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Nnoitra Gilga (ノイトラ・ジルガ, Noitora Jiruga; Viz: Nnoitora Gilga) is an Arrancar and the Quinto (5th) Espada in Sōsuke Aizen's army.


Nnoitra is a very tall man with a thin and lanky body. His face is frequently set in a huge smile which reveals his upper teeth. His black hair hangs past his shoulders, concealing the left side of his face and a large white eyepatch with one exposed dark gray eye. The eyepatch hides his mask fragments, consisting of a small set of jawbones and teeth surrounding his Hollow hole. The tattoo signifying his rank as 5th Espada is located on his tongue. His clothing consists of a modified Arrancar jacket with an overblown spoon-like hood and an opening starting at the neckline, showing most of his midsection, and closing at his waist. He also wears six rings around his wrists, three on each arm. He wears the standard hakama, but the ends of his pant legs close inside extended and curved boots. When he was the 8th Espada, Nnoitra's hair was shorter and messier, he lacked the spoon hood, and he wore his jacket's collar upturned.


Nnoitra is extremely crude, sadistic, and lecherous, accented by his snake-like eyes and perverted attitude towards Orihime, rudely referring to her as "pet-sama". He even went as far to ask Ulquiorra Cifer how well he "disciplined" her. He is an extremely foul-mouthed man, and is also a firm believer in male chauvinism and openly insults (and regularly attacked) the former 3rd Espada, though it's unknown if he holds the same grudge toward Tier Harribel. His overall goal is to prove himself to be the absolute strongest of the Espada, not wishing to waste his time killing those he dubs "weak". However, he has no qualms attacking stronger opponents who are already injured, a trait both Ichigo Kurosaki and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez berate him for. He also loathes looking weak, and thus, will refuse all forms of assistance offered to him during an ongoing battle, striking his lone Fracción, Tesra Lindocruz, for running over to his side (and releasing Orihime Inoue in the process) after Nnoitra was blasted by Nelliel's Cero Doble. He does, however, have at least some amount of concern for his sole Fracción's well-being, having attempted to warn Tesra to withdraw from battle after he determined via his Pesquisa that Kenpachi Zaraki was stronger than he had initially anticipated.

One of Nnoitra's most notable characteristics is his insatiable bloodlust, unbridled sadism, and hunger for battle. Nnoitra's idea of a fulfilling end to his life would be to die on his own two feet while drowning in his own blood. Because fighting is his way of life, he continually strives to be stronger, and he considers himself indebted to Aizen for allowing him to exceed his natural fighting limits. To appease his craving for a good fight, he even defies a direct order from Aizen to patiently lie in wait for Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends when they try to infiltrate Las Noches in a bid to free Orihime Inoue.

In his later moments during his battle with Kenpachi Zaraki, he begins to show signs of weakness and desperation, and becomes increasingly frustrated over his inability to overcome the powerful captain. This stems from an inferiority complex he developed while serving as 8th Espada, due to his apparent inability to beat his opponents. Whenever his opponents refuse to kill him during a battle, particularly Zaraki and Nelliel, Nnoitra takes it as a direct affront to his pride, because in his mind, neither Nelliel nor Zaraki seem to think of him as their equal or superior, proving he wishes to be treated as equally as every other opponent he has treated. Ironically, he treated virtually every one of his opponents the same way, unfairly and through dishonorable methods. He also does not hesitate to use any means - even unfair ones - in order to prove his superiority on the battlefield.


E202 Nnoitra destroys Hollow colony

Nnoitra once laying waste to a colony of Hollows.

Several years earlier, Nnoitra held the rank of 8th Espada. He once laid waste to an entire colony of Hollows, prompting Nelliel to ask him why as he was given no order to do so. Nnoitra stated that no one ever ordered him not to kill them. He is reminded of Aizen's orders to "seek the Vasto Lorde", noting that murdering entire colonies stood against that order. In response, Nnoitra said that not everyone has loyalty towards Aizen and explained that if he kills these "rebels", it would do good in Aizen's favor. He further reasoned with Nelliel about these ideals, until he was suddenly attacked, knocking him unconscious.[2]

E202 Nnoitra Nelliel talking

Nnoitra speaking to Nelliel after she rescued him.

