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Out of Thin Air!Out of Thin Air!
An introduction to wireless security at home, on the road and on campus
University of Kansas Medical Center
June 6, 2007
Wireless Networking at Home
Daniel Van Meter, Systems Security Specialist
What is Wireless Networking?
Wireless or Wi-Fi technology is another way of connecting your computer to
a network without using wires. Wireless networks utilize radio waves
and/or microwaves to maintain communication channels between
computers. This gives people the freedom to connect computers anywhere
in your home or office network.
Wireless networking works similarly to how cordless phones work, through
radio signals to transmit data from one point A to point B. A basic wireless
design typically consists of a wireless router that provides access to the
Internet and/or network and a system that connects via a wireless adapter.
Typical home wireless network
Home wireless networks typically consist of at least one Wireless
Access Point/Router and one or more computers that connect to the
wireless router. The Access Point/Router is the device that systems
connect to for access to the internet or to another computer sharing
the signal.
Home wireless networks typically consist of at least one Wireless
Access Point/Router and one or more computers that connect to the
wireless router. The Access Point/Router is the device that systems
connect to for access to the internet or to another computer sharing
the signal.
Wireless Hardware
Wireless Router with 4 port switch
Here we see a typical
wireless router with 4
available ports to plug
computers directly into,
the wireless antenna and
one WAN port.
Wireless Network Adapters
Computers need an adapter
that is compatible with the
router in order to connect.
Most newer laptops and PDAs
already contain a wireless
There are many different kinds
of adapters. PCMIA, PCI,
USB, and Firewire are a few
shown below.
A, B…..G? Current Wireless Standards
Supports bandwidth up to 54 Mbps. It has a very limited range and has more
difficulty penetrating walls and other obstructions. These devices should
considered outdated and is not typically found in common retail stores.
Supports bandwidth up to 11 Mbps. It has a much better range than 802.11a
and is not as easily obstructed by walls or other objects. Devices that use
this protocol can suffer from more interference from other electronic devices
such as microwaves. These devices are quickly becoming scarce at retail
stores as they are replaced by the newer 802.11G devices.
Supports up to 54 Mbps and has a range that will cover most average homes.
These devices are still typically common in retail stores but are quickly being
replaced by the newer technologies such as 802.11N.
One of the newest types of wireless devices found in retail stores. Supports up
to 600 Mbps and can cover an extremely large home or small business.
Before you head for the store
Prior to purchasing a wireless network there a few things that you can look
for to ensure that the equipment will provide an adequate amount of
• Gather as much information about your wireless hardware’s security as possible.
Advanced firewall protection, strong encryption protocols, web filtering, and MAC
filtering are just a few items you should look for in a wireless router.
• Ensure you have access to phone ,email, or knowledgebase support from the
• Check the documentation that comes with the router/network adapter. Verify
that configuration and securing of the router is simple and easily understood.
That was easy!
Wireless networks have become extremely easy to setup these days.
Many people find that they can simply plug the hardware in and in just a
few minutes they can be surfing the web or transferring files to other
computers with no wires attached.
But perhaps it was TOO easy….
Many people you setup the wireless fail to setup appropriate security
measures on their wireless once they are connected.
If you simply plugged in your network adapter, found and connected your
laptop or PDA to your network, there’s nothing to prevent your neighbor or
someone else from connecting just as easily as you did!
Recommendations for Securing Your Wireless
Network at Home
1. Change the router’s default passwords.
2. Change the SSID name and disable SSID broadcast.
3. Setup MAC filters to limit which computers can connect.
4. Turn on WPA or WPA2 encryption.
5. Review your wireless logs.
6. Watch for upgrades from the manufacturer.
7. Practice good computer security.
Step 1. Change the router’s default passwords.
Most wireless router manufacturers provide Web pages that allow
owners to enter their network address and account information.
These Web tools are protected with a login screen (username and
password) so that only the rightful owner can do this. Right out of
the box, however, they are usually configured with a default
password that is too simple and very well-known to hackers on the
Internet. Change these settings immediately.
Step 2. Change the SSID name and disable SSID
Access points and routers all
use a network name called the
SSID. Manufacturers normally
ship their products with the same
SSID set. For example, the SSID
for Linksys devices is normally
"Linksys." When someone finds
a default SSID, they see it is a
poorly configured network and
are much more likely to want to
snoop around.
