水球, Water Ball): Creates a floating ball of water with satellite orbs that floats through the air, damaging the opponent on contact.[97]
  • Mizubuki (水噴, Water Sprout): Summons an explosion of water that damages the opponent on contact.[97]
  • Mizutarashi (水垂, Water Drop): Summons a pillar of water that damages the opponent on contact.[97]
  • Mizudaira (水平, Water Plain): Summons an orb of water that, in conjunction with an already summoned orb, fires a laser that damages the opponent on contact.[97]
  • Mizukagami (水屈, Water Stooping): Creates a companion orb of water.[97]
  • Daibakufujin Tatakiuo (大爆布陣 叩魚, Great Explosive Striking Formation: Striking Fish): Creates a pentagram of water charged with Reiryoku that damages the opponent on contact. This is one of Ukitake's two super moves.[97]
  • Daiharōjin Nagareuo (大波浪陣 流魚, Great Wave Surging Formation: Flowing Fish): Creates a continuous series of explosive water columns that damages the opponent on contact. This is one of Ukitake's two super moves.[97]
  • In both Bleach DS games, The Blade of Fate and Dark Souls, Ukitake is able to perform a special move together with Shunsui when they are in a team. The attack is called Daifuhabanrai (大風波万雷, Great Wind and Waves Heavy Thunder). It combines a powerful hurricane-like, green wind-attack, performed by Kyōraku, and lightning in form of several ball-lightnings, which form diamonds, performed by Ukitake. This is notable in that in both games, it is the only such 'team attack' possible.[98]
  • Ukitake features on an edition of the Fourth Session of Bleach Beat Collection with Kaien Shiba. Hideo Ishikawa performs two of the two tracks as Ukitake: "Kotonoba" and "Fuu~Inochi to Hokori," the latter of which is a duet with Kaien.
  • Ukitake features in the sixth volume of Bleach "B" Station's first season, as well as the fourth season's first volume and fifth season's third volume.
  • BuriCon - Bleach Concept Covers features Ukitake performing "Gallop" alongside Sentarō Kotsubaki and Kiyone Kotetsu.
  • Ukitake appears in the 2011 and 2012 editions of the Rock Musical Bleach, where he is played by Nishijima Kazuhiro.
  • In Ryōgo Narita's novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Mimihagi's presence in Ukitake's body is revealed to be the cause of Sōgyo no Kotowari's dual-type nature when released, which Shunsui Kyōraku notes cannot happen naturally with Zanpakutō.[99]


364Wonderweiss impales

Ukitake being impaled by Wonderweiss in the manga.


Ukitake being impaled by Wonderweiss is toned down in the anime.

  • In the anime, when Jūshirō slashed the Metastacia-possessed Kaien, the latter's throat and neck weren't grievously wounded, producing a profuse amount of blood,[100] compared to the manga.[101]
  • The scene where Jūshirō is impaled by Wonderweiss's arm is toned down in the anime by showing the attack from a greater distance and depicting the scene in silhouette.[102][103]


BKBUkitake's Battle Chart

Ukitake's Battle Data, clockwise. Top: Offense (90), Top Right: Defense (90), Bottom Right: Mobility (70), Bottom: Kidō/Reiatsu (100), Bottom Left: Intelligence (100), Top Left: Physical Strength (40). Total: 490/600.[104]

  • "Friendship that embraces all." - Tite Kubo[104]
  • Ukitake was ranked the 14th most popular character in the third character popularity poll, 19th in the fourth, and 9th in the fifth.[105]
  • Sōgyo no Kotowari ranked 17th in the first Zanpakutō poll and 10th in the second.[106]
  • In the second best bout poll, Ukitake's fight alongside Shunsui Kyōraku against Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto ranked 19th.[107]
  • In the first popularity poll, before his name and face were revealed, Ukitake came 70th with just one vote, but was labeled as "the Shinigami that appeared in Rukia's memories"; in the second popularity poll, he also received one vote, this time as "13th Division Captain".[108]
  • His Zanpakutō and Shunsui's Zanpakutō have the longest release commands as of yet. Word-for-word, Ukitake's is the longer of the two, although the translation in the English manga drastically shortens it and lengthens Kyōraku's.
  • The Shinigami Women's Association published a Photo Collection showcasing Ukitake called Sickbed which is now sold out. [109]
  • In the manga his eyes are green,[110] but in the anime they are brown.[111]
  • According to Tite Kubo, Ukitake's theme song is "Back to the Innocence" by Jonathan Cain.[112]
  • In Rukia's first flashback to the night of Kaien Shiba's death, Ukitake is not wearing his captain's haori.[113]