When he woke up, he saw that she was sitting near him reading a book while a dead Hollow lay nearby. He asked her why she helped him, and Nelliel simply told him that she did not 'help him'. She simply prevented the Espada from losing a member by putting an end to his suicidal behavior. Nnoitra explained that he couldn't stand her and that she would obviously know that, so why would she keep following him around. She simply stared at him and stated that it's because he was weaker than her.[3]

Sometime later, Nnoitra continued to kill Arrancar and Hollow alike, determining they were unfortunate for facing him. Nelliel noted to him that it was an Arrancar he just killed to which he responded he knew that and wanted to state as a fact something he would only explain once. Something he wanted her to know if she insisted on continually following him around, that no matter who it was he would not be benevolent or merciful. He would also continuously challenge Nelliel to a fight, who would explain once again that she would not draw her blade against the likes of him, stating that he would not draw her into his demented world. Nnoitra told her that she was over-thinking as the only reason they needed to draw their blades against each other was for the simple sake of drawing their blades. Nelliel noted that she did not understand that reasoning. She then asked what drives his bloodlust. Nnoitra simply stated that it was gasping for his final breath in the heat of battle and to have his entire being defined by that moment. Nelliel questioned this philosophy noting that it would be a temporary high. He agreed to the truth of that, but stated that nothing else could fill that void. He was given power and he would use it to kill anyone standing in his way until he died on his feet taking in his last breath.[4]

During this time, he would constantly challenge the then 3rd Espada Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck to battle, and each time she would easily defeat him. It was during one of these battles she went to leave and he told her that it was a battle to the finish. When she asked him if he wanted her to finish him off she told him that she simply refused and further told him to stop talking all big. She stated that there was a time when they ceased being Human, and became beasts. Now, as Arrancar they had regained their sense of reason. She explained to him that rational people, when going to battle need a reason to fight and he had none. Nnoitra screamed at her that he had a reason, and that he could not stand her. Nelliel detailed that it wasn't a reason, just an instinct, as he was a beast and she didn't recognize him as a warrior. Therefore she had no reason to bear the life of someone who was not a warrior. After Nelliel left, Nnoitra was approached by Tesra who offered him a hand. In response he threw his Zanpakutō at him, hitting the structure behind the Arrancar. Nnoitra told him not to act friendly with him, as just because he lost it didn't mean that they were of the same level. When Tesra asked why he picked on Nelliel and no other Espada, Nnoitra explained that it was because he hated her for simply being a female that was able to outrank a man on the battlefield.[5]

194Nelliel passes

Nnoitra and Nelliel exchange words.

Sometime later, Nnoitra teamed up with Szayelaporro Granz (who was not an Espada at the time) to perform a sneak attack on Nelliel as well as test a device he created.[6] As Nelliel was searching for her Fracción she was confronted by Nnoitra who asked her if she was looking for something. Nelliel stated it was none of his business and asked if revealing his weapon was a form of intimidation. She advised him if he didn't want to look weak, to keep it hidden and move on. Moments later, there was an explosion which gets Nelliel's attention, and once the smoke settled she saw her Fracción, Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Birstanne, gravely wounded. She turned to Nnoitra and asked him if he forcibly removed their masks as she becomes enraged.[7]

They initiated in a fight and because of a device made by Szayelaporro, it created a fake image of Nnoitra and distracted Nelliel's attention. By exploiting the opportunity, Nnoitra attacked Nelliel and she was hit from behind causing a wound to her head and her mask to break on the front left side. The attack scarred her forehead and left her unconscious.[8]

He took her unconscious body and stated that she would probably call this an act of a beast, but it didn't matter to him. He was approached from behind by Szayelaporro who asked if there was anything else to which Nnoitra responded that his job was already over. Szayelaporro asked him if he needed to be so cold as they worked as partners, for that he should at least be allowed to admire their end. Nnoitra detailed that he doesn't remember being his partner and that they just happened to have the same motives. Nnoitra threw Nelliel off the side of Las Noches so that he could increase his power by the time she returned.[9]

Nnoitra told Szayelaporro they were going, but Szayelaporro told him that he would appreciate it if he lost the presumptuous tone, but Nnoitra told him that he wasn't even an Espada. Szayelaporro stated that if not for the equipment that he prepared Nnoitra wouldn't even have had the chance to attack Nelliel and then asked if he should really be speaking to him that way. Nnoitra looked over the side of Las Noches at Nelliel and her Fracción's prone bodies and was surprised as she reverted into a child. Szayelaporro noted that he had not anticipated this and he had never seen anything like it before. He deduced that her Reiatsu was leaking out of the wound on her mask, and her spiritual body shrank as a result. Nnoitra stated he didn't care why it happened as he gloated over her and stated that it was unlikely for them to get the chance to cross swords with each other again, noting that it was a shame.[10]


Arrancar arc[]


Nnoitra present during Wonderweiss' birth.

Nnoitra watches the creation of Wonderweiss Margela, his back facing Ulquiorra and Yammy Llargo as Aizen explains to the Espada present the process of awakening the Hōgyoku from its inert state.[11]

Hueco Mundo arc[]


Nnoitra lounges during the Espada meeting.

