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The Golden Goddesses are recurring deities in The Legend of Zelda series.[1] They are Din, the Goddess of Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom, and Farore, the Goddess of Courage, the chief gods and creators of the land that becomes the Kingdom of Hyrule and the extended world that it resides in.[2] It is understood that the Golden Goddesses have always existed, and that they are omnipotent and eternal. Though the Golden Goddesses are the most important gods of the world, they are mentioned by few characters in the series, and knowledge of them has been shown to be limited to the people of Hyrule alone, most races worshiping their own patron deities. Signs of their existence has been visible in parallel worlds such as Termina and the World of the Ocean King also, implying that they may have created those worlds as well.[3]

Each of the three Goddesses is associated with a characteristic, common element and color: Din is power, fire and red; Nayru is wisdom, water and blue; Farore is courage, wind and green. They are the creators of the sacred Triforce that is made up of their three associated characteristics of power, wisdom and courage.


Although the Goddesses have never physically appeared to this date, they are sometimes implied to be influencing the events that take place throughout the series. The three deities of power, wisdom, and courage were first mentioned in the manual of A Link to the Past, but they were not yet given names. They were first called by their individual names and titles in Ocarina of Time and appeared in a flashback as flaming golden feminine humanoid figures as they created the world from chaos. Their symbols make an appearance in Oracles of Ages representing three tunes of the Harp of Ages, as do the Oracles that are named after them. They were mentioned in The Wind Waker as putting the young Hero of Winds through trials to test his worthiness as a successor of Hero of Time,[4] and three colored statues (red, blue and green) depicting each one of them appears with their associated symbols. The Goddesses also play an indirectly important role in Skyward Sword, where it is revealed that they personally placed the Triforce in the care of the goddess Hylia in the ancient past.[5]


Creation of the World[]


The Golden Goddesses shown leaving Hyrule following its creation

Before time began and before spirits and life existed, the universe was in chaos. The three Golden Goddesses descended upon the chaos and began the creation of the world, each of them creating a different facet of the realm. Din created the material realm, Nayru gave the realm law and order, and Farore created all life forms that would follow the said order.[2]

With their labors completed, the Goddesses departed for the heavens, but not before leaving behind the Triforce, three sacred golden triangles representing a small portion of the essence of the goddesses.[6][7] Because the power of the Triforce was so great, they trusted the sacred relic to the careful hands of the goddess Hylia so that she could protect it from those who would misuse its almighty power.[8] Since Hylia herself was a goddess, the Triforce was in safe hands, as only mortals would be able to use its power. The Goddesses entrusted the protection of the land they created to Hylia and a legion of spirits and fairies.[9]

The resting place of the Triforce has become the Sacred Realm.[10]

Interventions in Hyrule[]

Although the Goddesses' morals and standards are never specifically stated anywhere in the games, they have intervened in affairs numerous times after the creation of the world but always for a good cause.

The Light Spirits and Sealing Away the Interlopers[]

Main article: Interloper War

The Interlopers try to take over the Sacred Realm

The Golden Goddesses appointed four Light Spirits, Ordona, Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru, to protect each of the four regions in Hyrule, Ordon Province, Faron Province, Eldin Province, and Lanayru Province, respectively.[11][12]

When word of the Sacred Realm and the Triforce spread, a great war ensued between those seeking to wield the ultimate power.[13] During this war, the tribe skilled in dark magic known only as the Dark Interlopers attempted to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm and establish their power using the Fused Shadow. As this war dragged on, three Light Spirits intervened at the behest of the Golden Goddesses. They sealed away the great magic those individuals had mastered,[14] and splintered it to prevent its future misuse. The Goddesses chased the interlopers across Hyrule and banished them to the Twilight Realm.[15]

Although the Goddesses forbade the Interlopers from returning to the world of light, they left a single link between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm.[16] This link, known as the Mirror of Twilight, was entrusted to the Sages of Hyrule by the Goddesses, who commanded them to guard it and protect it.[17]

The Rise of a Hero[]

Main article: Link

In most of the history of Hyrule, whenever Ganondorf comes to power and plans to take over the kingdom, the Goddesses appoint a hero, usually Link, to rise and defeat the King of Thieves.[18][19][20][21][22][23] Link the hero is trusted with the Triforce of Courage,[21][23] while Princess Zelda is given the Triforce of Wisdom to protect it.[24][25]

The Great Flood[]