In Wi-Fi networking, the access
point or router typically
broadcasts the network name
(SSID) over the air at regular
intervals. In the home, this
feature may be unnecessary,
and it increases the likelihood an
unwelcome person will try to log
in to your home network.
Step 3. Setup MAC Filters.
All network communication
devices have unique hard
coded numbers assigned
to them. This number is
called the “MAC” address.
If your router is capable of
MAC filtering you should
only allow devices that you
expect to appear connect
to your wireless network
and deny all others.
Step 4. Turn on WPA / WEP Encryption.
Understanding WEP vs. WPA2
WEP (wired equivalent privacy) was the encryption
scheme included with the first generation of wireless
networking equipment. It was found to contain some
serious flaws which make it relatively easy to crack,
or break into within a matter of minutes. However,
even WEP is better than nothing and will keep casual
snoopers and novice hackers out of your wireless
network. Using encryption with a longer key length
will provide stronger security, but with a slight
performance impact.
WPA (WIFI protected access) is a much stronger security
protocol than WEP and should be used instead of
WEP if your wireless router and network adapters will
support it. Some routers may refer to this as WPA-
You should always consider using the router’s
strongest encryption mechanism.
All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of "encryption“, which scrambles the information
sent over the wireless network so that it can’t be easily read. WEP or WPA are the most
common encryption schemes found on home wireless systems. For most routers, you will
provide a passphrase that your router uses to generate several keys. Make sure your
passphrase is unique, not a dictionary word and at least 10 characters long – the longer, the
Step 5. Review wireless Logs.
Most routers will keep track
of what systems have been
successful or have failed to
connect to your router.
Reviewing your logs can
help identify a possible
intruder or misconfiguration
in your routers security.
Step 6. Watch for firmware upgrades for devices.
Network hardware is run by software called firmware. Just like computers, flaws may be found in
the software that would allow people to bypass security mechanisms built into your router or
network adapter. You should regularly check your wireless manufacturer’s website for updates
and apply when appropriate.
Step 7. Practice good computer security.
Don’t rely only on your router/access point to protect your computers inside your wireless
network. Even the most secure wireless network typically won’t stop a determined hacker.
• Enable System Firewalls
• Use accounts protected with a strong password
• Apply security patches to your OS in a timely manner
• Ensure you have antivirus up to date on your system
• Avoid using open shares on your computers to share files
• Be on the lookout for malicious websites, spyware/adware, phishing and scams
Windows Users
How can I confirm my setup is secure?
When connecting to your
wireless network. Look
for “Security-enabled
wireless connection”.
If your home network
connection is listed as
“Unsecured”, you may be
a sitting duck to
individuals free-loading off
your internet connection
or snooping around on
your computer.
Hacking an Unsecured Home Wireless Network
Wireless Networking
“On the Road”
Kyle Crane, Network Security Specialist
Free Wireless On The Road
• Many businesses now provide some form of
free wireless internet access.
• Airports
• Cafés
• McDonalds
• Starbucks
• Panera Bread
• Even some gas stations??
Can I connect?
Generally (but not always) the network will have a
name that matches the business.
If in doubt, ASK!
• There are examples of places that have open access but
never intended to provide that to the public.
• The laws on access to networks are strict and don’t fit well to
the grey areas in wireless access but may well be applied to
you anyway.
How to Find an Open Wireless Network with
Windows XP
– Windows normally provides notification of
wireless networks in range and lists the names.
– You can then select the network you wish to
connect with and click “Select”
How to Find an Open Wireless Network
with Mac OS X
provides a similar
notice when the
Airport icon is
available and the
airport is on.
– Click the Airport
icon and select
the network from
the list to connect
to it.
It Looks Open…but Should You
How do I know the terms of
– Many locations use a type of portal to
gain access. You must read and
agree to the terms before you are
allowed on the net. Those terms are
If you are not presented with any
terms or acceptance screen?
– Be wary. You don’t have to know the
networks terms of use to be held to
them. It doesn’t have to make sense
it’s just the law.
Wireless on the Road: The good…
• Convenient
• It’s always nice to be able to stay connected on the road.
• It is becoming more widespread and almost expected in hotels
and other travel locations.
• More freedom when working on the road
• Allows a teleworker the freedom to get out of the house.