Nnoitra attends Aizen's meeting about Ichigo Kurosaki, Yasutora Sado and Uryū Ishida entering Hueco Mundo to save Orihime Inoue.[12] After Aizen warns the Espada to treat the intruders with caution, Nnoitra comments that they look weak. Tier Harribel warns him that if he had listened to what Aizen just said, he would have heard him state that they should not take the intruders lightly. Nnoitra tells her that is not what he meant and tells her not to get testy before asking her if she is scared. Harribel just gives him a cold stare. Grimmjow interrupts the brewing confrontation by attempting to walk out against Aizen's orders. He, alongside the other Espada, sits silently while Aizen subdues Grimmjow with his Spiritual Pressure to keep him in line.[13]


Nnoitra taunts Ulquiorra about looking after Orihime.

Later, he attempts to start a conversation with Ulquiorra about Orihime Inoue. Nnoitra asks how he is handling her, stating he knows Aizen put him in charge of her. He asks how he is doing "taming" her, but Ulquiorra ignores him and walks away, calling him degenerate scum. Undeterred, Nnoitra uses Sonído to move in front of him and asks Ulquiorra to not get so testy as he is only asking if everything is going well. Ulquiorra can't comprehend why Nnoitra really cares as it's trivial, but tells him not to worry as Orihime has been under Aizen's spell even before she arrived in Hueco Mundo. Nnoitra then questions if Aizen has used Kyōka Suigetsu as usual, though Ulquiorra assures him that this situation was not that big of an issue to warrant its use. He further explains that the moment that she was invited there, multiple psychological cages were put in place, by putting her friends in danger she was forced into a situation where she couldn't refuse and made her surrender. Following that, they gave her the 12 hour period to say goodbye to one of her friends. Nnoitra still doesn't get the significance of the psychological cage that is being spoken about. Ulquiorra further explains that she is basically set to believe in her own mind that they are not the enemy and then she will follow them of her own free will. He also makes note that allowing her to say goodbye to a friend of her own choosing will allow her to leave evidence of her free will in the event so she will be looked as a traitor to her friends. Finally understanding, Nnoitra states that plan is well thought out and he would expect nothing less of Aizen, though Ulquiorra corrects him stating that such things to Aizen are nothing more than a game. If she is trapped then that is good, if she is not then that is okay as well, as either way she does not have the power to escape from Hueco Mundo or even the will to turn against them.[14]


Tesra protects Nnoitra.

Nnoitra intercepts Yasutora Sado after he defeats Gantenbainne Mosqueda, wondering if he is the first one to get there. Sado immediately charges at him, despite Gantenbainne's attempts to tell him to run. Nnoitra lets Sado punch him, but is unaffected, asking if that is his best shot.[15] Nnoitra cuts Sado several times, calling him a weakling.[16] Afterwards, Nnoitra sits down and rests until he is interrupted by Tesra, his Fracción. Tesra asks him if he is going to finish Sado off, but Nnoitra tells him no, saying that if he kills a thousand nobodies then nobody is going to admit that he is the strongest. He begins to explain that there is no value in taking a nobody's life, but is interrupted when he senses something. He tells him they are leaving as he has found a huge Reiatsu and that he is going to go crush it. As they leave, he senses Sado is alive. Sado tries to attack, but Tesra blocks for him. Tesra asks if they should go, but Nnoitra holds his blade to his throat, asking who told him to get involved. Tesra apologizes, noting his reasoning, but Nnoitra interrupts, stating there is no one who could beat him. He tells Tesra not to forget that, as he is the strongest Espada.[17]

190Grimmjow is attacked

Nnoitra attacks an injured Grimmjow.

Nnoitra later watches Ichigo Kurosaki fight Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, silently watching the battle; studying Ichigo's attacks until they finish. When Grimmjow is defeated, Nnoitra attacks him, seriously wounding the 6th Espada. Ichigo questions Nnoitra, who does not respond, but rather attacks Grimmjow, who Ichigo blocks for. He then asks Ichigo his name, telling him he will remember it for the short time he will be alive. He throws his Zanpakutō and Ichigo dodges. Nnoitra then attacks relentlessly and has Tesra restrain Orihime when she tries to intervene. Nnoitra then reveals he is the 5th Espada and states all of Ichigo's opponents before him were weaker.[18] The fight continues as Ichigo manages to hold his own against the Espada. Orihime pleads with Nnoitra to stop, but he tells her to shut up. He states that fights are not fair and that he has already seen everything Ichigo can do.[19]


Nnoitra breaking Ichigo's arm, prompting Nel's true form to emerge.

