Financial Modeling and Valuation

Unlock the art of financial modeling and valuation with a comprehensive course covering McDonald’s step-by-step Financial Model (25+ Hours of Videos)

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What Will You Learn?

Financial Modeling
  • McDonald’s Step by Step Financial Modeling from Scratch
  • 3 Statements Forecast (Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flows)
  • Revenue Forecasts
  • Costs Forecasts
  • Working Capital Forecasts
  • Depreciation & Amortization Forecast
  • Shareholders Equity Forecast
  • Debt Forecasts
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Circular References
  • Dividend Discount Model
  • Discounted Cash Flow Model
  • CAPM and WACC
  • Cost of Debt Calculation
  • Cost of Equity Calculation
  • Terminal Value
  • Buy/Sell Recommendation
  • Relative Valuation
  • P/E, P/BV, P/CF
  • PEG, Dividend Yield
  • EV/Sales, EV/Capacity
CourseCourse CoverageCourse DurationActual Price
Financial ModelingMcDonald’s Step by Step Financial Modeling from Scratch
• 3 Statements Forecast (Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flows)
• Revenue Forecasts
• Costs Forecasts
• Working Capital Forecasts
• Depreciation & Amortization Forecast
• Shareholders Equity Forecast
• Debt Forecasts
• Financial Statement Analysis
• Sensitivity Analysis
• Circular References
13+ hours$368
ValuationDividend Discount Model
Discounted Cash Flow Model
• Cost of Debt Calculation
• Cost of Equity Calculation
• Terminal Value
• Buy/Sell Recommendation
Relative Valuation
• P/E, P/BV, P/CF
• PEG, Dividend Yield
• EV/Sales, EV/Capacity
12+ hours$368
Bundle Price25+ hours$736
Bundle Price (Discounted)$197

What Will You Get?

25+ hours of video tutorials (Step by Step)

40+ downloadable Excel templates

Certificate of completion

One year unlimited access

Course Summary

Develop your expertise in Financial Modeling and Valuation through our all-inclusive course. Whether you’re a finance expert aiming to elevate your abilities or a prospective investor desiring to make well-informed choices, this course is tailored to equip you with the necessary knowledge and resources to succeed in the industry. By attaining proficiency in financial statement analysis and implementing valuation methods, you will acquire the skills to generate precise financial forecasts and evaluate the value of enterprises and investment prospects effectively.

CourseFinancial Modeling & Valuation Course
Hours25+ video hours
Core CoverageMcDonald’s Step by Step Financial Modeling from Scratch
3 Statements Forecast (Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flows)
Revenue Forecasts
Costs Forecasts
Working Capital Forecasts
Depreciation & Amortization Forecast
Shareholders Equity Forecast
Debt Forecasts
Financial Statement Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Circular References
Dividend Discount Model
Discounted Cash Flow Model
Cost of Debt Calculation
Cost of Equity Calculation
Terminal Value
Buy/Sell Recommendation
Relative Valuation
PEG, Dividend Yield
EV/Sales, EV/Capacity
Templates Downloadable?Yes, Excel templates and financial models are downloadable
Online Financial Modeling & Valuation Course ValidityUnlimited access to online Financial Modeling & Valuation course videos for 1 year
EligibilityAny graduates, finance professionals, entrepreneurs, or individuals
Pre-RequisitesElementary knowledge of Accounting and Finance
What Do You get?Certificate of Completion
Certification TypeOnline Certificate
Verifiable Certificates?Yes
Type of TrainingSelf-Paced Video Course on Financial Modeling & Valuation
Software RequiredExcel