Main article: Great Flood
TWW Scroll of the Hero of Time 5

The people pray to the Goddesses to come to their aid

In The Wind Waker, it is revealed that, after the Hero of Time was sent back to his original time, Hyrule in the Adult Timeline was left without a hero when the curse on Ganon broke.[26] Faced by Ganondorf's unstoppable power and with no hero to aid them, the people of Hyrule prayed to the Goddesses to come in their aid.[27] Since the Goddesses knew that to seal the people away along in Hyrule would grant Ganon's wish of destroying the land,[28] the Goddesses instructed the Hylians to flee to Hyrule's mountaintops in order to escape the coming flood.[29] Once the people were safely away, the Goddesses caused a torrential downpour, covering the land and turning the mountaintops into islands.[30]

Age of Twilight[]

In the Child timeline, after Ganondorf's attempt at overthrowing the Royal Family was exposed via information from Child Link, he was sentenced to be executed. Although the Six Sages stabbed him, he unexpectedly gained the Triforce of Power in what was described only as "a divine prank",[31] thus forcing them to seal him away into the Twilight Realm via the Twilight Mirror, although not before he successfully slew the Sage of Water.

Immediately prior to his death, Ganondorf relayed to Link and Zelda that the crest-bearers were ordained by the Golden Goddesses to be born in perfect balance, and then fight each other each age, while strongly implying each of them were destined to be reincarnated each time.[32]

The Three Goddesses[]

Din, The Goddess of Power[]

Main article: Din (Goddess)
Quote1 Din... With her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land and created the red earth. Quote2
— Great Deku Tree

Din, as seen in Ocarina of Time

Din created the bare earth and shaped the featureless land, forming its topography. Her labors produced the towering mountains, profound chasms, and great expanses of Hyrule's topography.

With her work completed, Din formed the Triforce of Power, the embodiment of her supremacy. When the Gerudo King Ganondorf sought to abstract the Golden Power from its resting place, he failed to procure the sacred Triforce in its entirety and it split into its three elements. Believing in his heart that power was the most important aspect of the Triforce, he was left with the Triforce of Power, and the blessing of Din.

Nayru, The Goddess of Wisdom[]

Main article: Nayru (Goddess)
Quote1 Nayru... Poured out her wisdom onto the land, and gave it the spirit of law. Quote2
— Great Deku Tree

Nayru, as seen in Ocarina of Time

Nayru is the source of the laws that govern the realm in which Hyrule exists. Once her sister Din had completed the creation of the physical realm, Nayru began establishing order within the realm. Nayru illuminated the firmament of the sphere with her divine wisdom, and founded the fundamental laws of the realm.

Once she had finished, Nayru formed the Triforce of Wisdom, the embodiment of her omniscience. Whomever would possess the Triforce of Wisdom would be instilled with the essence of Nayru, and her blessing, granting them wisdom unparalleled. When the sacred Triforce was split into its three virtues, the Triforce of Wisdom eluded Ganon, and sought a worthy holder, namely, the Princess of Destiny, Princess Zelda.

Farore, The Goddess of Courage[]

Main article: Farore (Goddess)
Quote1 Farore... With her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law. Quote2
— Great Deku Tree

Farore, as seen in Ocarina of Time

Farore is the source of all life that exists within the Hyrulean realm. Once her sisters had finished creating a realm suitable for sustaining life, Farore created the life forms that would inhabit it. Farore breathed life onto the barren earth and into the seas, creating grasses, trees, vines, and all other manner of vegetation, also forming all of the diverse people of Hyrule.

With her works completed, Farore drew a portion of her divine spirit, and produced the Triforce of Courage. The holder of the Triforce of Courage would be imbued with the blessings of Farore, and valor unrivaled by any other. When the Triforce divided into its three aspects, the Triforce of Courage was bestowed upon the Hero, Link, in merit of his great courage.


Goddess Statues
The Goddess Statues in The Wind Waker

Various items, people and deities found throughout the series are named after the Golden Goddesses. Each of the Goddesses also have a crest that represents them, which can be found in places and items related to them.[33]

The first of the items are the three magic abilities obtained in Ocarina of Time: Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, and Nayru's Love, granted to Link by the Great Fairies. In The Wind Waker, it is said that Din's Pearl, Farore's Pearl, and Nayru's Pearl were handed down to the Ritos, Koroks, and Jabun by the Goddesses themselves, respectively.[34][35][36] These three pearls, known as the Goddess Pearls, are each placed on the three statues resembling the Golden Goddesses located in each of the Triangle Islands found across the Great Sea to rise the Tower of the Gods from beneath the waves.[37] Atop the Hyrule Castle from Twilight Princess is a statue depicting the Goddesses surrounding the Triforce. Three songs, "Din's Power", "Farore's Courage", and "Nayru's Wisdom" in Skyward Sword are learned in the Isle of Songs, which are necessary to obtain the three Sacred Flames, each also named after the Goddesses, that will upgrade the Goddess Sword.[38]

