When exactly do you update

by 4atixwadmwj2

Original Post

When exactly do you update

★★★ Novice

We've been waiting for years, but this time there's almost nothing new, we're tired of it, when do you update useful content

Message 1 of 7 (349 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

Community Manager
Hi @4atixwadmwj2 , the soft launch is still pretty recent (about 2 weeks ago), so we will probably have to wait a little bit longer to get an update Wink

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Message 2 of 7 (265 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

★ Apprentice
@EA_Cath I think he means when will you add something new and interesting. As the game is pretty much the same gameplay wise between the betas. Even though they were a year apart. Like what happened to our feedback as it doesn't seem to be considered in any way
Message 3 of 7 (254 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

Community Manager
@DeadEggplant Oh I gotcha!

This soft launch is there to gather more feedback, so hopefully we will see some changes but it's hard to tell when.

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Message 4 of 7 (207 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

@EA_Cath Wasn't that the point of the betas? None of our feedback has been implemented, for example choosing your own seed slots. Like what is the point if none of the feedback was looked at? At least address the major issues and why you won't fix them. I understand you can't make major redesigns at this stage but if this game flops the pvz franchise is pretty much over, it's important for EA and Popcap to at least listen to our feedback.

Message 5 of 7 (196 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

Community Manager
@DeadEggplant I'm not part of the dev team, I can only relay feedback, sorry I can't really give you an answer here. However since the soft launch it was been easier for us Community Managers to relay players' sentiment about the game, so I know the team is making effort to see what players want. The most upvoted feedback has been sent out to the teams (eg. non ability to pick plants, not enough new features, levels relying too much on power ups, etc).

We will definitely let you know if we have more info to share with you guys. In the meantime we really appreciate everyone's feedback, it shows how passionate everyone is about the game and the franchise!

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Message 6 of 7 (181 Views)

Re: When exactly do you update

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

@EA_Cath These issues have been prominent since the release of the first beta for the reworked pvz3, how come they hadn't been addressed then? I think the majority of the community would be fine with these changes if this was a spin-off game like pvz match but as this is a mainline pvz game, people expect it work like the other 2 games, mainly with the tower defence aspect.

Message 7 of 7 (163 Views)