Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installed

by dhansell

Original Post

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★ Guide

Anything else for me to try? Or should I just watch a GDQ speedrun to see the ending?

Message 21 of 161 (2,584 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★★★ Newbie

I am having the exact same problem. Installed GoTY edition through game pass for PC. EA desktop says all the DLCs are installed. They are installed in the install folder. However the game does not recognize any of the DLCs. I can not load my old saves as i get an error message ".....dlc missing". New games do not include the DLCs and the "custom" difficulty is not available. Please HELP

Message 22 of 161 (2,565 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe


@dhansell Nothing else to try at the moment, we are looking into it. 


I had to give you some kudos for that GDQ reference though.

Message 23 of 161 (2,550 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@batnet565 We're all just waiting for a solution from EA, now. The more people who report maybe the higher a priority it'll get.

Message 24 of 161 (2,537 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★ Novice
@dhansell I have the same problem. Goty edition installed from the game pass. I just finished the game and all the DLC are installed but they do not appear in game.
Just have to wait they find for a solution but i think we gonna wait a long time, i don't know why...
Message 25 of 161 (2,481 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★ Guide

@EA_Jason Forgive me, but, I'mma keep poking y'all here. Is there a way to escalate this, or...? 

Message 26 of 161 (2,473 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★ Guide
@EA_Jason Bump?
Message 27 of 161 (2,427 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★ Guide
@EA_Jason How's the research going?
Message 28 of 161 (2,360 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe


It is still being investigated but it is looking like it will take longer than usual. 


When there is anything to share, I will be sure to post here. 

Message 29 of 161 (2,331 Views)

Re: Xbox Game Pass for PC - DA:I says I'm missing DLC I definitely have installe

★★★★ Novice

I had this issue about 6 months ago, and had given up on it after hours across multiple days with support (an especially frustrating aspect was support saying tickets/notes will be updated so next person I talk to will know about the issue and to contact them again after trying something, but without exception having to re-explain and get the same recommendations). Nobody from EA seemed to really acknowledge the issue on the forums back then. I'm really glad it is finally on the radar with the issues properly identified.

Message 30 of 161 (2,298 Views)