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Meet the founder who’s creating warm coats – and big opportunities – for Detroit’s homeless

Through her nonprofit, Veronika Scott is helping to break the cycle of generational poverty, one warm coat at a time

Courtesy of The Empowerment Plan and Spreetail

People call her the “Coat Lady.” And it’s a badge Veronika Scott wears with honor. She’s the founder and CEO of The Empowerment Plan, a Detroit nonprofit that helps people break out of the generational cycle of homelessness by providing them with training and employment. What does any of this have to do with coats? Well, it’s where Scott’s story begins.

In 2010, as an undergrad at Detroit’s College for Creative Studies, Scott received a class assignment that went on to change her life – and the lives of countless others in the Motor City. The project called on students to design a product that filled a tangible need in the community. The then-21-year-old junior immediately gravitated toward helping the homeless.

It’s an issue that is “deeply personal,” she says, having grown up in poverty. Her parents also struggled with unemployment and drug addiction. “I remember … people just looked at you as if you’re worthless by extension, as if you’re doomed to repeat the same life,” Scott explains. “You feel like you’re digging yourself out of a hole as a child ... it’s so damaging.”

Scott poses in the EMPWR coat

Scott set out to deepen her understanding of what might help the local homeless population and found herself at a nearby warming center, where individuals living on the streets could go to escape the bone-chilling Michigan winters. It’s where she first conceived the idea for the EMPWR coat – and where she gained the aforementioned nickname. Designed to withstand brutally cold temperatures, the insulated hybrid jacket is not only durable and water-resistant, it transforms into a sleeping bag, too. When not in use, the garment rolls up neatly into an over-the-shoulder bag for easy transport.

Scott had been testing prototype coats at the same warming center for several months, long after the class project had ended, when one of the regulars there confronted her angrily. She recalls the woman snapping, “Look, what you’re doing is pointless. I don’t need a jacket – I need a job!” The encounter opened the college student’s eyes to the bigger picture.

“When she said that, I was like, you’re absolutely right,” Scott says. “The coat on its own serves an immediate need. But what would really have the impact is hiring the people who would need it in the first place. And that was kind of the first step.”

Today, The Empowerment Plan focuses on employing homeless parents living in shelters, and training them to manufacture the EMPWR coat – over 30,000 coats have been distributed to people in need across the country. The company also partners with other groups to offer supplemental programming such as GED courses, financial literacy classes and professional development workshops. Earning a steady income has allowed each one of the organization’s more than 65 hires so far to move from the shelter and into permanent housing within six weeks of starting work. Not one person has fallen back into homelessness since.

“That’s the thing we’re so proud of, and the coats are a huge vehicle for us to make that possible,” remarks Scott, who envisions expanding the program to other cities one day.

For now, though, the goal is to continue making a difference at home in Detroit. The organization hopes to hire hundreds of people over the next few years, grow the line of coats and possibly develop other products. And while Scott’s original vision has evolved into much more than a coat, the “Coat Lady” moniker has nevertheless stuck.

“It’s really funny. I’ll talk to somebody and they’re like, ‘You’re the Coat Lady, right?’” she says. “I’m like, ‘Yes! I’m totally the Coat Lady ... I’m very proud of my nickname.”

Scott explains why The Empowerment Plan focuses on hiring homeless parents

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“The first business plan really talked about how it was going to start by, we're going to make these coats, but we're going to hire the people that are in these shelters that we've been working with to produce them. And then it quickly actually evolved based on my own personal experience with my family to – it's important to hire somebody, but how are you going to make the most amount of impact?

The first of couple people I hired, one had children and one did not. And it was amazing to see what that first woman that had kids – she was able to move out of a shelter within the first six months of working with the team, and her youngest was going to a new school and learning Japanese. And like, all of these things were happening, and it was just by her motivation alone. And I remember as a kid growing up in poverty, where people just looked at you as if you're worthless by extension. As if you're like you're doomed to repeat the same life, and you feel like you're digging yourself out of a hole as a child and how people perceive you, and it's so, so damaging. And it, it really is hard to come out of. I was very lucky that I was exposed to — because of my grandparents and other family members — how different life could be. And seeing how that first woman with her children did so well, and she was doing it. And when you asked her why she was doing it, it was because of her kid.

