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Amateur 2011 supplement

The competition, in partnership with a group of UK-based international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – is now in its fifth year, building on the successes of 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. The NGOs are Marie Stopes International, AMREF, Bishop Simeon Trust, Care International, David Rattray Memorial Trust, Plan UK, Progressio, Save the Children and The Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture. The competition is sponsored by Barclays and GlaxoSmithKline. The challenge is to write a feature of 650 to 1,000 words by Thursday 3 May at 23.59pm on an aspect of global poverty that deserves greater media exposure. The 16 best writers (eight amateur, eight professional) will be selected from a longlist of around 40 entrants, all of whom will have their articles published online at
  • Siyanakekela Project worker Diana Masitla

    International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Pupils get help at home to learn


    International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Challenging harmful beliefs

  • Operation Asha

    International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Tackling TB with technology

  • India telemedicine van

    International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Medicine on the move

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Reducing the burden of malaria

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    'Tradition is not an excuse for abuse'

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    The power of saving

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    From the streets to school

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    'People do not trust something that is given for free'

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    A call for reproductive health

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Families cannot afford mosquito nets

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    The market for malaria prevention

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    A community takes control

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    A business in good health

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Minding the community's business

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    'We used to think malaria was caused by eating unripe mangoes'

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Poor attitudes to healthcare

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    The right to say 'no'

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    A new spirit of community

  • International Development Journalism competition 2012
    Starting again with a new business

About 43 results for Amateur 2011 supplement