Re: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

by EA_Darko

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Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Dear, EA, please do something good for once , surprise us in E3/gamescom and announce Medal of Honor remaster! Any Medal of Honor game would do, just announce and develop a MoH games again, I'm still listening the amazing soundtracks you people did in mid 2000s with MoH games, brings tear of my eyes, it is one of my first computer games I ever owned back in 2000s on my Windows XP computer. I can gladly pay 59.99 dollars if you people dont mess up development and no any political crap in it, just a good Medal of Honor game with good story PLEASE!


You people used to do good games in late 90s and in 2000s, remember its your marketing and development strategies made you the "bad guys" on people's eyes. Want to restore your reputation in a very fast way? Medal of Honor Remaster!  You have no idea how many people waiting for this since years.


There was FEMALE characters in MoH games too back in 2000s, remember MoH Underground on playstation 2? That was a good game because it was a game, not a hidden agenda


PLEASE, Remaster Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Underground, Airborne, Vanguard! IM * BEGGING TO YOU MAN


Same musics and same composer too! Michael Giacchino is an amazing music guy!

Message 1 of 4 (1,096 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

Community Manager

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with the community @Win32KernelFile.


I am not aware of any plans for a remaster but will pass your feedback on.



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Message 2 of 4 (1,074 Views)

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Re: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

Community Manager

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with the community @Win32KernelFile.


I am not aware of any plans for a remaster but will pass your feedback on.


Message 2 of 4 (1,075 Views)

Re: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

★★★ Newbie

EA, This game made you a staple in the gaming world for many years! i understand you rep has suffered but you go on to remake many other games such as command and conquer and starwars battlefront. but medal of honor and its 2 expansions made you more money than both combined! had to have. and both prementioned titles weren't as good. many of the newer medal of honor games dont come anywhere close to the original. my recommendation to you is do the right thing here, remake this game in unreal 5 release it on Christmas for 70 dollars a copy of the game and watch your pockets overfill with money! change nothing about the game besides the graphics. the story was great! the online play was ground breaking and changed the fps world into what you see today. show the world why EA was one of the best. you have remade these other games that arent worth the remake in my opinion and have left this to sit on the shelf. time to show us you can still make good games!

Message 3 of 4 (811 Views)

Re: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (REMASTER) please!

Community Manager

Hey @Loki_18701988 going to lock this as the thread is quite old. Thanks for sharing your feedback.



Message 4 of 4 (800 Views)