Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki
Commonly Confused Words

When editing on this wiki, you may confuse one word for another and end up distorting a sentence by accident. While you have spell-check in Microsoft Word, on the wiki, with the exception of misspelled words, you've got to rely on your own knowledge. This page will cover commonly confused words, what they are, and examples of proper and improper use of them so you can have a reference when editing. It's also good in general to know the difference between these words.

Accept and Except[]

accept except
to receive with the exclusion of
"I accept these terms." "Except for James, we're all here."
"Everyone accept you has arrived." "I except my fate."

Advice and Advise[]

advice advise
recommendation (noun) to recommend (verb
"Here's some advice: don't fall." "I advise him on a daily basis."
"I would advice you to not do this." "Take my advise and run!"

Adverse and Averse[]

adverse averse
unfavorable opposed to
"There are some adverse side effects." "I'm averse to instituting these laws."
"They are adverse to making changes." "His condition is averse."

Affect and Effect[]

affect effect
to influence (verb); emotional response (noun) result (noun); to cause (verb)
"My political standing will affect the votes." "One effect of this test will be the obliteration of this town."
"Your lack of affect disturbs me." "We will effect this war with his death."
"An affect of this conflict will be their death." "They cannot effect the outcome of this event."
"He will effect upon learning of this." "This will affect his fall into despair."

Aisle and Isle[]

aisle isle
space between rows island
"Walking down the aisle, I felt as though someone were watching me." "The isle is secluded, laying forgotten among the relics of man."
"This aisle contains many treasures." "I found some cereal in isle seven.'

Allude and Elude[]

allude elude
to make indirect reference to to avoid
"His works frequently allude to Shakespeare.}} "I do my best to elude the sentries."
"He continues to allude me." "I will elude to his work."

Allusion and Illusion[]

allusion illusion
indirect reference false idea, misleading appearance
"The character is an allusion to mankind's arrogance and wish to lord over all." "His peaceful demeanor is but an illusion."
"You are but an allusion created by my mind." "His illusion to Steinbeck is masterfully done."

Already and All ready[]

already all ready
by this time fully prepared
"His army has already begun to move southward." "I am all ready to go."
"We are already to fight for our lives." "I have all ready won."

Altar and Alter[]

altar alter
sacred platform or place to change
"Lay the heifer upon the altar." "It is too late to alter the plan."
"I will altar the course of this ship at all costs!" "The knife lay upon the blood-soaked alter."

Altogether and All together[]

altogether all together
thoroughly everyone/everything in one place
"We've lost the battle altogether." "All together now!"
"We put the items altogether." "We've lost all together."

A lot and Allot[]

a lot allot
a quantity; many of something to divide or portion out
"There are a lot of bodies to burn." "I will allot them 2 loaves of bread each."
"He will a lot a random person some money." "Allot of men died that day."

Angel and Angle[]

angel angle
supernatural being, good person shape made by joining 2 straight lines
"It was as though an angel had descended upon us." "From this angle, it looks like a duck."
"We have an angle watching over us." "I drew a 90-degree angel."

A Part and Apart[]

A Part Apart
a component of separated by a distance, or at a distance from a main body
"I want to be a part of that group." "We are located 50 miles apart from each other."
"We want to be apart of the group." "We tore that robot a part."

Are and Our[]

are our
plural form of "to be" plural form of "my"
"They are broken and weary." "Our castle's strength/ Shall laugh a siege to scorn."
"Are weapons are far superior to theirs." "Here we our."

Accent, Ascent, and Assent[]

accent ascent assent
pronunciation common to a region the act of rising or climbing consent, agreement
"Sean Connery's accent is legendary." "Our ascent was impeded by the falling rocks." "Their Assent was unanimous."
"His accent to godhood was unprecedented." "They voiced their ascent." "I couldn't identify his assent."
"I was inclined to accent." "He had no ascent." "My assent turned into a descent."

Assistance and Assistants[]

assistance assistants
help helpers
"We require assistance in the northern quadrant." "My assistants will help you."
"I am hiring assistance to help me run the place." "All assistants was brutally stopped."

Bare and Bear[]

bare bear
nude, unadorned to carry; an animal
"The tree had been stripped bare of its wood." "The bear had somehow gotten into a tree."
"The black bare sniffed the ground." "His skin was as bear of any blemishes."

Beside and Besides[]

beside besides
close to; next to except for; in addition
"The blade lay beside the carcass." "Besides, he's already dead."
"We have everyone beside Jim." "We captured the castle besides the target."

