Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

by Tardelius

Original Post

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Apprentice
@zipdrive1 Watch my comments, you can even chat with them online, or open a ticket
Message 91 of 132 (724 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

@HealmeRZfor all of you just joining us here is a small recap:
for some reason in Israel Turkey and Cyprus ( maybe other countries as well ) dragon age Inquisition seems to be blocked in the epic game store
when we raised the issue here in this forum after a very long time we got a response from a community manager saying that it is because some countries are banned and he referenced an article explaining which countries are banned. obviously neither of these 3 countries are banned ( the ones who are banned are Russia, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, some regions of Ukraine, Belarus and that's it I think )
since we raised the fact that we are not banned and we know for sure ( that we are not banned by EA or that our countries banned the game ) because of the fact we can buy the game on different platforms EA have ignored us and yet to give an answer.
it is obviously a mistake a community manger can't solve which is why I asked for him to ask some higherups for help a few hours ago but this forum is still ignored since then.
hopefully they will chose to help us in the near future so we can all claim this game and stop this from happening again.

edit: you can try to open a ticket with them so the problem will get more exposure but I have opened one hours ago and still no reply..

Message 92 of 132 (701 Views)

Dragon age: Inquisition unavailable in my region

★★★ Novice

The game is being offered for free on Epic games, but I'm unable to claim it even though I'm not in the countries that are listed as impacted by embargoes.

Message 93 of 132 (694 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★★★★ Novice

@amit3420  I hope so. EA generally resolves issues within one or two days. For example, I had a problem with Dragon Age 2 almost two or three weeks ago. It was a similar issue. I had the game on my PC from Game Pass, but I couldn't start it. Then, one day later, I uninstalled it and created a ticket. After two days, it was resolved.

Message 94 of 132 (688 Views)

Re: Dragon age: Inquisition unavailable in my region

★★★★★ Novice
@1i2hicyysp90 what country are you from?
can you buy the game on other platforms when registered to your country?
Message 95 of 132 (687 Views)

Re: Dragon age: Inquisition unavailable in my region

★★★ Novice

Israel. I just tried adding it to my cart on Steam, and had no issues whatsoever, so I guess it's a bug.
hopefully it'll get resolved before it's no longer free on Epic games. 

Message 96 of 132 (644 Views)

Re: Dragon age: Inquisition unavailable in my region

★★★★★ Novice
@1i2hicyysp90 yea me too like I said Israel, Turkey and Cyprus are having this problem as far as I know
Message 97 of 132 (635 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★★★ Novice

Thanks for the recap. It's a slim consolation to know it's not just me.
I'll gladly open a ticket if you help me find it. tried to find some kind of support chat, but all I found was this forum. 

Message 98 of 132 (628 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★★★★★ Novice
@1i2hicyysp90 search EA support on google and click the first link
Message 99 of 132 (612 Views)

Re: Dragon Age:Inquisition blacklisted on EGS (available on other platforms)

★ Novice

I've also contacted them on live chat. An advisor told me that the game studio is aware of the issue and it's needed to report the problem on this platform. Hope they will do smt. for it. 

Message 100 of 132 (608 Views)