star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino

by Arioriax

Original Post


star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino

★★ Novice

I don't know how to solve this bug, in kamino the characters run stumbling, the only thing out of the ordinary that I touched was in the command console adding the line "PostProcess.ScreenSpaceRaytraceFullresEnable true", but even returning it to false does not change anything, I even tried reinstalling the game and it doesn't solve



Nvidia 3070 ti

2x8gb patriot viper

amd 5600g 

mb: msi b550m pro vdh



Message 1 of 5 (345 Views)

Re: star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino


That's an interesting issue you have there. :0


While I'm guessing something got misconfigured along the way, attach a DXDIAG report, so we can see if there is anything obvious contributing to your issue.

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Message 2 of 5 (266 Views)

Re: star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino

★★ Novice

sure Standard smile here it is

Message 3 of 5 (247 Views)

Re: star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino


According to the Diagnostics section in that DXDIAG report, you are having graphics issues outside the game. I suggest you look into those. Updating your NVIDIA drivers may help.

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Message 4 of 5 (242 Views)

Re: star wars bf2 character stumbling, kamino

★★ Novice

I already did it, I did several tests, and I tried and played several games for several hours, I only tried 2 EA games, need for speed 2015 and star wars battlefront 2, they are the only 2 games on the list that have this type of problem With the reflections (and animation in the case of Star Wars) I have already exhausted myself from trying and investigating, I even tried it on another PC with another configuration and they have the same problems.
Regarding the dxdiag, I asked friends to send me their dxdiag and they have similar errors like RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64, in the future I will investigate it further, but the system does not crash and I have not had errors or problems in other games, so that's it everything, I'll play other games, thanks for the help!

Message 5 of 5 (212 Views)