





  1. 支票的 面額


littera (Kotus 變格類型 12/kulkija,無層級變化)的變格
主格 littera litterat
屬格 litteran litteroiden
部分格 litteraa litteroita
入格 litteraan litteroihin
單數 複數
主格 littera litterat
賓格 nom. littera litterat
gen. litteran
屬格 litteran litteroiden
部分格 litteraa litteroita
內格 litterassa litteroissa
出格 litterasta litteroista
入格 litteraan litteroihin
所格 litteralla litteroilla
奪格 litteralta litteroilta
向格 litteralle litteroille
樣格 litterana litteroina
變格 litteraksi litteroiksi
具格 litteroin
缺格 litteratta litteroitta
共格 litteroineen
littera所有格形式 (變格類型 kulkija)
所有者 單數 複數
第一人稱 litterani litteramme
第二人稱 litterasi litteranne
第三人稱 litteransa




littera (複數 litteras)

  1. 字母
  2. 書信





但 de Vaan 指出,源自lino的過去分詞實際上應該是有短 i 的litus,這一來源缺少其他關於 *leitos的證據,“詞形上不可信”。[1]



littera f (属格 litterae); 第一类变格

  1. 字母
  2. (轉喻) 書寫
    • 106 BCE – 43 BCE, Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum 7.2:
      Tam Alexidis manum amabam, quod tam prope accedebat ad similitudinem tuae litterae; non amabam, quod indicabat te non valere.
      While I was liking the handwriting of Alexis for it resembled so closely a likeness to your own handwriting, I wasn't liking it for it was indicating that you were not well.
  3. (常用複數) 書信
    Litteras resignare.
  4. (常用複數) 文學
    Abest historia litteris nostris.
    Is missing from our literature.
    Si versus horum duorum poetarum neglegetis, magna parte litterarum carebitis.
    If you neglect the verses of these two poets, you will miss a great part of literature.
  5. (常用複數) 學問
  6. (常用複數)
  7. (常用複數) 記錄文檔
  8. (常用複數) 法令
    Praetoris litterae.
    Litteras revocavit.


  • litterae missae 義為“被人送出去的信”,litterae allatae 是“收到的信”,則liber litterarum missarum et allatarum 義為“書信冊”。



單數 複數
主格 littera litterae
屬格 litterae litterārum
與格 litterae litterīs
賓格 litteram litterās
奪格 litterā litterīs
呼格 littera litterae





  1. 1.0 1.1 De Vaan, Michiel (2008), “littera”, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, ISBN 9789004167971, 页346
  2. https://books.google.ru/books?id=J7u6BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA47
  3. https://droitromain.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/Leges/acilia_CIL.htm
  4. 4.0 4.1 Template:R:la:EM
  5. Walde, Alois; Hofmann, Johann Baptist (1938), “littera”, Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (德語), 卷I, 3rd版, Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 页814
  6. Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195083458, 页224


