Should the reflections look like this? (grainy/flickering)

by Arioriax

Original Post


Should the reflections look like this? (grainy/flickering)

★★ Novice

I have all the graphics on ultra, but the reflections flicker and look pixelated, I don't know if it's a problem with my PC, or if this is how the game looks.


CPU: amd 5600g

MB: msi b550m pro vdh

Ram: patriot viper 2x8gb 3600mhz

GPU: Nvidia 3070TI

Drivers: 552.22


Uploaded by AB on 2024-06-11.
Message 1 of 2 (205 Views)

Re: Should the reflections look like this? (grainy/flickering)

Community Manager



Fairly sure that is normal and just how the graphics/reflections are processed, thanks.

Message 2 of 2 (193 Views)