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Abdel Fatah Younis

  • Abdel Fattah Younis

    Younis assassination magnifies divisions among Libyan rebels

    As Ramadan dawns in Libya, internal strife among the opposition continues to frustrate their impatient western allies
  • Libyan police and miltia guard hangar in Benghazi

    Libyan rebels under increasing strain after attack on 'renegades' in Benghazi

    Divisions deepen over killing of Abdul Fatah Younis, while forces elsewhere report gains in Misrata and Nafusa mountains

  • Abdel Fattah Younes

    Gen Abdel Fatah Younis obituary

    Military leader and Gaddafi's trusted aide until he defected to Libyan rebel forces
  • Abdel Fatah Younis funeral, Libya

    Abdel Fatah Younis assassination creates division among Libya rebels

    Mourners descend on Benghazi for funeral parade following revelation ex-Gaddafi aide had been called back to city
  • General Abdel Fatah Younis

    Abdul Fatah Younis ambush killing blamed on pro-Gaddafi forces

    Libyan rebel army leader's death announced at chaotic late-night press conference in Benghazi
  • Abdel Fattah Younes

    Abdel Fatah Younis: from Gaddafi's right-hand man to Libya's rebel leader

    Muammar Gaddafi's trusted adviser who turned against him in Benghazi and led the uprising
  • Libyan rebel forces leader General Abdul Fatah Younis

    Libyan rebel forces leader shot dead

    Rebel security arrest head of group behind killing of Gaddafi defector Abdel Fatah Younis and his two aides