So, Empowerment Plan evolved from just, you know, starting with the coat, to hiring the population, but then really focusing on generational poverty being the thing that we're trying to solve for by hiring parents. Because there are so many people out there that are stuck that don't have — that weren't as lucky as I was to have grandparents or a support network that was there. So we've become that support network, and so Empowerment Plan has many different moments that it's evolved into something much bigger.”

Homelessness, by the numbers

In the United States


is the estimated number of people who experienced sheltered homelessness in the US in 2017

Sheltered Homelessness refers to people who are staying in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs or safe havens

1 in 3

people who experienced sheltered homelessness in 2017 were in families with children


people in families with children experienced sheltered homelessness at some point between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2018

In Detroit


people were experiencing homelessness in the Detroit area in 2017. Of those, 1,700 people were chronically homeless

Individuals are considered “chronically homeless” if they has been homeless four or more times in the past three years or have been homeless for a continuous year and diagnosed with a disability.


adults in families experienced homelessness in the Detroit area in 2017, 37% of whom reported being homeless for the first time that year

3,447 children in families were experiencing homelessness in Detroit in 2017


of families experiencing homelessness in Detroit in 2017 were headed by single female parents

The Empowerment Plan


EMPWR coats have been distributed by The Empowerment Plan since 2012


previously homeless individuals have been employed by The Empowerment Plan since its launch. All have gone on to find permanent housing


states have received EMPWR coats. The jackets have also been distributed to 16 other countries across 6 continents

Source: The US Department of Housing and Urban Development 2017 Annual Homeless Assessment Report Part 2; 2017 State of Homelessness, Annual Report for the Detroit Continuum of Care, Homeless Action Network of Detroit; The Empowerment Plan

Disrupting the cycle of poverty

Click along the path to learn how The Empowerment Plan sets up its employees for financial independence.

Finding success on the other side

Meet three formerly homeless individuals whose lives have been transformed by The Empowerment Plan

How can we support the homeless population in our own communities?

1 Be kind, always

There are myriad reasons why a person might be homeless. In fact, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, most households become homeless simply because they can’t afford housing. So, if you encounter someone who has fallen on hard times or is living in a shelter, show them the same respect you’d show anyone else, advises Scott. It can be as simple as acknowledging them. “Connecting with somebody, treating anybody who’s on the street or who’s displaced with dignity, and treating people like humans and not part of the landscape, is a big thing,” she says.

2 Take a chance

If you’re in a position to hire and there are opportunities for work, post them at the local shelter. Or better yet, host a job fair there, says Scott. “There are a lot of really strong, motivated potential employees in these shelters who are just stuck,” she adds. “Take a chance on someone.” Or, if you’re able to assist with supportive services such as interview coaching or resume writing, by all means, share your skills.

3 Treat someone to some self-care

We often take for granted small things such as getting a fresh haircut or a relaxing mani-pedi, but it really can boost a person’s mood. So, Scott suggests organizing a self-care event for people staying at a local shelter. “Being able to have clean socks or your nails done or your hair done – these things that make you feel so much better and more positive about yourself; those things are also great ways to get involved,” she says.

4 Spread the warmth

If you can spare it, you can sponsor an EMPWR coat for someone in need for a donation of $125 (plus shipping). The amount covers the cost of labor, materials and overhead expenses to produce the jacket. The Empowerment Plan will then donate the coat to someone in need through the nonprofit’s partnerships with shelters and organizations. Or, you can sponsor a coat for a specific person in need. Learn more at

Image credits: Courtesy of The Empowerment Plan (photos of coat, factory and workers); Spreetail (homeless woman); Brian Kelly (Angel Tyler photo); Bryan Thomas (Jessica West and Aaron Branch photos)

Meet the founder who’s creating warm coats – and big opportunities – for Detroit’s homeless