As Ichigo attacks, Nnoitra grabs Ichigo's blade and demonstrates the strength of his Hierro. He throws Ichigo before noticing Nel and commenting how weak she has become, prompting Ichigo to ask how he knows Nel. Nnoitra explains that Nel is actually Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, the former tercera Espada.[20] Nel tries to deny this, but Nnoitra attacks her and Ichigo defends before Nnoitra sends him flying with a kick. Nnoitra comments that she seems to have lost her memory after he broke her mask. Ichigo yells and attacks Nnoitra, slashing him to no effect. Nnoitra sends Ichigo flying once more before doing the same to Nel. As he goes over to a wounded Ichigo, he states that it's time to end this. He grabs Ichigo's sword arm and breaks his wrist. Seeing Ichigo hurt triggers Nel's transformation into her original form much to Nnoitra's surprise.[21]

193Nnoitra and Nelliel attack

Nnoitra vs. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck.

Nnoitra states that she has returned to her original form. Before he realizes it, she uses Sonído to move Ichigo a safe distance away from him. Nelliel rushes to attack Nnoitra and cuts him across the chest before he can react, surprising him entirely. He tries to attack, but Nel easily counters everything, including his Cero. She sucks in the blast, firing it back as a Cero Doble, causing a huge explosion.[22] Nnoitra stands back up, injured and asks Tesra why he let Orihime go. Nnoitra then smiles at Nelliel, saying that he was able to survive the blast due to how much stronger the Espada have gotten since she has been out.[23] The two Arrancar continue to battle with both facing each other evenly.[24] Nnoitra taunts Nelliel, asking how it feels to be beaten by the man she once called a beast.[25] Nelliel then kicks his Zanpakutō away before releasing her own.[26] Nnoitra tries to stop her, but is forced back by the release of Reiatsu. He is quickly overwhelmed as Nelliel uses her "Lanzador Verde" which slams him against a slab of rock.[27] Nelliel prepares to finish the battle, but reverts to her child form, causing Nnoitra to laugh and kick her. Ichigo tries to attack, but is fended off. After getting bored with fighting Ichigo, he commands Tesra to finish him off, to which Tesra releases his Zanpakutō and proceeds to beat Ichigo mercilessly. Nnoitra then forces Orihime to watch as Ichigo is brutalized.[28]


Nnoitra appears to be stabbed through the head and still alive.

Kenpachi Zaraki comes to Ichigo's aid as he blocks one of Tesra's attacks. After finishing Tesra, Zaraki moves to Nnoitra.[29] Nnoitra attacks, exchanging blows, ranks and names with Zaraki.[30] Nnoitra taunts Zaraki, saying Zaraki will never be able to cut through his Hierro.[31] Zaraki, undeterred, continues to fight Nnoitra with even more ferocity, much to the Espada's surprise. Nnoitra attacks as Zaraki counters, forcing Nnoitra to dodge. Zaraki questions why he dodged his attack, deducing that if he moved, it must mean the attack was dangerous. Zaraki states that though Nnoitra claims that he can't be cut by Shinigami swords, he still seems to have some soft spots on him. Dismissing it entirely, Nnoitra jumps up and attacks him from above, though Zaraki catches his blade with his bare hands, then states that he has met a lot of annoying people and they all said that his sword can't cut them. He further states that he has never met anyone whose eyes and throat can't be cut and he stabs his sword into Nnoitra's covered left eye and out the back of his head. Unaffected, Nnoitra grabs Zaraki's wrist, much to his surprise, as the Espada moves himself in closer and thrusts his hand into Zaraki's chest.[32]


Zaraki finally cuts Nnoitra.

Nnoitra retracts his hand and uses the tip of Zaraki's Zanpakutō to lift up his eyepatch, revealing his Hollow hole and mask remnants. Nnoitra explains Zaraki's attack went right through him. When Zaraki starts to laugh, he enrages Nnoitra who attempts to kick him, but Zaraki grabs his ankle and apologizes for laughing. Zaraki begins to take joy in the fact that Nnoitra can be cut and thus die. The two then clash and Zaraki finally succeeds in cutting Nnoitra's forearm. They continue fighting on, fiercer than before, until Zaraki cuts him again, as well as taking off a piece of the Espada's sword. Zaraki then states he has warmed up to Nnoitra's Hierro and thanks him for the practice. The two continue and Nnoitra manages only to rip off Zaraki's eyepatch, leaving himself open to be cut across the chest.[33] Zaraki then explains what his eyepatch does. Infuriated, Nnoitra finally releases his Zanpakutō. Nnoitra then asks how it feels seeing an Espada release their Zanpakutō for the first time, though all he gets in response to his question is a smile from Zaraki, who tells him that he has nice Reiatsu and that it's been a long time, as it was like the Reiatsu itself was sharpening his blade. Undeterred, Nnoitra tells Zaraki to come at him. Zaraki complies only to be dealt a grievous wound across his chest, for which Nnoitra mocks him .[34]

202Nnoitra is hit

Nnoitra is hit by Zaraki's kendō attack.