Din, Nayru, and Farore from Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, who are the Oracle of Seasons, Ages, and Secrets respectively, share the names of the goddesses and also share physical similarities to the statues depicted in The Wind Waker. It is also implied that both the dragons from Skyward Sword and the Light Spirits from Twilight Princess, Eldin, Faron, and Lanayru, are references to the Goddesses, with two of the dragons bearing the symbol of the goddess they are associated with on their forehead. Because of this, the Silent Realms of the three regions in the former game feature the names of the Goddesses, each of them testing one of the Goddess' attributes depending on the realm. Farore's Silent Realm tests the limits of Link's courage, Nayru's Silent Realm tests the limits of his wisdom, and Din's Silent Realm tests the limits of his power.[39][40][41] Likewise, each of the Sacred Tears bear their name.[42] Three Sacred Flames sharing their names and bearing their associated symbols, characteristics and colors are used to forge the Goddess Sword into the legendary Master Sword and activate the Gate of Time that also bears their symbols in the Temple of Hylia.

In Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, each Goddess has a corresponding dragon that shares their name and associated element. Numerous locations in the games also have the Goddesses as their namesake, typically corresponding to a goddess's associated element; Faron consists primarily of rainforests and grassland, Eldin contains Death Mountain, and Lanayru is snowy and mountainous with many waterfalls.

Physical Appearance[]

ALttP Goddesses Artwork

A depiction of the Golden Goddesses in A Link to the Past

In their first appearance, in Ocarina of Time, the Goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore are depicted as a golden figures surrounded by a red, blue, and green auras, respectively. However, in later titles, monuments representing the Goddesses (such as the statues of the Golden Goddesses in the throne room of Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess) give a more detailed appearance. The Goddess Statues in The Wind Waker appear similar to the Oracles Din, Nayru, and Farore who are all named after the Goddesses.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

A Link to the Past (Himekawa)[]

In the A Link to the Past manga by Akira Himekawa, after Link rescues Princess Zelda from Agahnim, they enter a church with Zelda's remaining supporters.[43] She briefly explains the Goddesses's creation of the Triforce and the Sacred Realm, along with its power.[44] After a series of events, Link meets Sahasrahla, who in turn retells the story of the Goddesses and the Triforce and explains each Goddesses's role in creating Hyrule.[45] He also reveals that the Triforce itself whispers the wishes of those who touch it to the Goddesses.[46]

Ocarina of Time (Himekawa)[]

At the beginning of the Ocarina of Time manga by Akira Himekawa, the Great Deku Tree is explaining Hyrule's creation to the Kokiri, describing how each Golden Goddess formed Hyrule.[47] However, he is interrupted by a disagreement between Mido and Link before he can impart the role Farore was responsible for. When the Great Deku Tree is dying because of Gohma, he tells Link the story of the Triforce, the power of the Goddesses and that those who touch it may remake the world in their form.[48] He then instructs Link to bring the Kokiri Emerald to Princess Zelda, as she has been chosen by the Goddesses.[49] When Princess Zelda and Link meet later on, Zelda fully describes the Golden Goddesses's roles in shaping Hyrule and confides in Link the Sacred Realm's secret.[50][51]


  • The three colors that represent the Golden Goddesses, red (Din), blue (Nayru), and green (Farore), are interestingly the primary colors of visible light. When these colors are combined, a white light will result, much like how when the three goddesses combined their essences, as seen in some games such as Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker, the yellow or golden Triforce appears.
  • Coincidentally, due to their appearance in Ocarina of Time and Din's color being pink in-game, some fans of the series find the Golden Goddesses comparable to characters Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup of the superhero Cartoon Network TV series The Powerpuff Girls (which was released at the same year in 1998), who each can fly at high speed with identical colored trails respectively to Din, Nayru, and Farore.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in Other Regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland EnglishUK Three Golden Goddesses
Three Goddesses
Japan Japanese 黄金の三大神
Three Golden Gods
The Three Goddesses
French Republic FrenchEU Trois déesses
Déesses d'Or
Three Goddesses
Golden Goddesses
Federal Republic of Germany German Drei Göttinnen Three Goddesses
Italian Republic Italian Tre Dee Three Goddesses


