Error code 721

by Player55

Original Post

Re: Error code 721

★★ Novice

yesterday was able to connect after several tries, dx12 kept crashing the game with latest drivers on GTX card ... today cant connect at all. Opened ports/firewall allowed. Its you side EA.

Message 21 of 32 (4,983 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★ Guide

See earlier post in this thread. It is highly unlikely that EA will ever fix this problem as this is no longer a "top flight game" for them and it seems to me that it is only really supported by a few dedicated individuals.


As I hope you know the only "solution" is to keep hitting that CONNECT button. If you are lucky it works first time....however it has (for me) in some rare cases taken over 20 attempts to actually go on line. Once online you are AOK! No fun but it is what it is.

Wishing you luck ......

Message 22 of 32 (4,955 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★★ Newbie

I have found that there are multiple ways to fix this problem. One, restarting the game and/or the computer. Two, clicking the button many times. And three, sometimes if you go to the multiplayer menu there is another connect button that randomly works when the main one doesn't.

Message 23 of 32 (4,780 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★★ Newbie

Issue is still around. affecting me currently

Message 24 of 32 (4,440 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★★ Newbie

Go to graphics settings and disable DirectX 12. The game will run on DirectX 11. It solved my problem.

Message 25 of 32 (4,386 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★ Novice

I too have this issue but it's also kicking me out of the game midway through it with this error code!

Message 26 of 32 (4,160 Views)

Re: Error code 721

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Still happening on PC, cannot authenticate on Xbox either (the verify identify page does not progress when code is entered). I played a couple days ago without issue.

Message 27 of 32 (3,752 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★★ Newbie

It's the firewall! Be sure to include your game installation folder in the list of the exception so that your firewall won't block it! For me it was AVG...classic!

Message 28 of 32 (1,530 Views)

Re: Error code 721

★★★★★ Pro


Message 29 of 32 (1,521 Views)

Re: Error code 721

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

Hi guys. Its June 2024 an im still having this problem. The fact is that even if i keep clicking on "connect" it doesnt let me log in. Yesterday i have tried like 20 times, but still doesnt work. Advice? Someone has the same problem as me?

Message 30 of 32 (404 Views)