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Update your participant profile

Keep your profile up-to-date to make sure you're receiving the right research study invitations and improve your chances of being selected.

Keeping your profile up-to-date is a surefire way to ensure you are receiving the right study invitations for you as well as improving your chances of getting selected.

Updating Your Profile

  • Log in to your account
  • You'll be directed to your account profile. Click the yellow edit icon (see below). 
  • Check all of your information and update anything that has been outdated.

And here's how to connect your social media account. This is optional.

What should I keep updated?

In a nutshell—all of it! 

Your location and demographic information will directly impact the study invitations your receive. We'll occasionally request new demographic data to help us better target participants. If you notice any empty fields, be sure to update them.

Questions? Contact us here for assistance.

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