Boar and Bore[]

boar bore
a wild male pig to drill a hole through
"The ceremonial boar didn't look too happy." "I intend to bore through the outer wall."
"He intended to use a pole to boar a hole in the ground." "He was killed by a wild bore."

Board and Bored[]

board bored
piece of wood uninterested
"I smashed the board over his head, and he was out like a light." "I was bored, so I decided to look up random things on Wikipedia."
"You can't get board around here." "The bored was rather unstable."

Born and Borne[]

born borne
brought into life past participle of "to bear" (carry)
"A final spark, and a new species was born." "I had borne the load of boulders up the hill."
"Several servants had born the overweight king." "What year were you borne?"

Breath and Breathe[]

breath breathe
air taken in (noun) to take in air (verb)
"With his last breath, he cursed Romeo's family." "Come on, Jill, breathe!"
"I can't breath in this country." "Take a deep breathe and relax."

Brake and Break[]

brake break
device for stopping destroy; make into pieces
"I pulled on the brake, and the bus stopped just in time." "Break it if you must. The loss of one relic is nothing next to the enrichment of us all."
"I can't brake this material." "The break isn't working."

Buy and By[]

buy by
to purchase next to; through the agency of
"I want to buy another house." "He was killed by Ertei."
"Let me run it buy him next time I see him." "I don't need to by this."

Canvas and Canvass[]

canvas canvass
heavy cloth to take a survey; a survey
"An empty canvas holds infinite possibilities." "We intend to canvass the local neighborhood."
"The canvas reveals a high level of support for our cause." "He splattered pain all over the canvass."

Capital and Capitol[]

capital capitol
major city government building
"I've never been to the capital before." "I never did like the lawyers at the capitol."
"The capital building is kind of important." "The capitol of the United States is Washington, D.C."

Choose and Chose[]

choose chose
to pick past tense of "to choose"
"Red pill or blue pill. Choose wisely." "I chose honor over glory."
"He choose to spare them." "Chose carefully, or you'll lose."

Clothes and Cloths[]

clothes cloths
garments pieces of fabric
"His clothes were tattered and faded." "I have a variety of cloths for sale."
"My clothes are used in making undershirts." "I've run out of cloths to wear!"

Coarse and Course[]

coarse course
rough path; series of lectures
"His coarse voice interrupted the reunion." "You should take a course on European history."
"The coarse was rocky and narrow." "He has a course attitude."

Complement and Compliment[]

complement compliment
something which completes praise, flattery
"Your nails complement your dress." "How many friendzoned guys does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just stand around and compliment it, and then get pissed when it won't screw."
"Your flattery and complements will get you nowhere." "You need a compliment to match your heels."

Conscience and Conscious[]

conscience conscious
sense of morality awake, aware
"Wouldn't you know it, he grew a conscience." "He isn't conscious of his actions."
"I need to be conscience tomorrow." "He doesn't have a conscious, does he."

Corps and Corpse[]

corps corpse
regulated group dead body
"This secret corps carries out assassinations." "The corpse hadn't been there for too long."
"Stop poking the corps." "The secret corpse has sent some of its members into the field."

Council and Counsel[]

council counsel
governing body advice; to give advice
"The council will decide how to punish you." "He needs you to counsel her."
"Stop trying to council me." "The Counsel of the Absolute decides many laws of Ravnica."

Dairy and Diary[]

dairy diary
place where milk products are processed personal journal
"The dairy has been shut down by the IRS." "His diary reveals a sick and twisted mind."
"Dear dairy, John is such a loser." "I went to my local diary to pick up some milk."

Descent and Dissent[]

descent dissent
downward movement disagreement
"His descent into madness was induced by his sudden gain of power." "Dissent is spreading through the nation."
"I could see the descent in his eyes." "Watch your step during your dissent."

Dessert and Desert[]

dessert desert
final, sweet course in a meal to abandon; dry, sandy area
"The dessert was delayed due to a kitchen fire." "The desert stretched on for miles."
"A dry, sandy dessert covers much of Egypt." "You can't have your desert until you eat your peas."

Device and Devise[]

device devise
a plan; a tool or utensil to create
"His device allows him to remain hidden from sight." "In order to devise a plan, we need time and capable thinkers."
"I will device a way to defeat him." "This devise will win the war."

Discreet and Discrete[]

discreet discrete
modest, prudent behavior a separate thing, distinct
"He is very discreet in his mannerisms." "The device has six discrete parts."
"What a discreet event." "It is a very discrete group."

