Re: [PvZ Heroes] New Update + Bugs

by lord_grokuik

Original Post

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★ Apprentice

The only fix I discover for the PVP fight system to work is to change my phone language to English (US), this solved the problem partially (I'm brazilian so my phone language was in Portuguese by default.)



Now I can fight in PVP, but no longer can use the store to buy diamonds or packs, neither to play at events. When I change back the language of phone to Portuguese, the PVP matches stop working, but I regain access to store, missions and events.



Try messing with your language settings on your phone and restart the game to see if maybe something changes (like mine did).

Message 91 of 126 (898 Views)

Re: PvZ Heroes multiplayer stopped working

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@dimiko95 wrote:

Hello Mr. Sephard, I appreciate all the work you are doing but let me express my thoughts.. I deny to switch my phones language to English just to play a game and even if I do who can guarantee to me that an other problem won't occur in the future, like my progress not being saved due to that or something like that once we get an other update? I see the status of the issue switched to updated but I haven't seen any update or any actual feedback regarding the problem. The solution that's officially given is a simple trick given by a random person online? This is ridiculous, the solution should be given by the devs.. Anyways, I would kindly ask you to make an effort for your customers and the least you can do is try to actually fix it so that players will keep investing in the game. So many people including me (android 14) have this problem. All I want is for you to forward this message to the devs and push them to actually do something for it. Also let me know if there's something else I can do to share this complaint. I appreciate your help

I was ready to say that you were whining so much when you could instead try changing the language just as a test, but I thought really well and agree with everything you said.


The developer team (as if it really has one team at this point) is really treating us players as garbage and it's really sad the lack of consideration of them to us).

Message 92 of 126 (897 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★ Newbie
  • Product: PvZ Heroes
  • Platform: iOS
  • Device Model, Manufacturer, and Operating System Version: apple iPhone 13, iOS 17.5
  • Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi): yes/no (if yes, which) no
  • User ID: 1002359422992
  • Date/time issue occurred 09/04/24 14:48
  • What type of issue do you have? When searching for ranked match the message “No match found” appears
  • Which mode has this happened in? Ranked match
  • Which part of the mode? Searching for ranked match
  • Summarize your bug: no match found
  • How often does the bug occur? All the time
  • Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Click on play under ranked 
  • What happens when the bug occurs? No match found
Message 93 of 126 (711 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★ Newbie


The multiplayer games are not working anymore on my phone (iPhone 13) for several weeks. Tried many things to fix it. If I change the language (from French to English) my data are not loaded.

Any idea how to fix it ?

Thanks a lot

Message 94 of 126 (634 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★ Newbie

Multiplayer games also don't work for me and hasn't for the past few weeks/months Frown


  • Product: PvZ Heroes
  • Platform: Android
  • Device Model, Manufacturer, and Operating System Version: Samsung Galaxy S10e
  • Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi): yes/no (if yes, which) no
  • User ID: mbridon
  • Date/time issue occurred 04/13/24 but it's been happening everyday for a long time
  • What type of issue do you have? When searching for ranked match the message “No match found” appears
  • Which mode has this happened in? Ranked match
  • Which part of the mode? Searching for ranked match
  • Summarize your bug: no match found
  • How often does the bug occur? All the time
  • Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Click on play under ranked 
  • What happens when the bug occurs? No match found
Message 95 of 126 (625 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

Community Manager

Hey, all


I have passed along the info to the team. There have been no updates at the moment other than the ones on this thread. If that changes I will let everyone know!




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Message 96 of 126 (575 Views)

Re: PvZ Heroes multiplayer stopped working

★★★ Newbie

Change of language and changing it back to German did not solve the issue.

Message 97 of 126 (541 Views)

Re: [PvZ Heroes] New Update + Bugs

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Shepard When is the new update coming to fix this connection error?
Thank you
Message 98 of 126 (533 Views)

Re: [PvZ Heroes] New Update + Bugs

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

@c141fkjxf  a écrit :
@EA_ShepardWhen is the new update coming to fix this connection error?
Thank you

my posts are automatically deleted if I I use the words that define what I think about the situation. So I better to  copy simple post like this one .



Message 99 of 126 (474 Views)

Re: [UPDATED] Pvz Heroes No Match Found Error

★★★★★ Newbie

My phone language was Afrikaans. I log into the game with FB and my FB language was link to my phone language, so I change my FB Language to English and my problem went away. 

Message 100 of 126 (437 Views)