[Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

by Matiken_yt

Original Post

[Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

so a while ago i wanted ea to update pvz 1 for pc and i been thinking maybe do not update the original game but remaster it? so here is what i want for the remaster.


1. better graphics for the game.

2. more content than the original.

3. turn level 5-5 into a minigame.

4. add a zombie cap at flag 100 in survival: endless.


hope this will happen in the future

oh and also add VS mode from the console edition

also wanna hear what the community thinks!Standard smile

Message 1 of 6 (493 Views)

Re: plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

★★★ Newbie

It would be nice, it is the 15th anniversary today. (5th of May)

Of the first game, but I don't think they really care to listen much.


Really, an option to also replay any level would also be nice too. (If completed all levels, otherwise can replay a previous level.)

And even more minigames in general.

Message 2 of 6 (422 Views)

Re: [Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

Community Manager

@Matiken_yt As much as we would love to see this happen, there are no current plans to do this. It's been requested multiple times, but sadly at the moment, there is nothing on the books for this to happen.




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Message 3 of 6 (371 Views)

Re: [Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

★★ Apprentice

i know its not gonna happen now maybe in the future?

Message 4 of 6 (302 Views)

Re: [Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

Community Manager
Hi @Matiken_yt, There are no plans currently on the books for this to happen.


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Message 5 of 6 (281 Views)

Re: [Request] plants vs zombies 1 remaster.

★★ Apprentice

sad that we arent getting this for now but i guess thats understandable

Message 6 of 6 (120 Views)