
the dew of dying stars

@corvophobia / corvophobia.tumblr.com

amber - 26 - she/her - locked tomb/RWBY

Hi saw your locked tomb hades post and I am interesting in why you put harrow in the crossroads when her dialogue implies her giving a boon? I’m sorry if this is rude


uhhhh idk lol i just liked the gloomy setting it matched the vibe i was going for for her??


animators fuck me up. if you asked me to draw something it would take every ounce of my life to complete this task. if you then asked me to draw it again a little to the left I would die


I love those hades 2 stills you did of harrow and gideon!! howd you do the formatting for them? Like, making it look like a game screenshot?


not going to lie i did it the long way, which is i found the highest quality screenshots of the game that i could and then i painted over the background to hide the other characters LMFAO you can tell if you look closely. but i also tweaked the colours a lot on harrow and gideon to make them look like theyre in the same settings with lots of overlays and stuff! its a process


By the gods, your Harrow and Gideon in Hades 2 would be just AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


HAHA im glad you think so!!! my friend court suggested an AU and now im just 👁️👁️👁️


Tumblr Tuesday: A Cozy Little Spot in the Underworld 

It’s a Hades art collection! All your favorite drapey ones, right here on your dash. Please join us in celebrating the incredibly talented artists in this fandom. They are doing us all such a solid while we anxiously await the official release and its delicious family drama.

Anonymous asked:

hey just wanted to let you know I started reading tlt because of the fishnets/carabiner fanart, and I finally finished nona, so I just wanted to say thank you! I’m absolutely so normal about the saddest girl in the whole world :)

OMGGGG this is so cute thank u <3 my impact

Anonymous asked:

hi!! i was wondering if you're okay with folks using your art as icons or lock screens?

100% yes i am!!! <3


Utterly blown away by the kind words and responses to the previous Harrow piece everyone! ❤️

Here’s the matching Gideon Nav, in the same Alphonse Mucha x The Locked Tomb series! (I know, armour isn’t strictly canon, but it’s badass, so yeah. No apologies) Enjoy!

PS: Both this and Harrow will be available in 11” x 17” print form at Otafest this upcoming weekend! (I’ll be at the charity Sketch Drive all three days)! If you’re planning on coming out to the Con, stop by and say hi! :)


its a shame this and the other harrow piece are ai generated lol you should really disclose that before you sell them to people as an original artwork 💀

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