Do, Dew, and Due[]

do dew due
a verb indicating performance or execution of a task water droplets condensed from air as a result of
"Do what you must in order to win." "The dew lay on the grass like minuscule tears." "Due to the firing of the Brahmastra, we lost three-fourths of the Mantra under our command."
"I wish the night wouldn't leave so much do everywhere." "Dew to our surprise attack, we won the battle." "What are we supposed to due?"
"We lost do to their heavy artillery." "Dew or die, as they say." "The grass is so slippery when it's covered with due."

Dominant and Dominate[]

dominant dominate
commanding, controlling to control
"Subvert the dominant paradigm." "He's gonna dominate the competition."
"How does he dominant the tournament like this?" "His regime is dominate in these parts."

Die and Dye[]

die dye
to lose life; one of a pair of die to change or add color
"You alone shall die by my hand." "I will dye his tunic red."
"I love die my clothes." "Let them dye on the battlefield."

Dyeing and Dying[]

dyeing dying
changing or adding color losing life
"Dyeing all these shirts is a real pain." "I'm dying, aren't I."
"You're just going to let him lay there dyeing?!" "We're very good at dying clothes."

Elicit and Illicit[]

elicit illicit
to draw out illegal, forbidden
"Perhaps killing your comrades will finally elicit some emotion from you." "His illicit activities were concealed for at least a century."
"Knowledge of his past is elicit." "I wonder if I can illicit some information from him."

Eminent and Imminent[]

eminent imminent
prominent about to happen
"He is an eminent figure among his tribe." "Your destruction is imminent.
"Your actions only seal your eminent death." "We mourn the loss of our imminent ruler."

Envelop and Envelope[]

envelop envelope
to surround (verb) container for a letter (noun)
"The seal will envelop him in an unbreakable barrier." "This envelope contains a letter of acceptance to Harvard."
"Make sure to not tear the envelop." "Don't let the ooze envelope you!"

Everyday and Every day[]

everyday every day
routine, commonplace, ordinary (adjective) each day, succession (adjective and noun)
"Unlike your everyday fighter, I know how to plan ahead." "A windfall like this doesn't happen every day, you know."
"Everyday, I see her standing there." "It's an every day occurrence."

e.g. and i.e.[]

e.g. i.e.
"For example" (From Latin "exempli gratia") "In other words" (From Latin "id est")
"There were many gods in ancient Egyptian culture (e.g. Anubis)." "I went to my least favorite place in the world (i.e. the dentist)."
"They were outmatched in both skill and numbers, e.g., they had no chance of winning." "I put many different types of vegetables in this salad, i.e. cucumbers."

Fair and Fare[]

fair fare
light skinned; just, honest; a carnival money for transportation; food
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen." "The taxi fare in this city is extremely high."
"There is no fair to be paid." "Life isn't fare, deal with it."

Farther and Further[]

farther further
at a greater (measurable) distance in greater (non-measurable) depth
"The farther away you are, the closer I am to success." "We shall discuss this matter further at a later date."
"I wish to investigate farther." "He is further away than you could possibly imagine."

Formally and Formerly[]

formally formerly
conventionally, with ceremony previously
"He was formally crowned Archduke of Canterbury." "They were formerly endowed with godly strength."
"Formally the king, he is now but a lowly peasant." "Until he is formally recognized, I will not respect him."

Forth and Fourth[]

forth fourth
forward number four in a list
"Go forth and prosper." "He is the fourth king named Henry."
"You're like the forth person to tell me this!" "Sally fourth!"

Gorilla and Guerrilla[]

gorilla guerrilla
animal in ape family soldier specializing in surprise attacks
"Mr. Clayton, did you try to kill the gorilla?"" "Guerrilla soldiers proved effective during the Vietnam War."
"Their gorilla tactics were very effective." "Does the zoo have a guerrilla?"

Hear and Here[]

hear here
to sense sound by ear in this place
"I can't hear anything." "Here is the crash site."
"I live hear, you know." "I'd love to here your song."

Heard and Herd[]

heard herd
past tense of "to hear" group of animals
"I heard the tiger roaring outside." "The herd was massive and thundering."
"An Auroch heard can't be stopped, only diverted." "I haven't herd this song yet."

Hoard and Horde[]

hoard horde
a hidden fund or supply, a cache a large group or crowd, swarm
"He had left behind a hoard of weapons." "For the horde!"
"The hoard of insects swarmed over the field." "Someone ransacked the horde before we got here."