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Before time began, before spirits and life existed... Three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule... Din, the Goddess of Power... Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom... Farore, the Goddess of Courage... Din... With her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru... Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore... With her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law." — Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time)
  3. "Though the waters of the Ocean King exist in a different world from that of Tetra, Link, and the pirates, the crests of Hyrule’s three gods can still be found in the Ocean King’s temple. Because of this, it is highly possible that the waters of the Ocean King were created by the same gods as Hyrule." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 130)
  4. "Only one who is able to overcome the trials that await here will be acknowledged by the gods to be a true hero. [...] You must rise above the trial of the gods!" — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  5. "They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess... Handed down by the gods of old, this power gave its holder the means to make any desire a reality. Such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess." — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  6. "After the gods had finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strength, a golden triangle known as the Triforce. A small but powerful portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact, which was to guide the intelligent life on the world of Hyrule." (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 3)
  7. "Aeons ago, the Deities of Power, Courage, and Wisdom descended to the world of chaos. They created the world that we know and left behind a symbol of their strength, the golden emblem known as the Triforce, which they hid in the Golden Land." (A Link to the Past & Four Swords manual, pg. 14)
  8. "Handed down by the gods of old, this power gave its holder the means to make any desire a reality. Such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess." — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  9. "Upon their departure to the heavens, the three goddesses entrusted another goddess, Hylia, and a legion of spirits and fairies with protecting the land they had created." (Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 12)
  10. "And, the resting place of the triangles has become the Sacred Realm." — Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time)
  11. "I am one of four light spirits that protect Hyrule at the behest of the gods. I am Ordona." — Ordona (Twilight Princess)
  12. "My name is Faron. I am one of the spirits of light who dwell in Hyrule. By the order of the gods, I protect this forest." — Faron (Twilight Princess)
  13. "But soon, word of the Sacred Realm spread through Hyrule, and a great battle ensued..." — Lanayru (Twilight Princess)
  14. "Among those living in the light, interlopers who excelled at magic appeared. Wielding powerful sorcery, they tried to establish dominion over the Sacred Realm. It was then that the goddesses ordered us three light spirits to intervene. We sealed away the great magic those individuals had mastered. You know this magic...It is the dark power you seek...the Fused Shadow." — Lanayru (Twilight Princess)
  15. "What do you think happened to the magic wielders who tried to rule the Sacred Realm? They were banished. They were chased across the sacred lands of Hyrule and driven into another realm by the goddesses. It was another world entirely... The antithesis of Hyrule, where the sun shines bright. Its denizens became shadows that could not mingle with the light. Eventually, most came to call it the Twilight Realm, and from it, none could return to the world of light..." — Princess Midna (Twilight Princess)
  16. "Though the goddesses forbade us to return to the world of light, they left one link between the light and the darkness." — Princess Midna (Twilight Princess)
  17. "At the command of the goddesses, we sages have guarded the Mirror of Twilight since ancient times." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  18. "[Link], hero chosen by the goddesses..." — Lanayru (Twilight Princess)
  19. "If a person who has an evil heart gets the Triforce, a Hero is destined to appear...and he alone must face the person who began the Great Cataclysm." — Maiden (A Link to the Past)
  20. "You who have been sent by the goddesses... You should be able to gather the three pieces..." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  21. 21.0 21.1 "Oh! What is this? There, on your hand, the Triforce piece now dwells within you! It is the Triforce of Courage, proof that you are indeed the true hero. You have controlled the wind and crossed the seas, and here, near the end of your quest, the power of the gods has been bestowed upon you... Surely, from this moment on, you shall be known as the Hero of Winds..." — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  22. "Oh, chosen one... Accept this final challenge..." — Gohdan (The Wind Waker)
  23. 23.0 23.1 "It was a sign that the powers of the chosen one rest within you...and that they are awakening. Look at your awakened form... The green tunic that is your garb once belonged to the ancient hero chosen by the gods..." — Faron (Twilight Princess)
  24. "Like you, I have been granted special powers by the goddesses..." — Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
