

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

The ASP-7 was a model of labor droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton and employed by the Galactic Empire. It was a simple, yet extremely versatile and adaptable model of ASP-series droid used for gathering, harvesting, drilling, hunting, building, and generalized labor. The base model was capable of only the most menial tasks, but the ASP-7 was designed for easy upgrades. Their programming could be easily adapted, and their physical structure contained many unused upgrade-ports where new hardware or tools could be fitted. They seemed to use a speech module different from the standard ASP variant of CBell-1, as their "droidspeak" consisted of a variety of sounds. They were known for being the best seller model of the ASP-series droid.

ASP droids working on kessel

ASP-7 labor droids working on Kessel.

Behind the scenes[]

ASP-7's first and only appearance in the Trilogy came in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope Special Edition. This droid can be briefly spotted swatting a small hovering droid while carrying a selection of large metal rods in the newly created digital footage of Luke's entry into Mos Eisley on Tatooine. The droid was but one of the many new CGI creations made for the new revised version of A New Hope.


A group of ASP-7 labor droid's

In the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, ASP-7 droids serve as the Imperial civilization's worker unit, seen in both single- and multiplayer.

ASP-7 found his way into the Power of the Force 2 Hasbro toy line in 1997, being released on a green card a with hologram sticker. No weapon was included with this figure, only the large metal rods that the droid is seen carrying in the movie. The figure's bubble had a sticker placed on the bottom stating that the droid was from newly created footage seen in the Special Edition. The loose figure had very limited articulation, molded in a silver color with slight black paint spray detail. The figure was well balanced and able to stand quite well without a figure stand.



Notes and references[]

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