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Noko is an Anouki in Spirit Tracks.[2] He resides in Anouki Village in the Snow Realm.


Noko lives in a house in the southern portion of Anouki Village. When Link visits the village for the first time, he is tasked by Honcho, the Anouki chief, to pair up all of the Anouki in order to put together a village watch for all the monsters that have begun to appear after the Spirit Tracks vanished. Noko comments to Link that he dislikes Anouki who wear yellow clothes.[3] Due to his preferences, Link ends pairing him up with an Anouki named Kofu.

Noko also works at the village's spring, creating Mega Ice, an ice so cold it can freeze lava. However, when Link needs to acquire some Mega Ice, he learns that an Ice Chuchu fell into the village's spring, ruining the water.[4] Link must bring Noko aboard the Spirit Train and take him to the Wellspring Station, where he can resume making Mega Ice.[5]


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseツノナシ (Tsunonashi)[6]
FranceFrenchEUSanboiso[8]From "sans bois" (no antlers)
Latin AmericaSpanishLAAcorno[12]
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  1. "So it seems Noko doesn't like Anoukis who wear yellow. Put another way, he loves bananas... Oh, wait, that's all wrong. What I meant to say is that he'd pair well with someone wearing blue, or Honcho." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 288 (ST)
  3. "Me? My biggest gripe is guys wearin' yellow. I mean...blech! As far as I'm concerned, outside of bananas, nothing looks good in yellow!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  4. "Ya know how we sell Mega Ica here? Yeah, it's our village's major export. Well, a little while ago, an Ice Chu Chu fell in the water... And ever since, there's been a gooey film floatin' on the surface... It's revoltin'!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  5. "Booya! Is this a prime spot for makin' Mega Ice or what?! Yep, this is it. I'm gonna start up the business right here, guy!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  6. Encyclopedia, TOKYOPOP, pg. 286 (ST)
  7. "Bon, en tout cas, je m'appelle Noko." — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  8. "Enfin, quoi qu'il en soit, je m'appelle Sanboiso. J'ai pas de bois donc on m'appelle Sanboiso, facile à retenir, non?" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  9. "Also, ich bin jedenfalls Ohngwei. Ohngwei ohne Geweih, sag ich immer!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  10. "Ma parliamo di cose più interessanti: io mi chiamo Scornetto. Mi hanno dato questo nome perché le mie corna quasi non si vedono!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  11. "Bah, da igual. Me llamo Acorno. Eso sí que debes recordarlo. Por cierto, me llaman así porque casi no tengo cuernos, ¡no lo olvides!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)
  12. "No importa. Me llamo Acorno. Eso sí que debes recordarlo. Por cierto, me llaman así porque no tengo cuernos, ¡no lo olvides!" — Noko (Spirit Tracks)