Re: We need African Servers

by EA_Barry

Original Post

We need African Servers

★★ Apprentice


Especially for those in the South-Africa area, it is almost impossible to play a game with a decent ping. And this is because our servers are in Singapore, or even Tokyo sometimes. So now we are here playing with a minimum of 180ms against player who potentially have less than 40. Of course it depends of the internet connexion. But I doubt that in South-Africa, on Singapore servers we could reach less than 80ping. It ruin a lot of games. Like a lot. And that's a lot. 
African Servers. Please EA, we know y'all can do it. We will support you in this hard time. We will. 

Message 1 of 6 (1,060 Views)

Re: We need African Servers

Community Manager

It sounds like you may be having issues with your connection @MegaDelire. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:


It'll take you a couple of minutes to do them all but please do take the time and do them all.


Let me know how you get on and if you want to share your UO Trace then I'm happy to take a look at how your data is being routed.



Message 2 of 6 (1,009 Views)

Re: We need African Servers

★★ Apprentice



Of course my internet is bad, I have 500ms. BUT it is still starting at 180ms minimum even with good internet. When I play Rainbow 6 on African servers, I have 60-80ms with my ooga booga router. 

And since I, and a lot of users, can't get past the loading screen on apex legends(its been one week), this problem is not even in my mind no more...

Have a good day @EA_Darko I hope we'll have some news about this major problem... 

Message 3 of 6 (998 Views)

Re: We need African Servers

★★★ Newbie

Hello EA

My name is Emmanuel l’m in west Africa Ghana and it’s really a struggle playing online even with my friends in the same country 

please do something about this . I’m get 150ms - 220ms when playing FUT. some of my friends have given up on fifa because of the ping there’re getting. Please do something about it and yes my network is good it’s just that playing fifa with it really bad

Message 4 of 6 (942 Views)

Re: We need African Servers

★★★ Newbie

What kind of patronising reply is that. No matter how good you fiber optic connection is, it still suck playing from an african countrybecause we dont have dedicated servers as the user you were replying tried to explain.for the first decade plus i understand . but by 2024 cant we adress this?

Message 5 of 6 (674 Views)

Re: We need African Servers

Community Manager



This is an old thread, I will lock it now but feel free to start a new topic if you like, thanks.

Message 6 of 6 (663 Views)