Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

by SerPounce91

Original Post

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

[ Edited ]
@Gen_Awesomeness wrote:

Does EA support modding? I would have been too afraid to post something like this unsure of what any EA employers would do if they saw it.

Well I guess it doesn't matter as long as I paid for the game right? I only wish they did what Witcher 3 did and will truly support modding making it easier for us to use the mods and not have to encounter problems like these. Not all the mods I like work even though there is a good amount of them I want. Too complicated or incompatible, its annoying. Anyways I have this exact same issue. I would like to play with the game modded, enjoying the game much more while doing so, however sometimes the mods just don't work, and its either a game that doesn't launch, or a game that does but I have to play a new game / multiplayer only.

Discussion of modding, and issues with mods, are allowed on these boards (and most of us on these boards are fellow gamers, like yourself, not EA employees).
As for your issues with mods, some older mods were broken by more recent patches, and the makers have since moved to other games, so it's possible that's why some of the ones you want aren't working. Mods which change things like shops, hair, etc can overwrite each other/use the same 'slot', which may be why some are showing as incompatible (modders have been unable to actually add things to the game, all they can do is change things which already exist, which is why, for example, hair mods all replace a hair which already exists). It's a bit difficult to know what issues you're having without knowing what mods you're using/trying to use unsuccessfully. 

There are also certain places in the game where mods may cause a crash/white screen/some other issue preventing you from progressing. Most of these are in DLC areas (including the Black Emporium, especially if you try to use the mirror), there is also one I can think of in the main game which happens before you discover Skyhold. 


If you have questions about specific mods or getting mods to work, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help.


If a post solves your issue, please mark it as solved, it may help others with the same issue in future. Standard smile

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Message 21 of 33 (5,547 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★★★★ Newbie

Thank you SOO Much!! I was dreading having to download and install new files i had never heard about before and you saved me ton of trouble with your easy fix Standard smile I did exactly as you said and it worked immediately. Thank you!

Message 22 of 33 (4,847 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★ Apprentice

Necroposting to thank you as now I don't need the wretched mod manager that screwed up my saves anymore! Hell, the blasted mods didn't even work in game so I screwed up my saves for nothing!

Message 23 of 33 (3,549 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★ Novice

The link says the mod is hidden. Is there any way around that?

Message 24 of 33 (3,387 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

Hiddened mods, usually mean it has been taken down by the mod unless someone else uploads it(usually against rules) then no, nothing you can do, unless you have a backup of the info somewhere.


I am NOT an EA employee, I am just a simple gamer like most everyone else here volunteering my help to those who may can use it .....That means I have to pay for my games just like you, lol.
Message 25 of 33 (3,379 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★★★ Novice

What mod are you looking for? If it's mod manager it's still available on Nexus mods. If you want to fix your saved game all you need to do is run mod manager and delete or uncheck all the mods and run it with the patch online. if that doesn't work then go in the patch folder of the game and change the patch version number to a higher value. 


Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch 


And then open package in notepad. 

Message 26 of 33 (2,717 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★ Novice

This link no longer works


anyone got a different way to fix the issue?

Message 27 of 33 (2,541 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch


@chrisanthym0228 If you're getting the latest patch error, it's likely because you have been playing with mods and you have removed them. In that case, all you need to do is open your patch folder (Dragon Age Inquisition > Update > Patch) and open package.mft with a text editor (notepad is fine). Change the version number to match that of the removed patch folder (ideally you will only have to increase it by 1, so change it from 12 to 13). If you put mods back in or intend to make a new merge, I recommend you revert this change so your version numbers stay as they are. 



If a post solves your issue, please mark it as solved, it may help others with the same issue in future. Standard smile

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Message 28 of 33 (2,502 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★ Novice
Yeah I got it now
Message 29 of 33 (2,447 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★★★ Novice

i currently have the same issue and i have to say:


- it worked for me version without mods


- it didn't work for me with mods


- i changed the number randomly from 11 to 12, 13, 15, 18, 20 and even 1 and 9 and it didn't work


still saying the same lol

Message 30 of 33 (1,916 Views)