Re: We deserve better than this.

by 4atixwadmwj2

Original Post

Re: All these excuses, they have to stop now.

★★★ Newbie

i agree


Message 141 of 174 (486 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★ Newbie

I frankly agree to this, I hope they listen this time

Message 142 of 174 (435 Views)

Re: All these excuses, they have to stop now.

★★★ Newbie


Message 143 of 174 (416 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★★ Apprentice

If they listened to feedback, we would still have some of the cool things from the original pvz3 like the taco mechanic or the instant use plant rework, or the good building system that gave boosts. This new pvz is kinda boring and has nothing new of value. (Bamboo shoot is the only new plant, quick silver is a phat beat reskin.)

Message 144 of 174 (413 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★ Novice

Did you delete your other post? Why can't I see it

Message 145 of 174 (401 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★★★ Newbie

Agree totaly, listening to feedback is necessary. The game has already to be remade from the start due to backlash. If gradual changes in proper response to feedback aren't made, the game will likely have to be rebooted again.

Message 146 of 174 (370 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★ Newbie

True, we got another pvz game after years but, is not good? It isnt worth the wait anymore, the only games rn who almost recieve updates are gw2 and pv2.... the only good games (pv2 is p2w but i like the gameplay)and those were years ago, even if a new gw is going to be the same exact thing as gw2, i wouldnt care because there arefree updates(one of the reasons that bfn died is the missing of them after some months...)


Message 147 of 174 (364 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★★★ Newbie

Agree, though qt least for now the pay2win is tame, much more than in PvZ 2

At least up until level 20 (where i'm at) many levels reward you with the power, and it also is a way to nerf cherry bomb, although I woundn't like to run out of them eventually if it is decided to make them more scarse. Not that I'm in need of them, the levels have been easy so far, wich is to be expected.

Some controll I'd also like is to replay levels, that was a very good change from PvZ 1 to Pvz 2

Message 148 of 174 (344 Views)

Re: We deserve better than this.

★★★ Newbie

Yeah I totally agree with you!

Message 149 of 174 (334 Views)

Re: All these excuses, they have to stop now.

★★★ Newbie

Just please listen to us EA. We're just trying to help pvz3 be good. Just listen to our advice and make the game not look like gardenscapes. Also extend the length of the levels and balance the spawn mechanic for the zombies (Aka basic equivalent). For example: basic=1 conehead=2 buckethead=3 imp=1

Message 150 of 174 (331 Views)