Hole and Whole[]

hole whole
opening complete; an entire thing
"Somehow, the hole in its chest had been closed." "The whole building was shaking."
"You made the hole thing up, didn't you." "Someone's dug a large whole in the ground."

Human and Humane[]

human humane
relating to the species homo sapiens compassionate
"I cannot lose to a mere human!" "It is the humane thing to do."
"Join the Human Society today." "Pathetic humane."

Its and It's[]

its it's
possessive form of "it" contraction of "it is"
"Its base was unstable." "It's impossible to retreat!"
"Give up, its over!" "It's feet are cloven."

Knew and New[]

knew new
past tense of "know" fresh, not yet old
"You knew he wouldn't survive, didn't you?" "This hammer is brand-new."
"Out with the old, in with the knew." "He new about it this whole time!"

Know and No[]

know no
to comprehend negative
"How was I supposed to know oil explodes when exposed to fire?!" "No, you can't defeat me."
"The answer, as always, is know." "I no nothing, and yet I'm still smarter than you."

Later and Latter[]

later latter
after a time second one of two things
"We will discuss this later." "The latter of the two went missing 3 days ago."
"Ichigo and Yhwach clash, the later having brought the Seireitei to ruin." "Latter in the day, he stopped by the store."

Lead and Led[]

lead led
heavy metal substance; to guide past tense of "to lead"
"The lead pencil punctured a hole in the ceiling." "We were led to believe he was a man of justice."
"He lead him to some water." "I was born to led!"

Lessen and Lesson[]

lessen lesson
to decrease something learned and/or taught
"Let's lessen the load a bit." "Consider this your first lesson."
"You can only learn this lessen by going out and discovering yourself." "I cannot lesson your burden."

Lightning and Lightening[]

lightning lightening
storm-related electricity making lighter
"They call you the lightning man." "He's lightening the load as we speak."
"What a lightning experience." "He's got a temper like lightening."

Loose and Lose[]

loose lose
unbound, not tightly fastened to misplace
"He fell off because the harness was loose." "Don't lose your glasses."
"I don't intend to loose my cool over you." "You may want to tighten that lose knot."

Maybe and May be[]

maybe may be
perhaps (adverb) might be (verb)
"Maybe we should run." "He may be dead at this point."
"This maybe, but my point still stands." "May be I don't have to be alone."

Meat, Meet, and Mete[]

meat meet mete
animal flesh to encounter to measure; to distribute
"It'll strip the meat off your bones." "I'll meet you there in one hour." "They mete out food and clothing."
"I'll meat you halfway on that." "Don't meet any food to them." "I feed my horses mete to keep them strong."
"It is not in my nature to meat things." "Meet is good for you, but not in large quantities." "I don't want to mete my fate just yet."

Metal, Medal, and Mettle[]

metal medal mettle
a hard organic substance a flat disk stamped with a design courage, spirit, energy
"The metal blade struck with the force of a thousand tigers." "He was awarded a medal for his courage in battle." "Your mettle is unparalleled."
"Metal of Honor is an odd FPS." "This will really test your medal." "This is the wrong kind of mettle."
"He has too much metal to be controlled." "This wheel is made of medal." "I've lost my only mettle."

Miner and Minor[]

miner minor
a worker in a mine underage person (noun); less important (adjective)
"The miner was rescued after 3 days of imprisonment." "I won't sell drinks to a minor."
"He's a miner, so he'll being going to Juvenile Hall." "Working as a coal minor is rough."

Moral and Morale[]

moral morale
distinguishing right from wrong; lesson of a fable or story attitude or outlook usually of a group
"He has no moral quandaries at all." "Their morale is at an all-time low."
"We must boost the moral of our troops." "I don't think he knows what a morale is."

Passed and Past[]

passed past
past tense of "to pass" at a previous time
"We passed through the gate 4 hours ago." "I don't like talking about my past."
"His passed is fraught with mystery and intrigue." "He has past on."

Patience and Patients[]

patience patients
putting up with annoyances people under medical care
"He must have enormous patience for putting up with all this." "The patients aren't getting any better."
"The doctor has too many patience." "Patients is a virtue."

Peace and Piece[]

peace piece
absence of war part of a whole; musical arrangement
"The peace didn't last very long." "You want a piece of me?"
"I found a peace of the stone." "Finally, we experienced piece."