  25. "And the other, who holds the Triforce of Wisdom... is the seventh Sage, who is destined to be the leader of them all... It is I, the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda." — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  26. "The people believed that the Hero of Time would again come to save them. ...But the hero did not appear." — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  27. "Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people could do nothing but appeal to the gods. In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they left their future in the hands of fate." — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  28. "Yet all was not lost. For the gods knew that to seal the people away with the kingdom would be to grant Ganon's wish for the destruction of the land." — Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  29. "So, before the sealing of the kingdom, the gods chose those who would build a new country and commanded them to take refuge on the mountaintops." — Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  30. "When the gods heard our pleas, they chose to seal away not only Ganon, but Hyrule itself...and so, with a torrential downpour of rains from the heavens... Our fair kingdom was soon buried beneath the waves, forgotten at the bottom of the ocean." — Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  31. "Yet...By some divine prank, he, too, had been blessed with the chosen power of the gods." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  32. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Unused Text, The Cutting Room Floor, retrieved April 6, 2022.
  33. "Din, Nayru, and Farore each left a crest behind. Each of these symbols—the crests of power, wisdom, and courage—can be found in a location related to its respective goddess." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 70)
  34. "The water spirit Jabun was kind enough to give you this jewel, a treasure of one of the goddesses!" — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  35. "You received Din's Pearl! This is the gem the Ritos claim was passed down from the great goddess!" — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  36. "You received Farore's Pearl! The earth spirit, the Deku Tree, has seen fit to give you this jewel, a treasure of the goddess, Farore." — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  37. "Wandering traveler who seeks the guidepost of the goddesses... Place the pearl you hold here." — Goddess Statue (The Wind Waker)
  38. "Ah, sorry to disappoint you, boy, but for now your sword lacks the power necessary to awaken the gate. Faron Woods...Eldin Volcano...and Lanayru Desert... A sacred flame is hidden somewhere in each of these lands. Seek them out, and purify your sword in their heat. Only after your blade has been tempered by these three fires will it be fully imbued with the great power for which you search." — Impa (Skyward Sword)
  39. "This particular trial, Farore's Silent Realm, tests the limits of your courage." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  40. "This is the second trial, known as Nayru's Silent Realm. It will test your wisdom, Master." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  41. "You stand within Din's Silent Realm, the third trial. It will test the limits of your power." — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  42. "You got a Tear of Farore! This object's power halts the movements of the Guardians for just 90 seconds. Collect all 15 to pass the trial!" — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  43. "Let's go to the church. There might be some soldiers hiding there." (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 28)
  44. "It began a long time ago. According to legend, the goddesses hid the Triforce in the Sacred Realm... somewhere in this country. They say the Triforce has the power to grant any wish made by the first person who touches it." (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 30)
  45. "Long before humans ever existed, the goddesses came down, bringing order and life to the chaos. The goddess of power colored the mountains red with fire. The goddess of wisdom created the magic of science. The goddess of courage used her kind and strong heart to create the other creatures of land, see and sky." (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 68, 69)
  46. "It is said Hyrule is where goddesses came down, and our country has many Hylian ruins. There is also an old legend regarding the Triforce. Somewhere under heaven is the golden power... which whispers to the goddesses the wish of any who touch it..." (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 70)
  47. "Shall I begin? Long, long ago... before the world had taken clear shape... it is said that three goddesses came down to Hyrule. One was Din. She brought fire and sculpted a red land. One was Nayru. With her wisdom she brought law to the world. The last one was..." (Ocarina of Time manga vol. 1, VIZ Media, pg. 10)
  48. "The Triforce has held the power of the gods since ancient times. Whoever touches it has the power to remake the world in the image of his own heart..." (Ocarina of Time manga vol. 1, VIZ Media, pg. 34)
  49. "... There is a princess there who has been chosen by the gods. Give her this stone... The Kokiri's Emerald!!" (Ocarina of Time manga vol. 1, VIZ Media, pg. 35)
  50. "Long, long ago... before there was any life on land or in the sea... the three Golden Goddesses came down to the chaotic land of Hyrule... Din, the Goddess of Power... whose strength lay in fire, which she used to forge the red earth. Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom... who bathed the land in her wisdom and brought order out of the chaos. And Farore, that Goddess of Courage... who protected that order and, from her great heart, brought life to the world..." (Ocarina of Time manga vol. 1, VIZ Media, pg. 61, 62)
  51. "When these tacks were completed and it was time for the three Golden Goddesses to return to heaven, they left behind a golden pyramid - the Triforce - and the surrounding area became the Sacred Realm... he who gathers the three Spiritual Stones... must stand in this spot with the Ocarina of Time. If he does... the door will open. This is the secret of the Sacred Realm..." (Ocarina of Time manga vol. 1, VIZ Media, pg. 62, 63)