Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

by Tardelius

Original Post

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

@Xx-Gimmle-xX  If you mean "not being able to purchase at any store" by "through Epic or through the store" than it is flat out wrong. The game is only blacklisted in EGS. It is available on all other platforms.


I guess that customer support has no idea what they are talking about if I understood you correctly.

Message 11 of 132 (2,456 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Guide

The game has been banned in Israel region for the past few years actually (by EA not by Israel) so I don't believe it has to do with the current situation in the region.

Although it seems very strange they singled out Cyprus and Israel in the given list...very strange use case that doesn't explain the logic behind this move.

Message 12 of 132 (2,045 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

@Xx-Gimmle-xX  The game was never banned in Turkey before (not by EA not by government) so this was really out of the blue. It is still available in all platforms since its release.

Message 13 of 132 (2,043 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Guide

@Tardelius The game will not come up in the list of games on EA app too, this has been the case for the past few years.
The blacklist is not by Epic design, this is an EA issue they are just upholding. so Epic won't allow this either because EA doesn't allow it (for some reason), that was my point.

I believe Steam does allow you to purchase the game, although it is listed at almost full price right now.

Message 14 of 132 (2,036 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Guide

@Tardelius I don't know about Turkey or how the game was allowed there, I just know that in the past few years I have had a few people mentioning that the game is not available in Israel.
I actually tried this out myself when I was in the region and the game was nowhere to be found in the EA store.
So maybe they just added Turkey in the last few months? I don't really know. Like I said this whole blacklist issue seems very odd to me, it doesn't make a lot of sense. 
Don't know what the laws are in Turkey, but I am pretty sure Israel and Cyprus don't have any rules against LGB.
Also, Mass Effect has the same content and is not banned in these countries, so this whole idea is ridiculous.

Message 15 of 132 (2,034 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

@Xx-Gimmle-xX Thanks for clarifying. This whole ordeal is odd... very odd. I checked EA store it also doesn't show right now. But I do have the game in my EA library from some time ago, I hope they don't take it away now that I mentioned it.

Message 16 of 132 (2,031 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Apprentice

So there is no option to get the game in Israel? 

Message 17 of 132 (2,028 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Guide

@Kristodian unfortunately, through Epic or EA app, the answer will be no.

I just checked with a friend and he says that the Steam store does have the game available for this region (he lives in Israel).
However, he mentioned it costs around 40$ (which is ridiculous in my opinion).
If you really want the game, mind you I don't know if this will work, you can buy the EA key from here:

It costs 10$ for the GOTY edition and 8$ for the standard edition.
I hope this works out for you guys as I really think this is an outrage, if the HellDivers community could change Sony decisions I am sure we can as well.

Message 18 of 132 (2,013 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Guide

@Tardelius I believe you are safe from the banning as you already purchased the game, I don't think they will go so far as to remove a purchased game from a user, that would be outrages!
Please update if this changes, it will cause a huge backlash I believe. 

Message 19 of 132 (2,009 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Apprentice

It is not the game that disturbs me, but the sole reason for it's ban. As a gay man from Israel, it is borderline ridiculous to have gay scene being the reason of a ban in my country. I already sent a complaint email to Epic and will send another one to EA. This practice of playing along with the radical movements is not acceptable taking in account that the country is very liberal and acceptive, people here know that they should mind their own business. Obviously except the radicals.

Message 20 of 132 (2,003 Views)