  • (To Rukia Kuchiki) "There are two types of fights. Whenever we are in battle, we must be one of the two. The fight for life or…the fight for pride! Right now…He is fighting for his pride! His wife’s pride…his men's pride…Most importantly…his own personal pride. Dismiss this as his stubbornness…and let him fight alone like this…"[113]
  • (To Sōsuke Aizen) "To sink all the way to the level of allying with the Menos. What are you trying to do?"[114]
  • (To Lilynette Gingerbuck when told age does not matter for Arrancar) "I know that. But still, I'm afraid I must refuse! As far as I'm concerned, you are a child, and a girl, at that. I couldn't possibly fight someone like you! If you selfishly decide to fight me despite that, then I'll just make you go home myself! Now why don't you run along and play with a ball or something?"[116]
  • (To Kisuke Urahara) "All of us have the same pride in our hearts. The pride of shouldering the weight of the Gotei 13."[117]
  • (To Rukia Kuchiki about using Kamikake) "From the day I learned of the reason I had survived, I was always thinking of this day which would surely come. My life was saved from certain death. If I can offer it for the sake of the Gotei 13, I have no regrets."[118]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bleach Official Character Book Souls, page 150
  2. Bleach manga; Chapter 616
  3. Bleach manga; NO BREATHES FROM HELL, page 69
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 335 colour spread
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 119, pages 8-10
  6. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, pages 21-22
  7. Bleach anime; Episode 179
  8. Bleach manga; Chapter 231, pages 2-3
  9. Bleach: Official Bootleg KaraBuri+; Tedious Everyday Tales Colorful Bleach part 14
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter 335, page 12
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter 360, page 3
  12. Bleach Bootleg; page 116
  13. 13.0 13.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 616, pages 8-10
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter 652, page 14
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, pages 9-10
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, page 13
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, pages 11-13
  18. Bleach manga; Chapter -107, page 7
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, pages 15-17
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter -102, page 6
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter -102, page 11
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 134, page 10
  23. Bleach manga; Chapters 134-136
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 474, pages 11-16
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, pages 39-40
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 119, pages 8-10
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 134, pages 1-4
  28. Bleach manga; Chapter 149, page 9
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 149, page 10
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 151, pages 10-14
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 153, pages 14-17
  32. Bleach manga; Chapters 154-155
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 156, pages 6-17
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 172, page 12
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 178, pages 14-16
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 181, page 17
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 182, page 14
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 188, page 17
  39. Bleach manga; Chapter 223
  40. Bleach manga; Chapter 230, pages 1-6
  41. Bleach manga; Chapter 231, pages 4-6
  42. Bleach manga; Chapter 238, pages 6-10
  43. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, page 1
  44. Bleach manga; Chapter 315
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 316, page 14
  46. Bleach manga; Chapter 329, page 14
  47. Bleach manga; Chapter 335, pages 12-13
  48. Bleach manga; Chapter 335, page 14
  49. Bleach manga; Chapter 335, page 15
  50. Bleach manga; Chapter 336, pages 11-12
  51. Bleach manga; Chapter 336, pages 12-13
  52. Bleach manga; Chapter 360, pages 2-3
  53. Bleach manga; Chapter 361, pages 11-17
  54. Bleach manga; Chapter 362, pages 17-18
  55. Bleach manga; Chapter 363, page 3
  56. Bleach manga; Chapter 363, pages 4-12
  57. Bleach manga; Chapter 363, pages 13-20
  58. Bleach manga; Chapter 364, pages 5-8
  59. Bleach manga; Chapter 423, page 6
  60. Bleach manga; Chapter 479, pages 4-5 & 15-17
  61. Bleach manga; Chapter 488, pages 10-14
  62. Bleach manga; Chapter 495, page 14
  63. Bleach manga; Chapter 497, page 7
  64. Bleach manga; Chapter 500, page 4
  65. Bleach manga; Chapter 505, page 7
  66. Bleach manga; Chapter 507, pages 4-6
  67. Bleach manga; Chapter 511, page 5
  68. Bleach manga; Chapter 515, pages 12-17
  69. Bleach manga; Chapter 516, pages 12-14
  70. Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 7
  71. Bleach manga; Chapter 605, pages 2-5
  72. Bleach manga; Chapter 613, pages 4-6
  73. Bleach manga; Chapter 613, page 10
  74. Bleach manga; Chapter 614, page 7
  75. Bleach manga; Chapter 616, page 17
  76. Bleach manga; Chapter 616, pages 4-15
  77. Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 1-2
  78. Bleach manga; NO BREATHES FROM HELL, pages 21 & 68-71
  79. Bleach Official Bootleg, page 118-119
  80. Bleach manga; Chapters 156 & 172, page 12
  81. Bleach manga; Chapter 363, pages 7-10
  82. Bleach manga; Chapter 136, page 4
  83. Bleach anime; Episode 107
  84. Bleach manga; Chapter 336, page 10
  85. Bleach manga; Chapter 154, pages 18-19
  86. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 10
  87. Bleach Official Character Book 2 MASKED; page 37
  88. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 4
  89. Bleach manga; Chapter 617, page 14-15
  90. Bleach manga; Chapter 172, page 12
  91. Bleach manga; Chapter 336, pages 12-13
  92. Bleach manga; Chapter 613, pages 4-5
  93. Bleach manga; Chapter 156, page 12
  94. Bleach manga; Chapter 363, pages 9-11
  95. Bleach manga; Chapter 136, page 10
  96. Bleach video game; Bleach: Heat the Soul 7
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 97.3 97.4 97.5 97.6 Bleach video game; Bleach: Dark Souls
  98. Bleach video game; Bleach: The Blade of Fate
  99. Bleach novel; Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Chapter 24
  100. Bleach anime; Episode 49
  101. Bleach manga; Chapter 136, pages 8-10
  102. Bleach anime; Episode 278
  103. Bleach manga; Chapter 364, page 5
  104. 104.0 104.1 Bleach Official Bootleg, page 116
  105. 13 BLADEs., page 252
  106. 13 BLADEs., page 254
  107. 13 BLADEs., page 255
  108. Bleach manga; Volume 13, page 178
  109. Bleach Bootleg, page 28
  110. Bleach manga; Chapter 616, page 14
  111. Bleach anime; Episode 227
  112. Bleach manga; volume 18, Ukitake's character profile
  113. 113.0 113.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 23, pages 11-12
  114. Bleach manga; Chapter 178, page 14
  115. Bleach manga; Chapter 230, page 4
  116. Bleach manga; Chapter 335, page 13
  117. Bleach manga; Chapter 614, page 7
  118. Bleach manga; Chapter 616, page 14


Preceded by
Saizō Sakahone
Captain of the 13th Division
? - 2003
Succeeded by
Rukia Kuchiki

