Accessibility Statement

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Accessible Web design provides benefits to both those using assistive technology, as well as others. It provides benefit to users with text-based browsers, low-end processors, slow modem connections, or users who do not have state-of-the-art computer equipment. It also allows for easier access to the Internet via technologies such as internet-enabled phones or personal digital assistants.

Tennessee executive branch agency Web sites are subject to the same accessible Web standards as federal agencies. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.  ยง 794(d), as amended) establishes requirements for federal electronic and information technology, and the federal Access Board has issued the standards to meet those requirements.

We are committed to making accessible to all users and we have included several features designed to improve accessibility for all users. We welcome comments on how to improve the site's accessibility for users with disabilities.

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material prevents your ability to access the information, please contact us for assistance. In order to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please note the nature of your accessibility concern, the preferred format in which to receive the online material, the Web page address of the requested material, and the best way to contact you.

Hard copy documents are available for those unable to access or view the downloadable files on this Web site. Simply contact us by e-mail at  to make your request.

To file an accessibility complaint, please complete one of following the steps:

  • Complete the form below to submit a complaint.


  • The complaint may also be mailed to the following address: 

Tennessee Tower 20th Floor
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Nashville, TN 37243

IMPORTANT: Please ensure when utilizing the "Accessibility/Disability Complaint" option below,  you are submitting complaints pertaining to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 508 involves compliances ensuring all electronic content is accessible to everyone, specifically those with disabilities.

If your issue/complaint does not involve 508 compliance, please use the "General Help w/Accounts, Logins, etc." option to ensure the proper process is initiated for your specific issue. Using the correct form will result in the most efficient response possible from the proper individuals at their respected departments.

What type of issue are you having?