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Ask the experts: legal matters

  • House purchase contract can be exchanged with 10% deposit and the remainder price can be paid a day before completion of sale.

    Should we hand all our house money to our conveyancer?

    We are buying a home for £305,000 in cash and want to know if it would be better to pay directly to the seller’s solicitor
  • A floating deed​ can give a formula to calculate each owner’s share at the point the property is sold, or one owner buys the other out.

    Do we need a deed of trust to reflect our shares in our house purchase?

    As an unmarried couple we want to protect our monies, but my partner is worried that if I pay for repairs her share will fall
  • House

    We are splitting up, what should we do about the house?

    How do I calculate how much it would cost to buy my partner out and who should pay ongoing housing costs such as insurance and repairs?
  • How can we get a stubborn tenant to move out?

    My partner rents his house out up north. We now need to sell it in order to buy a place where we are. However, the tennant is refusing to move out. What rights do we have with regards to length of notice and type of agreement etc?

  • Law of the landlords

    Landlords must be aware of their obligations towards tenants, as well as their own rights when renting out a property, says Alan Wilson.
    • Who can I claim a collapsed business refund from?

    • A break clause

    • Help - I think I've bought a dodgy car!

  • Can we renege on a signed contract?

  • Online rights and wrongs

  • The Consumer Protection Regulations 1987

  • Why can't I return a wig I bought?

  • Will my warranty cover my bike my repairs?

    My boyfriend bought a motorbike with a one-year warranty. After a month an oil warning light came on the bike, but since filling it up the light remained on. We then realised the light had a joint purpose - low oil and to indicate a service was due. The bike then broke down due to low oil, but we assumed the light was lit because the service was due. Now we are told we're not under warrenty for ignoring the warning. What can we do?

  • Can I buy a property with my sister?

    My sister lives in a flat she owns with our mum, who doesn't live there. She is going to work in America, but they don't want to fall off the property ladder. My sister has a mortgage of £170,000, as well as £70,000 in cash. My mother has around £50,000 to invest. I have no cash but have a £36,000 salary. Will a mortgage provider a) lend to me separately from my sister, and b) accept three owners in divisible equity shares?

  • Can a vendor withhold my deposit?

    I recently ordered a cake decoration stand with a local trader, and paid a deposit. I then changed my mind and went back into the shop to try and get a refund. The owner told me it is her policy that deposits are non-refundable. Can she do this?

  • Why won't npower pay me my dual fuel reward?

    Last year npower persuaded us to switch energy supplier with the promise of a dual fuel reward of £60 on our final electricity bill in a 12-month period. This didn't appear, and I've since discovered I must wait 15 months for the refund, not 12. Isn't this a breach of advertising?

    • Egg-shell skull principle

    • Get off my land ...

    • What are my rights on a disputed eBay purchase?

  • Is my damp proof guarantee valid?

    I bought a house two-and-a-half years ago, which I have since discovered has rising damp. According to the papers that came with the property a damp proof course was installed four years ago, and I have a copy of the associated 30-year damp proof guarantee. This wasn't conveyed to me when I moved, which apparently invalidates the agreement. What can I do?

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