72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone

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If the drone was flying over his property, then, they have it coming to them to settle with him.
And if the drone was in a "threatening" mode, then they have NO case.
Not the same poster
Not the claim being made
Not an example of the scenario in the claim

Well, that's at least on brand for the Trump metaphor.
True. But I was just pointing out that kids are getting shot for knocking on a door.
I guess I should have been more clear about a 15-year-old getting shot in a conversation that had turned to 15 year olds getting shot.
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The Supreme Court might be hearing a case (2026) about the right to Privacy, in these types of Commercial issues.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

I'm FAA licensed for drones. controlled airspace such as airports have varying legal elevation limits nowadays. On uncontrolled airspace however, the only written rule is max elevation of 400'. what most licensed operators do though is we stay above the treelines when passing by other people's property.

That being said, my drones arent cheap, and they provide live feed stored instantly on my phone thats remotely controlling them. I've seen personal footages of someone trying shooting them down before from afar, and they were lucky they missed because my recordings also show whose backyard two blocks away the shot came from.

"The FAA doesn't distinguish between a drone and a passenger jet when it comes to attempts to sabotage a commercial aircraft. It means that shooting a drone is classed as a felony and could see perpetrators fined and sent to prison for up to 20 years."

Walmart does not have the right to survey Anyone's land as they fly ovr it.
Every Citizen has the right to their Privacy. Anything but pure GPS navigation is most likely an infringement on People's rights.

Already, Commercials flights can NOT have downward facing cameras & recording equipment as they fly ovr People's property/houses. No surveillance.

They are not elected or part of local law enforcement.
Already, Commercials flights can NOT have downward facing cameras & recording equipment as they fly ovr People's property/houses. No surveillance.
But how can you possibly know that for sure? Because it's the law?
Please man, laws are for the public, not governments.
And seeing as we have satellite surveillance that can see us at least as well, the paranoia being used on commercial planes and drones is wasted.
"Spying" is worthless when the subject knows you are there. When we can see them.
If they want to watch us, they will. And we won't even know it.
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Walmart does not have the right to survey Anyone's land as they fly ovr it.
Every Citizen has the right to their Privacy. Anything but pure GPS navigation is most likely an infringement on People's rights.

Already, Commercials flights can NOT have downward facing cameras & recording equipment as they fly ovr People's property/houses. No surveillance.

They are not elected or part of local law enforcement.
then with your opinion, shoot one down. see what happens.
Shooting a firearm within city limits is illegal in most jurisdictions because of the danger to life and property. Even if it's legal in a jurisdiction, the shooter is still responsible for every bullet that leaves the muzzle and it's highly irresponsible of him to do that in a cul-de-sac, near other homes and people. A bullet can travel MILES and when it lands, it can kill or injure a person, pet and/or damage property. Know your backstop. That bullet didn't magically disappear after hitting the drone.

I'm sure after the local courts have their way with him, the FAA (and the Federal courts) are going to want their pound of flesh.

What goes up, comes back down, whether it's a bullet or a drone and THIS day both happened at once!
But how can you possibly know that for sure? Because it's the law?
Please man, laws are for the public, not governments.
And seeing as we have satellite surveillance that can see us at least as well, the paranoia being used on commercial planes and drones is wasted.
"Spying" is worthless when the subject knows you are there. When we can see them.
If they want to watch us, they will. And we won't even know it.
I specifically stated "commercial" flights. (ie for business)

Our laws allow for local authorities to survey our neighborhoods. There is no right for a Company (ie Walmart) to be able to surveille a neighborhood, etc. Nobody is talking about spying, it the Your right to your privacy.

Package deliveries should be 100% GPS.
I specifically stated "commercial" flights.
Even though a commercial flight can include passengers from the general public, I don't care.
I asked how you could possibly know that for sure.

Nobody is talking about spying
Well, actually you were, considering the subject:
"Every Citizen has the right to their Privacy"
That is an easy connection to spying.

There is no right for a Company (ie Walmart) to be able to surveille a neighborhood
There absolutely is a right to do that with proper permits and clearance.
Even though a commercial flight can include passengers from the general public, I don't care.
I asked how you could possibly know that for sure.

Well, actually you were, considering the subject:
"Every Citizen has the right to their Privacy"
That is an easy connection to spying.

