Re: [Under Investigation] Pvz Heroes No Match Found Error

by 1005342434926

Original Post

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★ Newbie
Product: Plants vs Zombies Heroes
Platform: IOS
Device Model, Manufacturer, and Operating System Version: Apple IPhone 14 Pro, IOS 17.3.1
Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi): Yes
User ID: 1002360041560
Date/time issue occurred: all the time after update
What type of issue do you have: No Match Found
Which mode has this happened in: Ranked Mode
Which part of the mode: Ranked Mode
Summarize your bug: no match found
How often does the bug occur: all the time after update
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves: I don’t know
What happens when the bug occurs: I see a message in ranked mode “no match found” and I can’t play ranked mode
Message 31 of 126 (1,597 Views)

Why can't I play plants vs zombies heroes multiplayer?

★★★ Newbie

I used to play this game when I was little and recently I remembered it. And of course I wanted to play it again, I made an account and got started, but the multiplayer doesn't work. I've tried everything, I've done 30 missions, I've done quests, I've reinstalled the game about 10 times on both my phone and my brother's, I've made another account, I've also done the wipe data or force shutdown thing. What should I do to fix my game? But since the problem is the same on another phone, I think it's not my fault. My interest is also fine, I've only reinstalled it 10 times, so I've probably used about 7gb of data so far.

When I go online, it says that it didn't find a match for me, once or twice it also tells me to check my connection, but the internet is working, I also tried on mobile data, it's the same. 

Message 32 of 126 (1,559 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★★★ Newbie

Product: Heroes
Platform: iPad
Device Model, Manufacturer, and Operating System Version: iPad, iPadOS 16.7.5, v 1.40.130.
Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi): yes/no (if yes, which) WiFi
User ID: Nahtye
Date/time issue occurred: 1 March 2024
What type of issue do you have? No Match Found
Which mode has this happened in? Battle Ranked Mode
Which part of the mode? At the beginning. Can't play any multi-player games.
Summarize your bug: When attempting to play ranked matches in Battle mode, the game says "No Match Found" in under 2 seconds.
How often does the bug occur? Everytime
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
What happens when the bug occurs? I have not been able to play a Multi-player game in 4 days.
Message 33 of 126 (1,588 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

Community Manager

Hey all,


Thank you all for the updates you have posted. The team is still working on their end to resolve this one. You may end up seeing an update in game before we have a chance to update you here but the moment there is an update we will let you know!






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Message 34 of 126 (1,529 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★ Guide
@EA_Shepard Now that PvZ Heroes is getting these bug fix patches I really hope we finally get fixes for certain bugs that were introduced years ago (after content updates and balance changes already stopped) and never fixed. Namely the Triassic rarity text strings which all display incorrectly except the legendary one for some reason. And an arguably bigger bug is music for Beta-Carrotina and Huge-Gigantacus just suddenly no longer playing some of the instruments in their themes after a random patch update (see how their themes originally sounded here: si=aDjoSlIx3d85mXCz and Now if you listen to their themes in-game in the current version you will notice that instruments are missing, making the OST sound broken especially on Carrotina’s end. If it would help the devs, I could make a comparison demonstration between the older version and newer version themes and Triassic text strings through videos and screenshots, just let me know.
Message 35 of 126 (1,484 Views)

Re: [Under Investigation] Pvz Heroes No Match Found Error

★★★★★ Newbie

I've tried it on my android phone and it does not work, but on an amulator (such as bluestacks on a pc) and it does find matches and i can play ranked.

Message 36 of 126 (1,421 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

@EA_ShepardProduct: PvZ Heroes
Device Model, Manufacturer,,Version
Version:iPhone 6s,MKQN2ZD/A,15.8.1 (19H380)
Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi):No
User ID:1008253132853
Date/time issue occurred: Feb 27 2024
What type of issue do you have: No Match Found issue and no advertisements appearing after new update. After reinstall, same issue.
Which mode has this happened in: Battle Ranked Mode
Which part of the mode: Casual Battle and Ranked Battle
Summarize your bug:advertising does not appear and it shows that there is no one on the servers
How often does the bug occur: After a new update instaled
How can we find the bug ourselves?:no idea to be honest
What happens when the error occurs: Nothing, but I still can't play ranked matches and the ads never appear

thanks in advance if you fix the problem

edit: thanks for already working on the bugs

Message 37 of 126 (1,345 Views)

Re: [Under Investigation] Pvz Heroes No Match Found Error

★★★ Newbie

Product: Plants vs Zombies Heroes v1.40.130
Platform: iPhone
Device Model, Manufacturer, and Operating System Version: iPhone 7, Apple, iOS 15.8.1
Isolated to a specific network (cellular, Wi-Fi): no.
User ID: 1007833508119
Date/time issue occurred: 27 February 2024
What type of issue do you have: No Match Found issue after new update. After reinstall, same issue.
Which mode has this happened in: Battle Ranked Mode
Which part of the mode: Casual Battle and Ranked Battle
Summarize your bug: NO MATCH FOUND
How often does the bug occur: Always After a new update installed
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves: 
What happens when the bug occurs: unable to play Ranked or Casual Match.

Message 38 of 126 (1,305 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★★★ Novice

Hey all,


i don't know if this might help in finding the bug or at least in playing pvp matches 

I read in a playstore review (Germany) that if you change your smartphone language to english, pvp matches are possible.

Directly tried that and it's true, when i turn the language from german to english, the game finds matches. 

No daily challenge, no news and no shop then.

When i turn it back to german it's the other way round: Daily challenge, news and shop are visible and work, but no pvp match found.

Don't know if that helps when your language already is english, maybe try another language you can understand Standard smile 

Message 39 of 126 (1,213 Views)

Re: [New Issue] Pvz Heroes New Update + Bugs

★★ Novice

Me too

Message 40 of 126 (1,160 Views)