Noticing that there is no movement from an unresponsive Zaraki, Nnoitra sets his sights on Yachiru Kusajishi, but Zaraki recovers and manages to cut off one of his arms. When Nnoitra comments on Zaraki playing dead, Zaraki states he was just thinking about how to deal with Nnoitra's arms. Nnoitra calls Zaraki crazy and regenerates the lost arm. Continuing, Zaraki manages to pin Nnoitra down, but Nnoitra reveals his two hidden arms and pierces Zaraki's abdomen. Nnoitra then tells Zaraki that he is going to use all six of his arms to take him out.[35] Nnoitra generates another weapon, but Zaraki only laughs, saying he is enjoying their battle. The two go at it again with Zaraki continuously being cut. Zaraki realizes that if this continues, he will die and states he does not want to die. He then reluctantly decides to use kendō. When Nnoitra expresses confusion, Zaraki explains that the Captain-Commander made him learn it when he first joined the Gotei 13, but he never liked it, and asks Nnoitra if he knew a sword is more powerful when you use two hands instead of one. Nnoitra becomes bored with the conversation and charges at Zaraki, who grips his sword with both hands and swings it down.[36]

312Nnoitra dies

Nnoitra as he dies the death he always wanted.

Zaraki manages to land a powerful blow, dealing Nnoitra a fatal wound to his chest, almost severing him in half. He is surprised that the Espada is still alive and then turns to walk away. Nnoitra yells at him, asking where he is going as the fight isn't over. Zaraki explains he doesn't know what he is talking about, as the blow finished him and he is not about to be bothered with finishing off someone who can't even fight back. Undeterred, Nnoitra gets up and tells him the fight isn't over and taunts him to come back and continue fighting. Finally, Zaraki gives in as Nnoitra moves to attack him, but Zaraki lands another blow to his chest and Nnoitra falls to the ground. As he dies, Nnoitra makes eye contact with Nel, who awakens in time to see him die.[37] Zaraki stands over Nnoitra's corpse victorious, thanking him for the good fight.[38]

Powers & Abilities[]

Master Scytheman: Nnoitra is highly masterful with his unique Zanpakutō. He used his skill to become somewhat of a savage brute, as the lack of true law in Hueco Mundo allowed him plenty of opportunities to engage in battle against Hollows and other Arrancar alike. He effortlessly wields his large Zanpakutō with ease, taking advantage of its unique shape to maximize his attacks. He is equally capable of using it as a ranged projectile as he is using it as a melee weapon. He commonly uses brute strength to hack down an enemy's defense.[39][40][41][42]


Nnoitra's powerful Hierro.

Enhanced Hierro: Nnoitra holds the title of the strongest Hierro of all Arrancar (including the Espada past and present), allowing him to withstand almost any attack with no sign of injury.[43][44][45][46] However, Kenpachi Zaraki eventually found the necessary requirements to harm him after a brief trial-and-error duel; sharpening his Reiatsu in order to cut through Nnoitra's Hierro, which demonstrates that while his Hierro is strong, all the opponent has to do in order to overcome it is "adapt" to its density with their own Reiatsu.[47]

Pesquisa (探査神経 (ペスキス), Pesukisu; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Investigative Nerves"): The Arrancar ability to sense spiritual energy.

  • Indice Radar (捜指法 (��ンディセ・ラダール), Indise Radāru; Spanish for "Mark Radar", Japanese for "Searching Finger Method"): Nnoitra is capable of using an advanced version of Pesquisa. While the technique normally works by entering a meditative state and functioning like sonar, all Nnoitra needs to do is put his hand to a grounded surface. His Pesquisa is even able to gauge the amount of spiritual power an enemy has, which he uses to identify potentially strong opponents.[48]
193Nnoitra's Cero

Nnoitra about to shoot his golden Cero from the tip of his tongue

Cero (虚閃 (セロ), Sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash"; Viz "Doom Blast"): His Cero attacks are golden, and are fired from the tip of his tongue as opposed to using his hands or fingers like most other Arrancar do.[49][50]

Great Spiritual Power: As the Quinto Espada, Nnoitra has incredibly high Reiatsu. It is because of this high spiritual power that Nnoitra has strong Hierro. His Reiatsu is yellow.[51]

Enhanced Strength: Despite his thin and fragile appearance, Nnoitra is frighteningly strong, and can put a lot of destructive power behind his large Zanpakutō with devastating results. By spinning his Zanpakutō by the chain-link, he can create whirlwinds.[52][53][54]

Sonído (響転 (ソニード), Sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound", Japanese for "Reverberating Turn"): Nnoitra has used Sonído when discussing Orihime Inoue with Ulquiorra Cifer.[55] He has also used it in battle, but his skill level with the technique is unknown. He is fast enough to overwhelm a battle-worn Ichigo using his Bankai.[56][57]



Nnoitra's Zanpakutō.

