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An advert for the Guardian’s centenary issue in 1921
An advert for the Guardian’s centenary issue in 1921

History of the Guardian

The Manchester Guardian was founded by John Edward Taylor in 1821 and first published on 5 May of that year. The paper was intended to promote the liberal interest in the aftermath of the Peterloo Massacre, in the context of the growing anti-Corn Laws campaign flourishing in Manchester during this period.

It was published weekly on Saturdays until 1836, when a Wednesday edition was added. In 1855 the abolition of Stamp Duty on newspapers finally made it possible to publish the paper daily, at a reduced cover price of 2d.

The Guardian achieved national and international recognition under the editorship of CP Scott, who held the post for 57 years from 1872. Scott bought the paper in 1907 following the death of Taylor’s son, and pledged that the principles laid down in the founder’s will would be upheld by retaining the independence of the newspaper. CP Scott outlined those principles in a much-quoted article written to celebrate the centenary of the paper: “Comment is free, but facts are sacred... The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard.”

After retiring from an active role in managing and editing the paper, Scott passed control to his two sons, John Russell Scott as manager and Edward Taylor Scott as editor. Realising that the future independence of the paper would be jeopardised in the event of the death of one or the other, the two sons made an agreement that in the event of either’s death, one would buy the other’s share.

CP Scott died in 1932 and was followed only four months later by Edward, so sole ownership fell to JR Scott. Faced with the potential of crippling death duties and the predatory interest of competitors, Scott contemplated a radical move to ensure the future of both the Guardian and the highly profitable Manchester Evening News. He concluded that the only solution was to give away his inheritance, a far-reaching solution which provoked close advisor (and future Lord Chancellor) Gavin Simonds to conclude: “you are trying to do something which is very repugnant to the law of England. You are trying to divest yourself of a property right”.

Editorial, Financial and Wire Room staff members of the Manchester Guardian photographed in 1921. Back row: Messrs. F. Marshall, J.M. Denvir, R. Nelson, F.W. Long, J.H. Foxcroft, I. Brown, E.N. Smith, F. Perrot, A. Percival Middle row: Mrs. Avis, Mr. H. Rose Front row: Mr. H. Gravett, Miss E. Isitt, Messrs. O.R. Hobson, J. Bone, H. Dore, J. Drysdale, A.H. Boyd, H. Williams Photograph: Walter Doughty/The Guardian

In June 1936, JR Scott formally passed ownership of the paper to the trustees of the Scott Trust. As well as pledging to ensure the radical editorial tradition of the paper (that the newspaper “shall be conducted in the future on the same lines and in the same spirit as heretofore”, in the words of the founder’s legacy), the Scott Trust also has the duty to maintain a secure financial footing for the business: “ devote the whole of the surplus profits of the Company which would otherwise have been available for dividends...towards building up the reserves of the Company and increasing the circulation of and expanding and improving the newspapers.” These principles remain the only instructions given to an incoming editor of the Guardian, though the Scott family retained an interest in the running of the company until 1984, when, aged 70, Richard F Scott retired from the chairmanship of the Trust.

As the influence of the Manchester Guardian grew beyond its Northern hinterland, a new challenge faced the paper under the editorship of AP Wadsworth, who took over the post in 1944. The limited number of pages in the paper, poor quality of the printing and sometimes peculiar news agenda were once perceived as part of the regional charm of the paper. In comparison to the other papers on Fleet Street, however, the Guardian’s eccentric virtues often seemed to be outweighed by its peculiar idiosyncrasies: the absence of horse racing, high-handed moral posturing and woolly leaders.

Alongside the Daily Telegraph and the Times, the Guardian lacked resources (despite costing 1d more a day), and an approach to commercial activity that could be charitably described as naive did not help matters. On the first day of the Chatterley trial, the Guardian carried a front page advertisement for the Telegraph ‘the paper you can trust’, which ‘provides all you can want in a newspaper’ - and at a cheaper cover price too.

The editor of the paper moved to London in 1964, committing the Guardian to an uncertain future in the national market, and shortly afterwards financial problems came to a head. The paper relied heavily on the Manchester Evening News for financial support, and in the mid-60s the threat to the paper’s future grew severe enough for the chairman of the company, Laurence Scott, to approach the Times to discuss the possibility of a merger. The Times was in a similarly perilous financial situation, and many were of the opinion that there was only room for one competitor to the Telegraph. Eventually the talks came to nothing, but not before a serious examination of the logistics involved had been considered on both sides. Alastair Hetherington, the editor at this time, remained a staunch advocate of the Guardian’s independence, and the modern paper owes much to his leadership and vision during this period.