There absolutely is a right to do that with proper permits and clearance.
Not sure about any of your points. I was just further explaining the law to you and why this will eventually end up at a higher court.

You obviously do not understand what a commercial flight is, or how they differ from a military, or local authorities. Walmart doesn't have the right to surveille your property as they fly ovr it. Nobody is talking about spying.
Not sure about any of your points. I was just further explaining the law to you and why this will eventually end up at a higher court.

You obviously do not understand what a commercial flight is, or how they differ from a military, or local authorities. Walmart doesn't have the right to surveille your property as they fly ovr it. Nobody is talking about spying.
But I still don't care. I know the law and I know they are not supposed to use them to spy.
Again, what I asked you is how you can know for sure there is no surveillance equipment on commercial flights. Is it only because it's against the law?
But I still don't care. I know the law and I know they are not supposed to use them to spy.
Again, what I asked you is how you can know for sure there is no surveillance equipment on commercial flights. Is it only because it's against the law?

How can you know for sure you TV isn't cheating on you..? Or that your phone isn't spying on you...? Or any other possible situation... to endlessly discuss on a forum..?

You've made it known you do NOT care about People's rights... ("I still don't care") and perhaps that is what is concerning the most, is how dismissive you are of those rights.

These type of "commercials flights.. fly 400 feet ovr your head. Not at 30k.
How can you know for sure you TV isn't cheating on you..? Or that your phone isn't spying on you...? Or any other possible situation
I guess we have gone full circle because that was exactly the point I was making. There is no way for the general public to know for sure. Remember?
"If they want to watch us, they will. And we won't even know it."

You've made it known you do NOT care about People's rights... ("I still don't care")
Amazing, it's been 10 years and I still marvel at how you draw so many conclusions from things people never said. Or just outright missed the point. How did you not get what "I don't care" about was your insistence on the type of plane, when all I ever asked was how can you be sure if ANYONE is spying.

These type of "commercials flights.. fly 400 feet ovr your head. Not at 30k.
Guess what. I don't care.
There is equipment that makes the distance unimportant.
I guess we have gone full circle because that was exactly the point I was making. There is no way for the general public to know for sure. Remember?
"If they want to watch us, they will. And we won't even know it."

Amazing, it's been 10 years and I still marvel at how you draw so many conclusions from things people never said. Or just outright missed the point. How did you not get what "I don't care" about was your insistence on the type of plane, when all I ever asked was how can you be sure if ANYONE is spying.

Guess what. I don't care.
There is equipment that makes the distance unimportant.

No you were saying it was OK, because nobody will ever know. Making fun of laws... when in fact YES, People will know, because it is regulated and you can't have electronics on planes or Aircraft, that is not regulated.

You are simply making an erroneous point of saying it's ok for Companies... bcz you are hoping the Citizens will never know, instead of understanding that it would be wrong and that Companies operate at the behest of We the People, not the other way around.
LOL? What are you, 12?

No you were saying it was OK, because nobody will ever know.
And I never said that. And I didn't mean that. What is wrong with you?

You are simply making an erroneous point of saying it's ok for Companies... bcz you are hoping the Citizens will never know, instead of understanding that it would be wrong and that Companies operate at the behest of We the People, not the other way around.
You do know that people take medicine for that kind of thought process?
Hearing things nobody said (and you do it to everybody) is a diagnosable condition.
LOL? What are you, 12?

And I never said that. And I didn't mean that. What is wrong with you?

You do know that people take medicine for that kind of thought process?
Hearing things nobody said (and you do it to everybody) is a diagnosable condition.
Either you are seriously trolling, or we have a massive language barrier.

You clearly stated "But, I still don't care".. when referring to People's rights and the law. And you keep fantasizing about people believing commercials passenger fights are already spying on people (which you offer no proof... and only toss your made-up conspiracy in your head to derail a thread..?).

You keep saying so many different things and you keep defending what you are not saying... but notice how you have a hard time saying what your trying to say..?

Now, on topic:
You don't even understand the difference between a package flying ovr someone house at 400 ft vs a passenger commercial flight flying at 25k feet... and can't see or even acknowledge the difference in those two types of commercial flights. This may because you are incapable of understand a drone flight vs fixed wing and types of visual navigation... or that you are at a pub and just not thinking that deeply...
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