Santa Teresa (聖哭螳螂 (サンタ テレサ), Santa Teresa; a common Spanish language name for "Mantis religiosa," or in English, "Praying Mantis," Japanese for "Holy Wailing Praying Mantis"; Viz "Sacred Screaming Praying Mantis"): Nnoitra's Zanpakutō is uniquely different from the Zanpakutō of many of the other Espada since, unlike the basic sword shape of most Arrancar, Santa Teresa takes the form of a giant axe-like weapon bearing two crescent moon-shaped blades fused together at the backs, with a large looped chain connected to the shaft at the end of the handle. The chain is connected to Nnoitra's waist, allowing him to perform long-ranged attacks. During Nnoitra's time as the 8th Espada, it had only one crescent moon blade, as opposed to the two that it features now.[58]

309Nnoitra's Resurreccion, Santa Teresa

Santa Teresa released.

  • Resurrección: The release command is Pray (祈れ, inore). Nnoitra gathers spiritual energy, forming a yellow aura around him and creating a small shockwave. He then lifts Santa Teresa over his head and says the release command, which causes spiritual energy to flow out from the empty space of the top blade. In this form, Nnoitra gains an extra set of arms, which take on an insect-like carapace and clawed hands, with each hand holding a large scythe-like weapon as well. The scythes themselves resemble the appendages of a praying mantis, and have a small golden tassel at the end of each staff. He also gains a golden marking extending from his forehead to below his right eye, as well as a pair of horns on his head resembling a crescent moon, with his left horn longer than his right. He gains several white, tendril-like appendages around his torso which extend over the sides of his abdomen. His Hollow mask also changes, becoming torn, with the teeth extending over the hole itself.[59] The weapons are used by him to both defend and then rapidly attack his opponent, such as in his fight with Zaraki.[60]
Resurrección Special Ability: In this state, Nnoitra's physical abilities are enhanced.
  • Instantaneous Limb Generation: Nnoitra can grow an extra set of arms below the others for a total of six. He keeps one set hidden, which he can grow out instantly to perform surprise attacks.[61]
  • Weapon Generation: Nnoitra can grow his scythe-like weapons out of the folds of his wrists, allowing him to replace lost or damaged weapons easily.[62]
  • Enhanced Strength: In this state, his strength is enhanced even further, allowing him to overwhelm Kenpachi Zaraki during their battle.[63]
  • High-Speed Regeneration: Nnoitra has the rare ability to instantly heal injuries while in his released form.[64] The power also allows him to regenerate severed limbs.[65] However, if he is dealt sufficient damage, it is rendered ineffective.[66]
  • Enhanced Spiritual Power: Nnoitra's already great spiritual power is intensified after releasing his Resurrección. He even received a compliment from Kenpachi Zaraki, a captain well known for immense Reiatsu.[67]



Tesra, Nnoitra's Fracción.

  • Tesra Lindocruz - A male Arrancar who assists Nnoitra wherever he goes. He seems to idolize Nnoitra to a degree, shielding Nnoitra against Chad's last assault, despite criticism from Nnoitra himself. When Tesra attacks Zaraki without assessing his strength, Nnoitra screams at him to get away, before Zaraki deals Tesra a single, severely damaging blow, showing that despite his behavior, Nnoitra has some concern for Tesra's well-being.

Appearances in Other Media[]

Video Game Appearances
Blade Battlers
Blade Battlers 2nd
The Blade of Fate
Dark Souls
The 3rd Phantom
Flame Bringer
Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami
Shattered Blade
Versus Crusade
Heat the Soul
Heat the Soul 2
Heat the Soul 3
Heat the Soul 4
Heat the Soul 5
Heat the Soul 6
Heat the Soul 7
Soul Carnival
Soul Carnival 2
Hanatareshi Yabou
Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
Erabareshi Tamashii
Soul Resurrección
J-Stars Victory Vs
Brave Souls
Paradise Lost
Jump Force
Rebirth of Souls


Promotional artwork of Nnoitra in Bleach: Brave Souls.