Investment in printing and the completion of a move to improved offices in London in 1976 helped consolidate the Guardian’s position, aided by an expansion programme that included the revamping of the Guardian Weekly to include content from both the Washington Post and Le Monde. In the increasingly polarised political climate of the late 70s and early 80s the Guardian’s position as the voice of the left was unchallenged. The opinion pages were the birthplace of the SDP, and the letters page was where the battle for the future direction of the Labour Party was played out, while the coverage of industrial disputes including the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike defined the paper’s position.

The status quo among the quality press was irrevocably altered by the launch of the Independent in 1986. Capturing the centre ground between the Guardian on the left and the Times and Telegraph on the right, the Independent attracted big name writers and readers with a modern design and distribution network that made the most of the post-union market. Within a few years the circulation of the Independent rose to within touching distance of both the Times and the Guardian, and the previously stagnant market was provoked into a frenzy of defensive activity to retain readers.

In 1988 the Guardian made a bold and innovative attempt to reassert its position on Fleet Street, with a major redesign that began the modern period of success in the history of the paper.

In 1993 the intensely competitive broadsheet market was again thrown into confusion by the reduction of the cover price of the Times, firstly from 45p to 30p, then again in June 1994 from 30p to 20p. As the Times attracted readers, first the Daily Telegraph and then the Independent followed suit, running at substantial losses as they battled to survive. Throughout this period the Guardian remained at full price, investing resources in journalism and distancing itself from the price war through distinctive and innovative marketing, product development and consistently breaking big stories.

During these years the paper increased its circulation, remained commercially successful and achieved critical acclaim for both the quality of its journalism and its innovation.

The Guardian was at the forefront of the sleaze revelations that contributed to the downfall of the Conservative government in 1997, with a series of investigations into the affairs of Tory MPs, including Jonathan Aitken and Neil Hamilton. This reputation was cemented by the collapse of the libel case brought against the paper by former Minister Jonathan Aitken. Aitken was convicted of perjury and jailed in June 1999, and the investigations won the Guardian critical acclaim from all sides - including the prestigious Newspaper of the Year Award in both 1997 and 1998.

In 1997 the Guardian became the first national newspaper to appoint a readers’ editor (producer of the daily Corrections and Clarifications column).

In 1994-95 the Guardian began developing online publication. The paper’s technology section OnLine was launched in late 1995, and sites for jobs, certain sports, and news events followed through 1996-1998. The Guardian Unlimited network of websites was launched as a unified whole in January 1999 (in 2008 it was to become and in 2013 By March 2001 GU had over 2.4 million unique users, making it the most popular UK newspaper website.

On September 12 2005 the new Berliner Guardian launched, with a ground-breaking design in a mid-size format. The Guardian became the UK’s first full-colour national newspaper, and the first UK national newspaper ever to adopt this size.

December 2008 marked a significant point in the history of the Guardian when the paper moved to a brand new building in King’s Cross after 32 years in its Farringdon headquarters.

In 2011 the Guardian’s groundbreaking journalism and innovation were recognised at the Press Awards where it was named Newspaper of the Year for its partnership with WikiLeaks, which produced the leaked US embassy cables. In the same year the Guardian not only wrote headlines but made headlines with its globally acclaimed investigation into phone hacking.

In recent years the Guardian has significantly developed and expanded its digital operations. Between 2009-2010 the Guardian launched a range of new digital products and services, including apps for iPhone and iPod Touch, Open Platform and Datablog, the first national data journalism site. In June 2011 Guardian News & Media announced plans to become a digital-first organisation, placing open journalism on the web at the heart of its strategy. Since the launch of the strategy the Guardian has continued its digital expansion with the launch of new applications and platforms, including Kindle and iPad editions, Android and Blackberry apps, Facebook app, GuardianWitness and new digital editions in the US and Australia. For more information on the history of the Guardian’s digital developments see the timeline of key moments in the Guardian’s history.

On 15 January 2018, the newspaper was relaunched in a new tabloid format. On the same day, a redesigned Guardian went live for online readers globally, across the mobile, apps and desktop editions of the website. A fuller redesign of the Guardian Weekly as a news magazine followed on 11 October 2018.

On 1 May 2019 The Guardian announced that it had successfully completed its three-year turnaround strategy by breaking even for the first time in recent history.

In March 2023, the Scott Trust published a comprehensive report on the Guardian’s historical connections with transatlantic slavery, sharing an apology and its restorative justice response. The research identified links between John Edward Taylor and the associates who funded the Manchester Guardian’s creation, and slavery.

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