Re: Error Codes 216, 3,086, and 201 / Internet Connection Error

by DarthFDG

Original Post

Error Codes 216, 3,086, and 201 / Internet Connection Error

★★★ Newbie

I have had Battlefront II for a little while and enjoyed playing with my friend. Recently another friend of mine also started playing and we are tried all three to join a match, and I was consistently kicked out with one of the listed error codes back to the home screen. Likewise, one of my friends was also kicked out most times. We gave up that day.


Today me and my friend (the two who were getting kicked) tried multiple times to enter a Co-Op mission together and even Quick Match. The same thing occurs: when we get to the loading screen for the match, we're sent back to the title screen with the error message listing one of the codes. Then we tried leaving the party and each joining a match by ourselves. Then we were able to load in, but we each ended up on a screen that said we were waiting for 1 player. I left my match and clicked to join my friend's match, and then we were both unceremoniously returned to the main menu... AGAIN.


Our internet is not the problem. We have upload/download speeds of over 325MBps and are both using ethernet cables for our PCs. There is no reason I can see for us having this problem and yet it persists. I would also like to add that most of the time I launch the game, it often starts me in offline mode, even though I am very clearly connected to the internet. EA, you guys have some server maintenance to do. Why on Coruscant are we unable to have a consistent internet connection to your servers and yet receive error codes saying the problem is on our end? How are we supposed to play multiplayer if your servers are so inept that players can't connect to them? Please fix this problem. The reason you get so much hate, EA, is precisely because of things like this. It seems other people on the internet have had a very similar experience to what I just described. If you're going to make games that don't function properly, stop making games. Figure out how to implement features properly if you want to make games. Indie developers have better online matchmaking than this. Most of them don't have half the budget that you do, so tell me how they're better at making games than a company with a net worth of 42 billion freaking dollars. Fix yourselves. Then you can have my money.

Message 1 of 3 (553 Views)

Re: Error Codes 216, 3,086, and 201 / Internet Connection Error


Did you search this forum for your error codes? an awful lot of posts out there that may help...

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Message 2 of 3 (498 Views)

Re: Error Codes 216, 3,086, and 201 / Internet Connection Error

★★ Novice

None of the advice works and many people have stated that. The bug does not work and I can't join ANY online game and all I get are "error code:216" yet I have good, stable internet, a powerful pc and everything checks out. 
Instead of funneling people to a guide that does NOT work, can you actually provide a solution or reason as to why so many people are having issues. It's on your end of things, not the players. 

Message 3 of 3 (223 Views)