Peak, Peek, and Pique[]

peak peek pique
point, pinnacle, maximum to peer through or look furtively fit of resentment, feeling of wounded vanity
"At the peak of his power, he could juggle mountains." "I tried my best to not peek while she was changing." "His pique led to him losing all of his friends."
"If you even try to peak, I'll kill you." "He may experience a peek after he realizes what happened." "At the mountain's pique, I felt an overwhelming calm."
"Thankfully, he isn't the type to have a peak." "His generosity had no peek." "I saw a sneak pique of the movie."

Pedal, Petal, and Peddle[]

pedal petal peddle
the foot lever of a bicycle or car a flower segment to sell
"The brake pedal isn't working properly." "A petal drifted onto my face." "I don't like to peddle my belongings like this."
"There was only one pedal left on the flower." "I was forced to petal scrap metal to survive." "The peddle had broken from the sheer force of the kick."
"You pedal for a living, correct?" "Put the petal to the medal!" "I tore off a peddle and looked at it."

Personal and Personnel[]

personal personnel
intimate; owned by a person employees
"He's gone through all of my personal belongings." "None of the personnel saw it happen."
"The security personal are corrupt." "It's a personnel matter."

Plain and Plane[]

plain plane
simple, unadorned to shave wood; aircraft (noun)
"It's a plain package, no frills or bows." "This plane is very fuel-efficient."
"The plain touched down for landing." "Sarah, Plane and Tall."

Precede and Proceed[]

precede proceed
to come before to continue
"I precede all mankind." "We will proceed immediately."
"I won't precede until you tell me what I want to know." "You proceed nothing."

Presence and Presents[]

presence presents
attendance; being at hand gifts
"His presence guarantees your safety." "However, these presents come at a cost."
"Oh, I love presence!" "The behemoth had an awe-inspiring presence."

Principal and Principle[]

principal principle
foremost (adjective), administrator of a school (noun) moral conviction, basic truth
"The principal weapon here is the Brahmastra." "His only principle is not killing those who are weak."
"It is the principal of protecting the weak." "We were called in by the principle."

Quiet and Quite[]

quiet quite
silent, calm very
"It's too quiet." "Quite, my good fellow."
"It's quiet brutish if you ask me." "The quite is deafening."

Rain, Reign, and Rein[]

rain reign rein
water drops falling; to fall like rain to rule strap to control an animal (noun); to guide or control (verb)
"It's the same day, but there's no rain." "I reign over this planet and its mortals." "It escaped because a rein snapped."
"A king must rain over his lands." "We need to reign in his behavior." "I like the rein. It's very soothing."
"You should rain in the prices here." "The reign keeps falling." "I am not fit to rein."

Raise and Raze[]

raise raze
to lift up to tear down
"We will raise their spirits with news of this victory." "I shall raze their fortress without mercy."
"Raise them to the ground!" "I will raze the white flag."

Rational and Rationale[]

rational rationale
having reason or understanding principles of opinion, beliefs
"I am a rational being. I am 100% logical." "My rationale doesn't allow me to let someone die when I can save them."
"His rational is horrifyingly sadistic." "We need to be rationale here."

Respectfully and Respectively[]

respectfully respectively
with respect in that order
"He respectfully requests an audience with you." "John, Gareth, and Paul are brutish, kind, and lecherous, respectively."
"They are respectfully cruel and kind." "He bowed his head respectively."

Reverend and Reverent[]

reverend reverent
title given to clergy, deserving respect worshipful
"The reverend blessed us before we left." "He is too reverent for his own good."
"They are all reverend church-goers." "He is a kindly reverent."

Right, Rite, and Write[]

right rite write
correct; opposite of left ritual or ceremony to put words on paper
"He's right, you know." "Think of it as a rite of passage." "Write down what you're thinking."
"Perform the first right." "I don't like to rite." "War does not determine who is write, only who is left."
"I can't think of anything to right." "I wish you were rite, I really do." "It is a write of initiation."

Road and Rode[]

road rode
path past tense of "to ride"
"The road ahead is fraught with peril." "I rode all the way to the mountain range."
"I road on a white horse." "It is a long and dusty rode."

Scene and Seen[]

scene seen
place of an action; segment of a play viewed; past participle of "to see"
"He arrived on the scene a while ago." "I've already seen this film."
"I've scene it all in my many travels." "We've arrived at the seen of the crime."

Sense and Since[]

sense since
perception, understanding measurement of past time; because
"You have no sense of direction." "I haven't seen you since I graduated."
"I haven't thought about you sense you left." "He has no since of right and wrong."