Course Sample Videos

Calculating Margins

MCD Payable Turnover

MCD Depreciation Expense

Discounted Cash flow

Historical PE Chart


Course Content

  1. What is Financial Modeling.
  2. Top Level View of Financial Modeling.
  3. Setting up the Financial Model.
  4. Best Practices – Number and Color Coding.
  5. Best Practices – Important Tips.
  1. Understanding Historical Income Statement.
  2. Populating Historical Income Statement.
  1. Understanding MCD Balance Sheet.
  2. Populating MCD Balance Sheet.
  1. Understanding MCD Cash Flow Statement.
  2. Populating Historical Cash Flow Statement.
  1. Calculating Margins.
  1. Vertical Analysis of Income Statement.
  1. Vertical Analysis of Balance sheet.
  1. Segmental Growth Forecast.
  2. Price Volume Growth Forecast.
  3. Occupancy Based Revenue Forecast.
  4. Employee Based Forecast.
  5. Sq Feet Based Forecast.
  6. Capacity Based Forecast.
  1. Understanding MCD Revenue Segments.
  2. Populating MCD Revenue Segments.
  3. Calculating MCD Yield Per Restaurant.
  4. Projecting MCD Yield Per Restaurant.
  5. Projecting MCD Restaurants.
  6. Calculating MCD’s Projected Revenues.
  7. Linking MCD’s Revenue Forecast.
  1. Projecting MCD Operating Cost – MP4.
  2. Projecting MCD SG&A Expenses.
  3. Projecting MCD Non Operating Expense – MP4.
  4. Projecting MCD Income Tax – MP4.
  1. Understanding MCD Working Capital – MP4.
  2. Linking Historical Working Capital – MP4.
  3. Calculating MCD Accounts Receivable Turnover – MP4
  4. Calculating MCD Inventory Turnover – MP4,
  5. Calculating MCD Payables Turnover – MP4.
  6. Calculating MCD Cash Conversion Cycle – MP4.
  7. Forecasting MCD Cash Conversion Cycle – MP4.
  8. Forecasting MCD Working Capital – MP4.
  9. Linking Working Capital to Balance Sheet – MP4.
  10. Linking Working Capital to Cash Flow Statement – MP4.
  1. Depreciation and Capex Refresher – MP4.
  2. Projecting Capex – MP4.
  3. MCD Historical Property and Equipment – MP4.
  4. Projecing MCD Property and Equipment – MP4.
  5. Calculating MCD Depreciation Expense – MP4.
  6. Completing MCD Depreciation Expense – MP4.
  7. Linking Capex and Depreciation – MP4.
  1. Calculating Historical Amortization.
  2. Calculating Addition to Intangibles.
  3. Forecasting Amortization.
  4. Linking Software and Amortization.
  1. Understanding Other Long Term Assets and Liabilities.
  2. Projecting Other Assets.
  3. Projecting Other Liabilities.
  4. Linking Other Long Term Assets Liabilities.
  1. MCD Consolidated Statement of Shareholders Equity.
  2. Understanding Shareholders Equity Equation.
  3. Linking the Shareholders Equity.
  4. Projecting MCD Share Repurchase.
  5. Projecting MCD Stock Options.
  6. Projecting MCD Dividends.
  7. Projecting Share Based Compensation.
  8. Projecting Outstanding Shares.
  9. Calculating Shareholders Equity.
  10. Linking Shareholders Equity.
  1. Cash Flow from Operations.
  2. Cash Flow for Investing.
  3. Cash Flow for Financing Activities.
  4. Calculating Year End Cash Flows.
  1. Debt Forecast Foundation.
  2. Cash Available for Debt Repayments.
  3. Understanding Cash Available for Line of Credit.
  4. Forecasting Long Term Debt.
  5. McDonalds Line of Credit.
  6. Modeling Line of Credit.
  7. Forecasting Line of Credit.
  8. Interest Expense on Line of Credit.
  9. Interest Expenses on Long Term Debt.
  10. Interest Income.
  11. Linking the Financial Statements.
  12. Adjusting Debt.
  13. Circular Reference in Debt.
  1. Introduction to Dividend Discount Model.
  2. Types of Dividend Discount Model.
  3. Constant Growth DDM.
  4. Two Stage DDM.
  5. Three Stage DDM.
  6. Professional Approach.
  7. Sensitivity Analysis – Growth vs Fair Value.
  8. Sensitivity Analysis – Growth and Cost of Equity.
  9. Identifying Companies for DDM.
  10. Limitations of DDM.
  1. Discounted Cash Flow Introduction.
    • DCF Introduction.
  2. Free Cash Flows.
    • Understanding FCFF.
    • Peter Business – Case Study 1.
    • Peter Business – Case Study 2.
    • Defining FCFF Intuitively.