  • Nnoitra is playable in multiple forms in Bleach: Brave Souls, most recently in his base form, drawing from his fight against Ichigo Kurosaki and Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck. In this form, Nnoitra is a ranged strong attack character with the "Heart" Attribute and the "No Affiliation Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Lacerate with every attack. He has two Innate Abilities built in at ★5 - "Freeze Resistance" and "Read No Affiliation Dodges" - and his unlockable skills are "Berserker +20%", "Bruiser +20%", "Damage to Lacerated Enemies +40%", "Debilitator +2 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", "Increased Status Ailment Chance Against Mind Attribute No Affiliation Enemies +10%", and "Sprinter +1", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%". Nnoitra's special is Cero (虚閃, Kyosen), where he unleashes a powerful blast of yellow energy from the tip of his tongue that inflicts immense damage and Lacerate.
  • Brave Souls also features a unique form for Nnoitra to commemorate the inclusion of the Can't Fear Your Own World light novel. Designed by Tite Kubo, this appearance mirrors Ulquiorra's own Hōgyoku-enhanced power, transcending Resurrección.
BBSNnoitra's Hogyoku Resurreccion

Nnoitra's unique Hōgyoku-empowered form.

  • This form resembles Nnoitra's standard Resurrección, Santa Teresa, but Nnoitra's body is covered in a black, armor-like carapace with cracks filled with yellow Reiatsu on his arms, legs, and chest, and he lacks the additional arms of Santa Teresa. The armor forms spikes on his kneecaps, with long, jagged, curving blades stemming from his forearms and arching over his hands. Nnoitra gains two large, curving horns on his head, the left one being longer, comprised of yellow-black Reiatsu, while his hair grows to a considerable length. Nnoitra wears black clothing on the lower half of his body that flares out to resemble a tail. Nnoitra telekinetically wields four scythes made of yellow-black Reiatsu. Nnoitra's right eye becomes purple while the Hōgyoku is in his Hollow hole, resembling a second eye.
  • In this form, Nnoitra is a melee normal attack character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Captain Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict Paralysis with every attack other than his second Strong Attack, which is a transforming boost move. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +30%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +20%", "Flurry", "Poise", "Sprinter +1", and "Start Barrier +10", while his Soul Trait is "Damage Taken -16%". Nnoitra's special is Santa Teresa Guadaña (サンタテレサ・グアダーニャ, Santateresa Guadānya; Spanish for "Praying Mantis Scythe"), where Nnoitra powers up and grabs his opponent before stabbing them with one of his armblades and twisting it, inflicting immense damage and Paralysis.


Nnoitra Kendo Censorship

Censorship between the manga and anime.

  • The injuries Nnoitra sustained from Kenpachi Zaraki's Kendō attack are portrayed differently in the anime. In the manga, three of his arms are severed and his body is nearly cut in half,[70] whereas in the anime, he only receives a cut through his clothes.[71]
  • Nnoitra restraining Orihime and keeping her quiet while she witnesses Tesra torturing Ichigo was toned down in the anime. In the manga, when Orihime tried to call out to Ichigo, Nnoitra put two of her fingers down her throat to silence her.[72] In the anime, he simply covered her mouth with his hand.[73] Orihime also wasn't seen being tossed aside in the anime,[74] as she was in the manga.[75]



  • (To Tesra Lindocruz) "If I kill a thousand nobodies, who's gonna admit that I'm the strongest? There's no value in taking a nobody's life."[80]
  • (To Tesra Lindocruz) "There is not a single person in heaven or on earth that can break me. Don't forget that I am the strongest Espada."[81]
  • (To Orihime Inoue) "This is a battle. Of course it's gonna be unfair. That which is called 'battle' was a monster originally born of unfairness and intolerance. I can't stand that guy. I can beat that guy. I can't forgive that guy. We make enemies for all sorts of reasons, and from the moment you make an enemy, until one of you draws his last breath - you're in a battle."[82]
  • (To Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck) "We've only been separated for a little while, but it looks like you've got annoying in a totally different way. You're just pathetic."[83]
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Ya know, I hate idiots who keep on comin' at ya even though there's no way they're gonna win."[84]
  • (When asked why he hates Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck) "I just can't freakin' stand it. On the battlefield, a woman standin' above the men. That's all it is."[85]
  • (To Kenpachi Zaraki) "Hah! What the hell're you blathering about?! Dodgin' attacks is a pure battle instinct! And there ain't nowhere you can cut me! That sword of yours can never cut me! That's all there is to it!"[86]
  • "Every fuckin' one of 'em, they have the gall to take pity on me. And they don't even know how much they're hurtin' me by doin' it. I don't do "mercy". Strong, weak, infant, monster. I just smash 'em all to pieces. I don't give 'em the chance to get up a second time."[87]
  • (To Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck) "Oh, I've got purpose all right. I fight for the sake of fighting."[88]
  • (To Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck) "I want to die in the heat of battle. That's why I wanna get stronger. The stronger I get, the more battle will surround me. I want to be able to live and breathe the heat of battle."[89]
  • "Ain't no chance of salvation for us. Never has been. With or without Aizen, that's never gonna change. If there's one thing I'm grateful to that guy for, it's the fact that he gave me power. Thanks to that I've been able to savor greater battles than ever before. I'm gonna be strong. Stronger than anyone. If I'm gonna fight the ultimate enemy, then there can't be anyone else stronger than me. I'll take 'em all out. No matter what it takes."[90]
  • "I wanna be cut so that my breath is gone before my body hits the ground. That's the kind of death I wanna have."[91]

