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Giles Fraser

Giles Fraser is a parish priest in Elephant and Castle, south London

April 2019

  • Sri Lankan soldiers inside the St Sebastian’s Church at Katuwapitiya in Negombo

    As the Sri Lanka attacks show, Christians worldwide face serious persecution

    Giles Fraser
  • Notre Dame on fire

    Resurrection is inescapable in Holy Week. Notre Dame will rise again

    Giles Fraser

June 2018

  • School assembly posed by models.

    Is it time to give the overworked one-minute’s silence a rest?

    Giles Fraser
    I’m tired of defensiveness and a lack of ideas being passed off as a pause for reflection, says the former Guardian Loose Canon columnist Giles Fraser

February 2018

  • Jeremy Corbyn gives his speech at the National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University

    The panel
    Was Corbyn’s speech a bold Brexit vision, or playing politics? The panel verdict

    Owen Jones, Giles Fraser, Katy Balls, David Shariatmadari and Faiza Shaheen
    Five writers respond after Corbyn set out his plans for a UK-EU customs union

December 2017

  • Father Xavier Osvaldo, saying mass at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Shoreditch. The congregation for 12 noon mass on sunday is almost exclusively Brazilian.

    Loose canon
    What do an Etonian, a Trumpite and a Corbyn fan have in common? My church

    Giles Fraser
    It’s hard to think of a more varied group of people than the one that gathers at my local church. Surely a truly healthy society is built on this sort of diversity, writes Guardian columnist Giles Fraser
  • Illustration by Ben Jennings

    Loose canon
    Tidings of comfort and joy can’t take the pain out of life

    Giles Fraser
    When my son can’t sleep and I offer reassurance I am reminded that, as a priest, that’s my job, writes Giles Fraser, priest-in-charge at St Mary’s Newington, south London
    • Loose canon
      Jerusalem – for Christians, Jews and Muslims – is both a city and an idea

      Giles Fraser
    • Loose canon
      Bad Santa: how we turned Saint Nicholas into a symbol of greed

      Giles Fraser
    • Hearts and minds: Giles Fraser on life after his quadruple bypass

November 2017

  • Meghan Markle on a visit to Rwanda with the charity World Vision in 2016.

    Loose canon
    How Meghan Markle might bring the royals closer to Christ the King

    Giles Fraser
    Loose canon: If Prince Harry’s fiancee can bring some of her campaigning spirit for the dispossessed into the Windsor mix, the monarchy will be all the richer for it
  • Guide dog owners inside Westminster Hall

    Loose canon
    It’s called effective altruism – but is it really the best way to do good?

    Giles Fraser
    Loose canon: The reduction of morality to a data-driven calculation has proved especially attractive in an age where Stem disciples make so much of the cultural running
    • Loose canon
      Salvator Mundi went for $450m. But you can have the real thing for free

      Giles Fraser
    • Loose canon
      Hedd Wyn: the shepherd poet whose story shows the stupidity of war

      Giles Fraser
    • Loose canon
      Before Balfour: the Reformation helped to create the state of Israel

      Giles Fraser

October 2017

  • John Humphrys

    Here’s my Thought for the Day: stop sneering and keep the faith, BBC

    Giles Fraser
    A culture of sniggering contempt towards religion is endemic within the BBC, says priest and Guardian columnist Giles Fraser
  • A poster showing workers advancing against the church. By M Rabinovich, 1930

    Loose canon
    Why the Soviet attempt to stamp out religion failed

    Giles Fraser
    Loose canon: The British Museum’s Living with Gods exhibition describes some of the myriad ways in which faith expresses itself
    • Loose canon
      Universal credit is designed to blame the poor for their poverty

      Giles Fraser
    • Loose canon
      Still puzzled by the Brexit vote? Take yourself off to Blakenall Heath

      Giles Fraser
    • Loose canon
      The truth about capitalism is out as Marx’s magic cap starts to slip

      Giles Fraser

September 2017

  • Colin Kaepernick (centre) and San Francisco 49ers team-mates ‘take the knee’ during the national anthem before a game on 2 October 2016

    Loose canon
    Like the prophets of old, Colin Kaepernick uses prayer as protest

    Giles Fraser
    Loose canon: America itself has become the object of its own collective worship, with Donald Trump the Herod of its civic religion. But loyalty to God will always beat loyalty to the state
About 510 results for Giles Fraser