    • FCFF Formulas.
    • FCFF Example.
  3. Free Cash Flow to Equity.
    • Understanding FCFE.
    • FCFE Formulas.
    • FCFE Example.
    • When to Use FCFE.
  4. Discounted Cash flow (Using FCFF).
    • Steps to DCF – MP4.
    • Step 1 – Projecting Financials – MP4.
    • Step 1 – Working Capital Turnover Ratios – MP4.
    • Step 1 – Projecting Working Capital – MP4.
    • Step 2 – Calculating FCFF – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Calculating WACC – MP4.
    • Step 3 – WACC – Basic Example – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Book Value or Market Value – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Debt – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Options Refresher – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Options Table – MP4.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Effect of Options.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Market Value of Equity.
    • Step 3 – Capital Structure – Debt Equity Proportion.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – Introduction.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – Understanding Risks.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – CAPM – Risk Free Rate.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – CAPM Beta.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – Factors Affecting Beta.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity – Risk Premium.
    • Step 3 – Finding Risk Free Rate.
    • Step 3 – Finding Beta Using Regression Method.
    • Step 3 – Finding Beta Using SLOPE Method.
    • Step 3 – Finding Beta Using Variance Covariance Method.
    • Step 3 – Finding Beta – Practical Method.
    • Step 3 – Finding Beta – Levered Unlevered Method.
    • Step 3 – Finding Risk Premium.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity Calculation.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Debt – Credit Rating Method.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Debt – Synthetic Rating Method.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Debt – Using Financials Method.
    • Step 3 – WACC Calculation.
    • Step 4 – Terminal Value Introduction.
    • Step 4 – Terminal Value using Perpetuity Growth.
    • Step 4 – Terminal Value Using Exit Method.
    • Step 5 – Calculating Present Value.
    • Step 6- Calculate Share Price.
    • Step 7 – Sensitivity Analysis.
    • DCF Recap (Step 1 to 3).
    • DCF Recap (Step 4 to 7).
  5. Discounted Cash Flow using FCFE.
    • Steps to DCF using FCFE.
    • Step 1 – Projecting Financials.
    • Step 2 – Calculating FCFE.
    • Step 3 – Cost of Equity.
    • Step 4 – Terminal Value.
    • Step 5 – Find Present Value.
    • Step 6 – Calculate Share Price.
    • Step 7 – Sensitivity Analysis.
  1. Introduction to Relative Valuation.
  2. Relative Valuation Sample.
  3. Revisiting Enterprise and Equity Value.
  4. Enterprise Value and Equity Value Multiples.
  5. PE Ratio.
  6. Historical PE Chart.
  7. Limitations of PE Ratio.
  8. Price to Cash Flow.
  9. Chevron Price to Cash Flow.
  10. Price to Cash Flow Limitation.
  11. Price to Book Value.
  12. Price to Book Value in Software Sector.
  13. Price to Book Value in Auto Sector.
  14. Price to Book Value in Banking Sector.
  15. Price to Book Value citigroup target price.
  16. Price to Book Value Limitations.
  17. PEG Ratio.
  18. PEG Ratio Applications.
  19. PEG Ratio Limitations.
  20. Dividend Yield.
  21. Dividend Yield Rationale.
  22. Dividend Yield Sectors.
  23. EV to Sales.
  24. Why use EV to Sales?
  25. EV to Sales in Cyclical Sector.
  26. EV to Sales vs P to Sales.
  27. Target price using EV to sales.
  28. EV to sales limitations.
  29. EV to EBITDA.
  30. EV to EBITDA – Retail Sector.
  31. EV to EBITDA vs PE Ratio.
  32. Target Price using EV to EBITDA.
  33. EV to EBITDA Limitations.
  34. EV to EBIT.
  35. Target Price using EV to EBIT.
  36. EV to EBIT Limitations.
  37. EV to FCF.
  38. EV to FCF Example.
  39. EV to FCF Limitations.
  40. EV to Capacity.

