screen inside screen- limited movement of mouse cursor during gameplay

by vadencium

Original Post

screen inside screen- limited movement of mouse cursor during gameplay

★★★ Newbie

Hi, tried to run BF2 after a year, i have an issue with mouse, when i got into the game, i couldn't move my cursor, nor see it, after i repaired the file, i at least got to options, and switched resolution to my own, and it worked, however once i got into game i got something like "screen inside screen" like if there was some smaller window behind the game, and i had locked cursor only in certain directions. i tried window mode, closed all apps, and even ended discord in app manager, yet i still could not help it. and had to finish the game like that,  this is the same reason why i ceased playing this game year ago.

can someone tell me what to do with this? i love playing Battlefront 2 but this makes it impossible to play.

Message 1 of 3 (150 Views)

Re: screen inside screen- limited movement of mouse cursor during gameplay

Community Manager
Hi @vadencium, Would it be possible to get a clip of how this looks? Also, if you have any overlays enabled try disabling them and seeing if this keeps up!


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Message 2 of 3 (115 Views)

Re: screen inside screen- limited movement of mouse cursor during gameplay

★★★ Newbie

i do have the video, however it's in MP4 thus i can't share it here

Message 3 of 3 (49 Views)