Re: TitanFall 3

by EA_Mako

Original Post

TitanFall 3

★ Novice

Hello, This is NomadReaper, I am a advent player on xbox one and a huge titanfall fan. I came on the forum today because I wanted to see what everyone thought about how EA decided to cancel titanfall 3 to put out Apex legends. Now I don’t personally enjoy Apex, Its not my type of game and I dont enjoy the fact that its like a lot of other games out there. I’m not saying they shouldnt have put it out, They should have put this out to keep Titanfall 3 players occupied till they released TF3. EA could have also added in a game mode similar to apex to TF3, I dont know how a lot of you feel about what they did but it be awesome if we could petition or something to see if they would resume the development of TF3. I would be willing to wait a year or two for it to be released, I thought TF3 was a more original FPS then most and I dont appreciate that they canceled it just to do something similar to other game companies. Yes these type of games were big and popular but does that mean they shouldve cancel a game they created when they had already announced it to the public and then out of no where say they will not be putting it out and then instead release a game like every other game out there!!?? I wanted to see what kind of customizations they were going to add in, Helmets, paints, Titans, Titan weapons and parts, and the weapons. Those are all things I was excited to see and ready to play what they were going to add into TF3. So If anyone is interested in even just talking about it or if you want to play TF2 add me on xbox one and respond to this post. 


Message 1 of 6 (7,104 Views)

Re: TitanFall 3

Community Manager

Titanfall 3 was not cancelled @ReaperNomad11217. Respawn have stated that the plans for a future Titanfall title have been pushed out but there has been no statement regarding the series not continuing. The most recent mention of future Titanfall games was in this Respawn communicationTongue outr



Message 2 of 6 (7,073 Views)

Re: TitanFall 3

★ Novice

I read the article and most of that was about apex legends, which is fine but when it came to other titles it seems everything that the dev team for apex legends wont be working on TF3 until apex is running up to par with yalls standards. which for a game like apex theres a good chance that wont happen for years, Games like apex will always pop up new problems or will lack content and if the player base keeps growing there will always be more and more modders and cheaters. Dont think I am not saying you wont produce what you are saying you will. I would just like a release date even if its five years from now, I wont to be assured that one of the first xbox one games I bought will continue and not be forgotten

Message 3 of 6 (7,063 Views)

Re: TitanFall 3

★★★ Newbie

You say this however your not willing to give a release date or any information on it actually being made. Just rip the bandaid off and give us an answer. Apex is fun sometimes, I have a lot of hours and cash invested into it, but it's not Titanfall. If nothing else can we get a free Titanfall 2 pvp with some new maps? I need the rush only that game could give. And before you say it! YES! I purchased it for ps4 and comp and I still play. I'm doing the campaign again just to try and get my fix because the lobby is dead. I would even settle for a bot mode so I could play by myself if I have to. I want my scorch and tone back! Yes tone I was one of those guys. 

Message 4 of 6 (6,166 Views)

Re: TitanFall 3

★★★ Newbie

Any update now???

Message 5 of 6 (5,887 Views)

Re: TitanFall 3

Community Manager

Hey there,
This thread is quite a few years old and is being locked here to avoid further necroposting.
Feel free to create a new thread on the relevant board if there's a subject you're wanting to discuss that doesn't have a more recent topic, thanks!

Message 6 of 6 (5,869 Views)