Financial Modeling & Valuation Course – Certificate of Completion

Course Description

In the world of finance, working with large volumes of numerical data is a constant challenge. However, the key to success lies in your ability to organize and structure this data meaningfully, making it invaluable for the management decision-making. Our comprehensive course focuses on helping you learn how to handle and analyze financial data effectively, and create robust dynamic financial models. These models assist you in making accurate historical analysis and reliable projections for the financial performance.

As Warren Buffett aptly stated, “The most important course in business schools is not stock trading or market hypothesis. It is the business valuation.”

Valuation is the process of determining the true worth of a business or investment opportunity. It plays a pivotal role in business mergers and acquisitions, investment analysis, and financial decision-making. Our course places significant emphasis on teaching valuation techniques, ensuring you possess the critical skill-set required to assess the value of a business entity.

What We Offer:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers a comprehensive curriculum designed to empower you with the skills necessary for successful valuation and financial modeling. From organizing and structuring financial data to constructing dynamic models, you will gain a deep understanding of financial analysis and strategic decision-making.
  • Hands-on Approach: Our course offers practical exercises and real-world case studies. This hands-on approach will sharpen your analytical abilities, enabling you to handle complex financial challenges with confidence.
  • Industry Experts as Instructors: Our team of instructors are industry experts who possess extensive experience in finance, valuation, and strategic analysis. They are passionate about imparting their knowledge and will guide you through complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner.
  • Cutting-Edge Tools: Our course aims to familiarize you with new-age tools and software employed in the industry, like Excel, VBA, and other advanced modeling platforms. By enrolling in our program, you will gain a solid understanding of the latest software applications extensively utilized by industry professionals.
  • Flexible Learning: Our self-paced video course allows you to learn at your convenience. Access the course material from anywhere, at any time, and progress through the content at your own pace. Fit your studies into your busy schedule and gain mastery over valuation and financial modeling techniques.
  • One Year Unlimited Access: By enrolling in our course, you will enjoy 1 year unlimited access to a diverse range of educational resources. These include engaging video lectures, interactive exercises, real-world case studies, and downloadable materials. We also ensure to keep you informed and up-to-date means that you will always be equipped with the latest trends and developments in valuation.
  • Career Advancement: By attaining the knowledge and skills imparted in this course, you will significantly improve your prospects of obtaining sought-after positions in the finance and consulting sectors.
  • Certification: Upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, recognizing your expertise in valuation and financial modeling. This certificate will validate your skills and enhance your professional qualifications in the finance industry.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Finance professionals working in investment, banking and equity research
  • Financial managers
  • Corporate finance Private equity and merger and acquisition professional
  • CA, FRM, MBA finance, CFA programme candidate
  • Self-employed, financial professionals
  • Graduates
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Aspiring investors and individuals interested in making informed financial decisions
  • People with basic to intermediate scale of working in MS Excel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our Financial Modeling and Valuation course is designed for finance professionals, analysts, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone seeking to master valuation techniques and financial modeling skills.

The Financial Modeling and Valuation course covers a wide range of topics, including organizing financial data, constructing dynamic financial models, valuation techniques, investment analysis, and strategic decision-making.

While prior knowledge of finance is beneficial, the course on Financial Modeling and Valuation is designed to accommodate learners at various levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, our course will equip you with the necessary skills to excel in valuation and financial modeling.

Our Financial Modeling and Valuation Course offers a self-paced learning experience, giving you the freedom to study at your preferred pace. With access to pre-recorded video lessons and downloadable resources, you can conveniently navigate through the course content based on your own schedule and availability.

The course duration may vary depending on your learning pace and time commitment.

Yes, you will enjoy unrestricted access to the course materials beyond completion, allowing you to revisit lessons, review resources, and reinforce your understanding whenever necessary.

Yes, upon successful completion of the Financial Modeling and Valuation Course, you will receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate serves as recognition of your newly acquired valuation skills and can be added to your professional portfolio.

You may contact our course support at [email protected]

Seize the chance to become a master of valuation and financial modeling techniques. Enroll in our all-inclusive course now and elevate your financial skills to unprecedented levels.


Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

  • ex-JPMorgan, CLSA Equity Analyst
  • CFA, FRM Chaterholder
  • 18+ years of Training Experience

Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM, the Co-founder of WallStreetMojo, is renowned for his expertise in finance. With an impressive background as a former J.P. Morgan and CLSA Equity Analyst, he possesses a deep understanding of financial modeling, forecasting, and valuations. With a career spanning nearly two decades, Dheeraj has left an indelible mark by training and mentoring over 100,000 students and professionals worldwide. His extensive knowledge and passion for the field have made him a sought-after expert in areas such as investment banking, private equity, accounting, and more. Dheeraj’s unwavering dedication to empowering others has earned him acclaim as a visionary leader in the financial industry.

Course Reviews / Testimonials

Hrishikesh Kaushik

This course is truly exceptional as it comprehensively covers all essential aspects of Financial Modeling and Valuation. It is designed to accommodate both beginners and individuals with prior experience, offering a suitable level of depth. I greatly appreciate and express my gratitude to the course instructor for bringing in his practical insights. Thank you!

Amelia Brown

I am a certified Chartered Accountant. This course has provided me with extensive knowledge and insights into company valuation and financial modeling. I am incredibly grateful for the depth of learning I have gained through this course.

Harper Anderson

The bundle course was well-structured, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications. The instructor’s industry experience gave me a valuable perspective to the lessons. The course also comes with valuable resources and tools that I will continue to refer to in my work. This course is a must for anyone looking to gain a solid foundation in modeling and valuation.

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Dheeraj Vaidya, CFA, FRM

  • ex-JPMorgan, CLSA Equity Analyst
  • CFA, FRM Chaterholder
  • 18+ years of Training Experience