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July 2024

  • Josh Taylor

    Apple’s Vision Pro headset is impressive – but it’s hard to know its ultimate purpose

    Josh Taylor
  • Graphcore co-Founder and CEO Nigel Toon introduces the company's range of Mk2 IPU systems.

    UK risks tech ‘talent drain’ to US if pension funds fail to back sector

  • Cancer experts have warned that AI’s value and potential in healthcare has been overstated to a dangerous degree.

    TechScape newsletter
    TechScape: Can AI really help fix a healthcare system in crisis?

  • Microsoft Surface Pro 11 review desktop shown on a wooden table.

    Surface Pro 11 review: Microsoft’s big Arm leap almost pays off

  • Chinese developers scramble as OpenAI blocks access in China

  • How AI is helping us tackle the climate crisis

  • Meet Mercy and Anita – the African workers driving the AI revolution, for just over a dollar an hour

  • James Muldoon, Mark Graham and Callum Cant: ‘AI feeds off the work of human beings’

  • The networker
    Microsoft’s climbdown over its creepy Recall feature shows its AI strategy is far from intelligent

    John Naughton
  • ‘The disruption is already happening!’ Is AI about to ruin your favourite TV show?

  • Can the climate survive the insatiable energy demands of the AI arms race?

  • Figma’s AI app creator accused of ripping off Apple weather app

  • Smudgy chins, weird hands, dodgy numbers: seven signs you’re watching a deepfake

June 2024

  • The ‘knife-edge’ business of digital recreation in Eternal You.

    Eternal You review – thought-provoking look at new AI product for the grieving

  • ray kurzweil in a room at singularity, the university he co-founded in mountain view, california

    AI scientist Ray Kurzweil: ‘We are going to expand intelligence a millionfold by 2045’

  • Bill Gates and Prince William listen to a delegate at a conference venue

    AI will be help rather than hindrance in hitting climate targets, Bill Gates says

  • Exterior view of a Currys store in London

    Currys looks to AI tech to drive growth as profits climb

  • Number of girls in England taking computing GCSE plummets, study finds

  • Researchers fool university markers with AI-generated exam papers

  • UK needs system for recording AI misuse and malfunctions, thinktank says

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