• Update your contact information or report other changes to your business by logging into your business account
  • Don't have a business account? Enroll here. You'll need your Virginia Tax Account Number, your FEIN, and a copy of your most recent return (if you've filed with us) to create an account. 

Information you can change through your online account

  • Update all contact information. You can update the contact person, email address, phone number, and fax number. You may update your primary business contact in addition to any tax-specific contacts you may have provided to us such as a sales tax contact, an employer withholding contact, etc. If you do not have a tax-specific contact but want to add one to your account, you can do that, too.
  • Update all address information. You may update your primary business physical address, your primary business mailing address in addition to any tax-specific mailing addresses you may have provided to us such as a sales tax mailing address, an employer withholding mailing address, etc. If you do not have a tax-specific mailing address but want to add one to your account, you can do that, too. 
  • Add a new business location to your account. If you open another business location, you can go online and add that new location to your existing sales tax account. We can consolidate your locations under your existing account for you so you only need to file one return to represent all of your locations. If you prefer, you can have separate accounts for each business location.
  • Close one of your business locations or close your business altogether. By informing us when you close your business, we will mark your account inactive and not expect future tax return filings from you. 
  • Add a tax type. For example, if you are currently registered for sales tax and at a later date hire employees, you can add employer withholding tax using your business account.
  • End a tax-type liability. If for example, you are currently registered for sales tax and employer withholding tax but decide you no longer will have any paid employees working for you, you can go online and end your liability (responsibility) for a specific tax type.
  • Add a responsible officer to your account or update information about the existing responsible officers that are assigned to your account.

Log into your account

Changes in ownership

To report a change in ownership of an existing business, the current owner will need to close their business, and the new owner will need to register as a new business.

Business name change

To report a legal business name change or a trading-as name change, mail us a completed Form R-3 (Registration Information Change Request). We can't process legal business name changes online.

Report changes by mail

If you'd prefer to make changes on paper, use: 

Form R-3 (Registration Information Change Request) to:

  • Report changes to business contact information - your business phone number, physical business location, or mailing address
  • Close a business location or close your business
  • End a tax-type liability
  • Report a legal business name change or a trading-as name change