  • littera in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • littera”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • littera在Charles du Fresne du Cange的Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • littera在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典), Hachette中的內容
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to live (all) one's life (honourably, in the country, as a man of learning): vitam, aetatem (omnem aetatem, omne aetatis tempus) agere (honeste, ruri, in litteris), degere, traducere
    • the study of belles-lettres; literary pursuits: litterarum studium or tractatio (not occupatio)
    • learned, scientific, literary men: homines litterarum studiosi
    • scholarship, culture, literature is at a low ebb: litterae iacent, neglectae iacent
    • to be engaged in the pursuit of letters: litteras colere
    • to be an enthusiastic devotee of letters: litteras amplecti
    • to be an enthusiastic devotee of letters: litteras adamasse (only in perf. and plup.)
    • to be engaged in literary pursuits: in studio litterarum versari
    • to be engaged in any branch of study: in aliquo litterarum genere versari
    • to be an ardent student of..: summo studio in litteris versari
    • to devote oneself entirely to literature: se totum litteris tradere, dedere
    • to be quite engrossed in literary studies: se totum in litteras or se litteris abdere
    • to apply oneself very closely to literary, scientific work: in litteris elaborare (De Sen. 8. 26)
    • to find recreation in study: in litteris acquiescere or conquiescere
    • to devote one's life to science, study: aetatem in litteris ducere, agere
    • to devote all one's leisure moments to study: omne (otiosum) tempus in litteris consumere
    • to employ all one's energies on literary work: omne studium in litteris collocare, ad litteras conferre
    • to feel an attraction for study: litterarum studio trahi
    • to feel an attraction for study: trahi, ferri ad litteras
    • to relax one's studies: litterarum studia remittere
    • to have a superficial knowledge, a smattering of literature, of the sciences: primis (ut dicitur) or primoribus labris gustare or attingere litteras
    • literature: litterae
    • written records; documents: litterae ac monumenta or simply monumenta
    • Roman literature: litterae latinae
    • shining lights in the literary world: clarissima litterarum lumina
    • to study Greek literature: graecis litteris studere
    • to be well (slightly) acquainted with Greek literature: multum (mediocriter) in graecis litteris versari
    • acquainted with the Latin language: latinis litteris or latine doctus
    • to possess literary knowledge: litterarum scientiam (only in sing.) habere
    • to be well-informed, erudite: multarum rerum cognitione imbutum esse (opp. litterarum or eruditionis expertem esse or [rerum] rudem esse)
    • to have received a liberal education: litteras scire
    • profound scientific education: litterae interiores et reconditae, artes reconditae
    • for a Roman he is decidedly well educated: sunt in illo, ut in homine Romano, multae litterae (De Sen. 4. 12)
    • to have received a superficial education: litteris leviter imbutum or tinctum esse
    • to be educated by some one: litteras discere ab aliquo
    • an elementary school: ludus (discendi or litterarum)
    • to receive the first elements of a liberal education: primis litterarum elementis imbui
    • to teach some one letters: erudire aliquem artibus, litteris (but erudire aliquem in iure civili, in re militari)
    • to write expositions of philosophy in Latin: philosophiam latinis litteris illustrare (Acad. 1. 1. 3)
    • to study historical records, read history: evolvere historias, litterarum (veterum annalium) monumenta
    • to hold by the letter (of the law): verba ac litteras or scriptum (legis) sequi (opp. sententia the spirit)
    • to lengthen the pronunciation of a syllable or letter: syllabam, litteram producere (opp. corripere) (Quintil. 9. 4. 89)
    • to pronounce the syllables distinctly: litteras exprimere (opp. obscurare)
    • to the letter; literally: ad litteram, litterate
    • the alphabet: litterarum ordo
    • the alphabet: litterae, elementa
    • to arrange in alphabetical order: ad litteram or litterarum ordine digerere
    • to put down in writing: litteris mandare or consignare aliquid (Acad. 2. 1. 2)
    • to treat in writing: litteris persequi (vid. sect. VIII. 2, note persequi...) aliquid
    • to write a letter to some one: epistulam (litteras) dare, scribere, mittere ad aliquem
    • correspondence: litterae missae et allatae
    • to correspond with some one: colloqui cum aliquo per litteras
    • to be in correspondence with..: litteras inter se dare et accipere
    • to take a letter somewhere: litteras perferre aliquo
    • to read a letter aloud (in public): litteras recitare (Att. 8. 9. 2)
    • a letter, the tenor of which is..: litterae hoc exemplo (Att. 9. 6. 3)
    • the terms, contents of the letter are as follows: litterae in hanc sententiam or his verbis scriptae sunt
    • to deliver a letter dated September 21st: litteras reddere datas a. d. Kal. X. Octob.
    • a most courteous letter: litterae officii or humanitatis plenae
  • littera in Ramminger, Johann (访问于16 July 2016) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[2], pre-publication website, 2005-2016