Focused bug report thread

by EA_David

Original Post

Re: Focused bug report thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Foud the item, the problem as : the boss item drop have the same name in normal and mighty. So the item needed as migthy drop.


Hi, I found a new bug, I dont know if somone else have it so...  all in screenshoot.

PC version

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 021445.pngCapture d’écran 2023-02-24 021526.png

Message 101 of 235 (609 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★★ Novice

bug resolved when you reboot the game...


bug after finish the last boss, the video ending have a little problem, dont know if it's for all or just becose I dont have luck ( jurky ). Else, the PNJ in minato dont spawn ( look pictures 1 ). And he spwn after talk, but not always in the crrect place ( look picture 2 ).

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 080012.pngCapture d’écran 2023-02-24 080119.png

Message 102 of 235 (600 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★ Novice
PlayStation 5
PSN:kw_jn / EA:hans_mg2

There are 4 trophies that cannot be earned even achieved.
1.Axer of Auspice
2.Bewitched by Bathing
3.Superlative View
4.Tsukumo Whisperer
Message 103 of 235 (553 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★ Novice




I may have found a way to Pop AXER OF AUSPICE trophy/Achievement!

Don’t know if this will work for everyone,here is the info:

(Subquest)Hunting Song - Rising Glissando

I did not skip any Cutscenes,just in case


Played Solo too,here some images!

Message 104 of 235 (543 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Newbie

Platform: Xbox Series S 

Gamertag/EA ID: Rhedvicus 

Please provide your teammates' ID if possible: NotSoSuperNova22

Where in the gameworld did the issue occur: Minato

If you weren't fighting a Kemono, what were you doing when the issue occurred: Rebuilding Minato

How often does the bug occur: It has been constant since building everything 

What happens when the bug occurs: Most of Minato has extreme frame rate issues when anywhere near any of the buildings that were built by the carpenters. Frame rate recovers a bit the farther away you are, like down by the training area.

What should be happening instead: Stable frame rate

How can we find the bug ourselves: Finish all of the builds in Minato from Ren, or join me in my Minato


Every time I finished a build from Ren, my frame rate dropped in Minato. Now that everything is finished, anytime I am in Minato, the game runs in slow motion. This persists after resetting, going offline, and destroying all dragon karakuri, so it is nothing to do with my connection or anything I've done.


When in a friend's Minato, the frame rate is perfectly fine since they've hardly finished any of the buildings from the carpenters. When they join my Minato, they also experience the frame drops.

Message 105 of 235 (503 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Newbie

Platform: Xbox Series S 

Gamertag/EA Id: Rhedvicus

Please provide your teammates' ID if possible: NotSoSuperNova22

Where in the gameworld did the issue occur? Anywhere when fighting kemono

If you were fighting a Kemono, which was it? Multiple, doesn't seem to matter

How often does the bug occur? Sometimes when fighting kemono with a friend

What happens when the bug occurs? The stake karakuri bugs out. Either it doesn't work at all (I place it, it has no collision, and I just walk through it) or it does weird stuff (I jump on, but nothing shoots out and my character just sits on it. Or it spins around and shoots in many directions with no one on it. Or my character is stuck to it bouncing up and down, unable to move otherwise)

What should be happening instead? Stake should be working as intended 

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play multiplayer and use lots of stakes throughout combat


The stakes rarely bug when playing solo, but it consistently happens during multiplayer, which sucks because I use stakes in my combos

Message 106 of 235 (494 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Newbie

Didn't get trophy "Vanquisher of the Volatile" after beating all the four






Where in the gameworld did the issue occur?

-Fuyufusagi Fort 

If you were fighting a Kemono, which was it?

-Volatile Lurid Soulstalker

If you weren't fighting a Kemono, what were you doing when the issue occurred?


When did this happen? Please include timezone

-Feb 28 Around 23.00pm. GMT+7

How often does the bug occur?

-First time. 

What happens when the bug occurs?

-Didn't get trophy "Vanquisher of the Volatile" after beating all the four

What should be happening instead?

-Get trophy "Vanquisher of the Volatile" after beating all the four

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?

-Beat all Deeply Volatile normally.

Message 107 of 235 (493 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Newbie

Platform: PS5

PSN/Gamertag/Steam/EA Id.: ArtemisMoonfall/ deathtrooper289

Where in the gameworld did the issue occur? Minato

If you were fighting a Kemono, which was it? We finished fighting the Earthbreaker

When did this happen? Please include timezone February 26th

How often does the bug occur? Ongoing

What happens when the bug occurs? Can't turn in quest "Origins of the Isle - part 1

What should be happening instead? It should allow me to turn in the quest

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Finish chapter 1 before handing in the quest.

Message 108 of 235 (483 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Newbie

Bug: “Reincarnation Cycle Stopper” trophy did not unlock on PS5

- PlayStation 5 

- PSN: Rootballs

- Was playing in co-op with one other player prior to bug, with them as host but with the same story progression and quest step. But was playing “offline” or solo at time of bug. 

- The issue was in the 5th zone (Mountain) 

- I was fighting Celestial Being solo, after having been forced into offline play following beating the Celestial Dragon in co-op in a teammate’s hosted world with the same story progression and quest progress.

- Depending on when the trophy is intended to unlock, I was watching all associated cutscenes as it was story progression.

- Took place on 2/26 evening Eastern U.S. 

- “Reincarnation Cycle Stopper” trophy does not unlock. I believe it is supposed to unlock by the end of the credits crawl.

- The trophy should unlock, and I hope it can be unlocked retroactively for players who may have this issue. 


Message 109 of 235 (469 Views)

Re: Focused bug report thread

★★★ Novice


Message 110 of 235 (434 Views)


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