Battles & Events[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bleach Official Character Book MASKED page 176
  2. Bleach manga; Chapter 312, pages 12-13
  3. Bleach manga; Chapter 312, pages 14-15
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, pages 1-6
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, pages 5-9
  6. Bleach anime; Episode 194
  7. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, pages 12-15
  8. Bleach anime; Episode 194
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, pages 17-19
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter 295, pages 1-3
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter 229, pages 12-13
  12. Bleach manga; Chapter 244, pages 15-19
  13. Bleach manga; Chapter 245, pages 4-12
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter 249, pages 5-12
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter 261, pages 22-25
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter 262, pages 1-2
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter 263, pages 3-10
  18. Bleach manga; Chapter 287, pages 1-14
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter 288, pages 16-19
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter 289, pages 12-20
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter 290
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 291
  23. Bleach manga; Chapter 292, pages 1-8
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 293, pages 18-20
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, pages 10-11
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 295, pages 16-17
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 296, pages 1-9
  28. Bleach manga; Chapter 297, pages 1-7
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, pages 1-13
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, pages 21-22
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 306, pages 17-19
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 307, pages 9-20
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 308
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 309
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 310
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 311
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 312
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, pages 8-9
  39. Bleach manga; Chapter 287, page 10
  40. Bleach manga; Chapter 307, pages 10-16
  41. Bleach manga; Chapter 309, pages 17-18
  42. Bleach manga; Chapter 311, pages 7-14
  43. Bleach manga; Chapter 289, page 6
  44. Bleach manga; Chapter 290, page 11
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 306, page 17
  46. Bleach anime; Episode 200
  47. Bleach manga; Chapter 308, pages 13-14
  48. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, page 5
  49. Bleach manga; Chapter 291, pages 16-17
  50. Bleach manga; Chapter 308, page 16
  51. Bleach anime; Episode 202
  52. Bleach manga; Chapter 287, pages 9-10
  53. Bleach manga; Chapter 289, page 7
  54. Bleach manga; Chapter 290, page 12
  55. Bleach manga; Chapter 249, pages 5-7
  56. Bleach manga; Chapter 287, pages 9-10
  57. Bleach anime; Episodes 190-191
  58. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, pages 4-5
  59. Bleach manga; Chapter 309, pages 7-11
  60. Bleach manga; Chapter 309, pages 17-19
  61. Bleach manga; Chapter 310, pages 18-19
  62. Bleach manga; Chapter 311, page 3
  63. Bleach manga; Chapter 310, pages 14-15
  64. Bleach manga; Chapter 309, page 12
  65. Bleach manga; Chapter 310, page 13
  66. Bleach manga; Chapter 312, pages 6-9
  67. Bleach manga; Chapter 309, pages 16-17
  68. Bleach video game; Bleach: Heat the Soul 5
  69. Bleach video game; Bleach: Heat the Soul 7
  70. Bleach manga; Chapter 312, page 6
  71. Bleach anime; Episode 203
  72. Bleach manga; Chapter 297, pages 5
  73. Bleach anime; Episode 195
  74. Bleach anime; Episode 196
  75. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, page 3
  76. Bleach manga; Chapter 356, page 14
  78. Bleach manga; Chapter 392, page 1
  79. 13 BLADEs., page 255
  80. Bleach manga; Chapter 263, page 5
  81. Bleach manga; Chapter 263, page 10
  82. Bleach manga; Chapter 288, page 18
  83. Bleach manga; Chapter 290, page 5
  84. Bleach manga; Chapter 290, page 17
  85. Bleach manga; Chapter 294, page 9
  86. Bleach manga; Chapter 307, page 15
  87. Bleach manga; Chapter 312, page 16
  88. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, page 3
  89. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, page 4
  90. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, page 5
  91. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, page 6