Sight, Site, and Cite[]

sight site cite
scene, view, picture place, location to document or quote (verb)
"The sight of the destruction left me speechless." "We found him at the site of the helicopter crash." "Always cite your sources to prove your statements."
"It's the sight of the new building." "I intend to site a bunch of well-known authors." "It's a cite to behold."
"There's nothing I can sight to prove my statement." "It was a terrifying site." "I've lost my cite!"

Stationery and Stationary[]

stationery stationary
standing still writing paper
"He has remained stationery for a year now." "I can't find any stationary!"
"I need to buy some stationery." "It's impossible for him to remain stationary."

Straight and Strait[]

straight strait
unbending narrow or confining; a waterway
"Go straight ahead and you'll see the house." "Only one of us could navigate the strait at a time."
"I love the band Dire Straights." "The rod had been forged strait, but was now bent."

Taught and Taut[]

taught taut
past tense of "to teach" tight
"He taught me everything I know." "The rope was pulled taut across the gorge."
"Several taught ropes held everything together." "I came here to be taut, not shown."

Than and Then[]

than then
besides at that time; next
"I'd rather die than let you live." "Back then, we were much more brutal."
"First he fell, than he flew." "Rather then fight, he chose to escape."

Their, There, and They're[]

Their There They're
Possessive Location They are
"I can track their scent." "I found the sword over there." "They're not who you think they are."
"Their more dangerous than you think." "I handed them there clothes." "The corpse of the Youtube commenter had bite marks resembling those of a lemur they're, they're, and they're."
"I have to go here and their and everywhere!" "There a nice bunch, I assure you." "They're clothes were tattered."

Through, Threw, and Thorough[]

through threw thorough
finished; into and out of past tense of "to throw" complete
"I'm through playing with you." "He threw the ball faster than I could follow." "My examination was very thorough."
"I through him over the cliff." "A threw inspection revealed he was still alive." "He's already gone thorough the tunnel."
"I am very through in my research." "I went threw the chasm." "The beast thorough the bus across the field."

To, Too, and Two[]

to too two
toward also; very (used to show emphasis) number following one
"I'm going to leave this town and never come back." "You're too kind." "He had two swords on his belt."
"He's much to malicious to be allowed to rule." "Toocents used to be an admin on this wiki." "I can't bear two stay here any longer."
"To days. This is all I can give you." "I can't seem too win, no matter how hard I try." "It's two late to apologize."

Track and Tract[]

track tract
course, road pamphlet; plot of ground
"The track was all muddy after the storm." "She's got big...tracts of land!"
"This track of corn belongs to me, so get off." "The runners ran along the tract."

Waist and Waste[]

waist waste
midsection of the body discarded material; to squander
"Her hair reaches down to her waist." "Don't let your food go to waste."
"Not recycling things is a waist of resources." "His waste is really thin."

Waive and Wave[]

waive wave
forgo, renounce flutter, move back and forth
"I won't waive this contract just for you." "We watched the man wave at us from afar."
"Waive-dashing isn't fair." "I hereby wave your servant contract."

Weak and Week[]

weak week
not strong seven days
"You are weak and pathetic." "We lost him a week ago."
"It's been a weak since we found you." "He's not week at all."

Weather, Whether, and Wether[]

weather whether wether
climatic condition if a neutered male sheep
"Hopefully, the weather will be nice." "Whether she lives or dies, I care not." "My wether ran away last night."
"I don't know weather or not it is a boy." "Don't let your whether eat any meat." "The wether outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful."
"That weather isn't neutered at all!" "We've got stormy whether coming up." "I'm not sure wether or not we can go there."

Where and Were[]

where were
in which place past tense of "to be"
"Where did he go?" "If only I were stronger than you."
"Where I more powerful, I could surely defeat him." "Were on earth could he be?"

Which and Witch[]

which witch
one of a group female sorcerer
"Which one of you did this?" "I am indeed a witch."
"You are such a which!" "Witch town is this?"

Whose and Who's[]

whose who's
possessive for "of who" contraction for "who is"
"It is King Arthur, and these are my Knights of the Round Table. Whose castle is this?" "Who's making this dreadful noise?"
"Whose on first?" "Who's idea was this?!"

Your, You're, and Yore[]

your you're yore
possessive for "of you" contraction for "you are" time long past
"Your horse is waiting for you, sir." "You're insane for thinking you can win." "In the days of yore, men fought with swords and shields."
"Your not serious, are you?" "I remember what it was like in the days of you're." "Here's yore dinner, sir."
"Way back when, in the days of your..." "You're pain cannot be cured." "Yore a magician?"