Re: Hours played - how do I clear this data? I don't want it tracked

by puzzlezaddict

Original Post

Hours played - how do I clear this data? I don't want it tracked

★★★ Newbie

How do I delete or clear the record of hours played and stop it being recorded in future? 

I absolutely hate that log - it feels like a complete invasion of privacy. 


I don't want to see it and I don't want other people to see it/ It's incredibly uncomfortable to see any part of your life tracked like that without consent. 


Please remove this feature immediately. 

Message 1 of 2 (683 Views)

Re: Hours played - how do I clear this data? I don't want it tracked

@lozzbyrne  This data can't be cleared.  And the only way to stop it from recording is to put Origin in offline mode before launching your game(s).


More generally, this is a common, perhaps universal, feature in game launchers, and one that most users either appreciate or at least don't object to much.  So it's very unlikely that EA would remove it.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 2 (666 Views)