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A week in Gaza

This week George Bush flies to the Middle East in another effort to revive peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

But the one subject that won't be on their agenda is Gaza, the small, overcrowded strip of land sliding ever deeper into economic catastrophe.

All this week the Guardian reports on the effects of the crisis on the ordinary people of Gaza
  • Gaza's children suffer as conflict enters the classroom

  • 'There is no normal childhood'

  • 'They say they have the right to shoot at us and kill us'

    Samir, a Gazan boy, is haunted by the death of his brother during an Israeli rocket attack

  • Etedal Zanati

    'Everyone is thinking for themselves'

    In the cramped three-room home she shares with her 10 children, Etedal Zanati faces a daily battle to keep them fed and clothed. Rory McCarthy reports

  • Ahmad abu Me'tiq. His wife and four of his children were killed in an explosion at the door to his home in Beit Hanoun, Gaza.

    'We are almost dead. We have no money, nothing'

  • Abid Razzaq Ouda

    Siege of Gaza squeezes life out of the land

  • Meet the Bakrs ... a middle-class family from Gaza

  • 'Who'll look after my little ones when I'm gone?'

  • Fishermen of Gaza

    Fishermen of Gaza

    Martin Godwin joins a fishing boat from Gaza City to the limits of where Israeli naval patrols allow the men to work
  • 'A disaster for everybody'

  • Abdul Salam al-Hissi’s boat leaves Gaza City harbour and heads out into the open sea.

    Sea blockade sees dry patch for Gaza's fishermen

  • Egyptian mediator to meet Israelis after Hamas agrees ceasefire plan

  • The blockade and the smugglers