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Bike blog

The Guardian's blog on all things cycling - in the UK and around the world
  • Cyclists on a road in front of cars

    Bike blog
    UK’s new dangerous cycling offence will achieve pretty much nothing

    Peter Walker
    Move reflects wider state of politics around active travel – arguing around the margins and doing little to change lives for better
  • Critical Mass cyclists taking part in May Day 2002 protests in London.

    Bike blog
    After 30 years, Critical Mass is still fighting for cyclists on London’s roads

    My first rideout in 2011 was liberating – and this Sunday, the monthly demonstration celebrates a milestone
  • Cyclists on a superhighway in London

    Bike blog
    Road casualties have become normal in Britain. But there is another way

    A parliamentary group has compiled 10 recommendations to make our roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists
  • A cyclist in Parliament Square, London.

    Bike blog
    London’s Tory mayoral candidate is pedalling backwards on cycling policy

    Susan Hall’s lack of enthusiasm for active travel reflects a view within the party in sharp contrast with other major European cities
  • Child-carrying cargo bikes are on the increase in London.

    Bike blog
    ‘In at the deep end’: ditching the car for a cargo bike on the school run

    The price tags can be eye-watering for the electric model I need around my hilly London neighbourhood
  • Bikes composite

    Bike blog
    Pay-per-month pedalling: test-riding five subscription bikes

    We tried five bikes from Swapfiets, Buzzbike and Brompton to see what you get for your monthly money
  • Jordan Peterson

    Bike blog
    Why do traffic reduction schemes attract so many conspiracy theories?

    Peter Walker
    Plan to restrict car journeys in Oxford becomes lightning rod for fears of global assault on freedoms
  • Low traffic neighbourhood with parked bike in the forefront.

    Bike blog
    Ignore false claims and bad journalism – most LTNs do reduce traffic

    Andrew Gilligan
    Objections to active travel infrastructures are now picking and choosing data to fit the narrative
  • A female cyclist crossing a busy junction

    Bike blog
    How car culture colonised our thinking – and our language

    We have become used to thinking about things from a driver’s perspective – but is that the sort of world we want?
  • Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope and Arianna Casiraghi, and their dog, Zola.

    Bike blog
    Why we drew 600-mile long picture of a bicycle across Europe

    Couple rode thousands of miles to plot GPS image to raise awareness about climate crisis and encourage bike use
  • Cyclists

    Bike blog
    RideLondon: it’s all change as cycling festival on closed roads returns

    There were notable differences from the last time the event was held in 2019. Here are five thoughts
  • A cyclist wearing a helmet camera

    Bike blog
    The man challenging anti-cycling trolls to change their ways

    Andrew Tierney is part of a new breed of cycling activists tackling a rise in online abuse head-on
  • Bikes on cycle lanes in London

    Bike blog
    Has the Times declared war on cyclists?

    Peter Walker
    Editorial calling for cycling licences and insurance is odd given paper’s previous campaigns for safer roads
  • A person cycling on a bike lane

    Bike blog
    Common myths about what UK Highway Code changes will mean

    Cyclists won’t be ‘in the middle of the road’ and there is no new rule on riding two abreast
  • Cyclists on Constitution Hill in London.

    Bike blog
    How a myth about London bike lanes and congestion took off

    Analysis: delving into news stories linking congestion with cycle lanes shows how troubling myths can escape into the wild
  • Man cycling through a 'superblock' in Barcelona.

    Bike blog
    The bikelash paradox: how cycle lanes enrage some but win votes

    Janette Sadik-Khan and Seth Solomonow
    Meddling with drivers guarantees a media storm, but mayors behind ambitious road reclamations are consistently rewarded
  • Team Trek-Segafredo bikes at the Tour de France this year

    Bike blog
    Why aren’t more big bike firms tracking their environmental impact?

    Trek’s sustainability report appears to be the first of its kind in a sector that has had a free ride on the issue
  • Cyclists on a new wider cycle lane on Madeira Drive, Brighton.

    Green streets
    Hastily abandoned low-traffic schemes could cost councils funding

    Transport minister warns local authorities not to remove cycle lanes or other reduction measures without evidence of their failure
  • Peter Walker cycles along the King Alfred’s Way in West Sussex

    Bike blog
    Bikepacking and gravel bikes: new concepts in off-road cycling, or marketing fad?

    A four-day loop around the King Alfred’s Way gave ample time to test the claims of faster speeds and greater off-road ease
  • Peter Walker's ‘tatty hybrid bike’

    Bike blog
    Want to turn your bicycle into an e-bike? Here’s just the gizmo

    With Swytch, you can clamp a wheel, battery and sensor to any model and enjoy a power-assisted ride
About 1,275 results for Bike blog