How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

by DYSPROssium

Original Post

How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

Hello there,


This thread explains for PC how to fix: No mouse cursor in star wars battlefront 2 and/or keyboard not working properly


If you are running Discord:

      1. Open up Discord.
      2. Go to settings -> Overlay
      3. Disable the Overlay
      4. Restart Star Wars Battlefront 2 and you should be good to go.



If issue persists or you don't run Discord:

      1. Go into Origin settings and disable the overlay.
      2. Disable other overlays you are currently running.
      3. Check your devices (battery level, connectivity).

Good luck,


Message 1 of 29 (61,339 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★★ Novice

Please help, this doesn't work for me, I have a bug/glitch that unexpectedly starts lagging my mouse, and a view starts moving itself to the right. Lagging of the mouse is actually more like extremely high sensitivity and sounds also lag when I try to look around. 

Message 2 of 29 (60,940 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★★ Novice

any fix with out disabling the overlays?? i need them

Message 3 of 29 (60,744 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★★ Novice

Hello there, I figured out that the only thing that helps is not setting anti-aliasing and/or ambient occlusion on the highest value (I can't get into the game right now, so I don't remember which one). If you are suffering from the same problem, this should fix it. I hope it helps.

Message 4 of 29 (60,737 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★★★★★ Newbie

How do I disable origin overlay?

Message 5 of 29 (60,414 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

Go to the origin app, then in the upper left corner click in the Origin tab:

Then click the Application Settings option. A new window will appear, and in the upper part you'll find Origin In-Game:

There you just have to turn off 'Enable Origin In-Game':

Message 6 of 29 (60,400 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★ Novice
@RogueZeroRendar this didnt fix my problem either , is there no other fix?
Message 7 of 29 (60,269 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★★★★★ Expert

I had responded on the other topic but this one is better to keep this conversation

It can be a piece of hardware that messes the game. Try removing everything USB attached to your PC except your mouse and keyboard. It should do the trick if the overlays didn't. Let us know if it solves the issue for you.

Message 8 of 29 (60,255 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

★ Novice

Unfortunately this did not solve it either , I've already updated my driver's and all , steam , discord and origin overlay is off also /:

Message 9 of 29 (60,249 Views)

Re: How to fix: Mouse and/or keyboard don't work in game

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

If you can bring more info on your specific case that would be very useful. I'm not aware of another common reason for a stuck mouse besides bad peripheral reading (usually USB devices) or gaming overlays. If you didn't already, I recommend disabling the Xbox Gaming App. All Windows 10 PCs come with it, and it's another gaming overlay. Another suggestion is to go to your game's .exe, right click, choose Properties, and then in compatibility disable fullscreen optimizations.


If these don't work, I'd like to know more details of your issue to see if we can find another workaround that might fix your issue.

Message 10 of 29 (60,232 Views)