• Allows for easier use of vacation even if critical actions need to
occur while you are away.
Wireless on the Road: The bad…
• Legal grey areas
– Some businesses can be vague about what the terms are to use
the access.
• Often times can be poor quality
– Many locations implement wireless poorly and the signal is weak
in the intended areas.
– This makes it much easier for a hacker to setup a fake wireless
router and fool you into thinking you are connecting to a
legitimate wireless network.
• You have no idea who your neighbors are
– Open wireless is by nature uncontrolled and any one with any
intentions can be there with you.
– Are you sure that “McDonalds” is really McDonalds?
Wireless on the Road: The Downright Ugly…
Really nasty stuff:
• Large open WiFi networks are just like being on the Internet
• There can be hundreds of people with unknown
intent who are all on the same physical network as
you, just as though they were inside your house.
• Your system is wide open to anything if not using a
• Detection and identification of the offender are harder
than it would be on the net
• Automated tools are emerging to take advantage of systems
on wireless networks
• While not necessarily simple today, they will improve with time.
• Moving towards automatic discovery and exploitation of systems.
Recommendations for Using Wireless on the Road
• Disable automatic connections even to
preferred networks.
– This prevents scanners from gathering the
list of wireless networks that windows will
automatically connect to.
• Keep Antivirus products installed and
up to date. This is pretty general advice
but it holds here too.
• Enable the windows firewall whenever
you are working with public wireless.
– All but the most determined attacker will be
seriously frustrated in attempts to attack a
firewall enabled system. It raises the bar.
Recommendations for Using Wireless on the Road
• Turn off or disable your wireless card when not in use.
• Ensure your system is patched and up to date.
• Use the auto update features of your OS to reduce the
number of possible exploits available to an attacker.
• Don’t access personal or sensitive information while on a
public wireless network (e.g., banking sites.)
Fake hotspot access points
Wireless Networking at KUMC
Dallas Ivanko, WAN Engineer
Are you using Wireless on Campus?
• How many people here use wireless on
• How many people use wireless for palm or
pocket PC devices?
• How many people use wireless for Tablet or PC
SSIDs on University Campus
• University-Wireless
• unsecured, broadcasted, “guest”
• KUMC-Wireless
• secured, non-broadcasted, staff/faculty/special
permission only
University-Wireless SSID
Most broadcasted SSIDs are used in hot spots
such as coffee shops, hotels, and etc. Here at
KUMC we have one SSID that is broadcasted –
the “University-Wireless” SSID. This allows
devices to connect to the wireless network
easily; however, this method is less secure than
other types of “encrypted” wireless connectivity.
KUMC-Wireless SSID
Did you know there are 2 SSIDs on campus?
We already mentioned the less secure “University-Wireless”
SSID, but did you know that there is a more secure SSID
named “KUMC-Wireless”? The KUMC-Wireless SSID uses
WPA encryption to secure the traffic from Access Point to
wireless devices.
KUMC-Wireless and WPA
• Daniel mentioned WEP and WPA earlier.
• WPA offers a more secure connection and
rather than having a static key provides a
method of key rotation where the Access Point
and wireless device change keys at certain
• The key exchange method used on the “KUMC-
Wireless” SSID is known as Temporal Key
Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and is extremely hard
to hack.
Wireless Security on Campus
We strive to provide the most secure environment
possible using the KUMC-Wireless SSID. The method
of communication between wireless devices and
Access Points should be considered carefully. Basic
web traffic and synchronization with other encryption
methods between server and client are a good choice
to be used on the less secure SSID University-
Wireless. If communication between devices requires
a more secure connection then choose the KUMC-
Wireless SSID and have a customer support
representative help you connect to our network.
A Secure Connection – KUMC-Wireless
Let’s get started. Right click on Network
Neighborhood or choose Network and Internet
Connections from the Control Panel.
Wireless Network Properties
Right click on “Wireless Network Connection” and then choose
Adding a Wireless Network
Click “ADD” and then place in the SSID,
Authentication and Encryption method.
Changing Authentication Method
Choose the Authentication TAB and choose PEAP
as the EAP Type.
Authentication Type Properties
• Choose Properties (right below the PEAP option).
• Uncheck “Validate server certificate”. (we’re using an
internal certificate.
Changing EAP-MSCHAP Authentication
Click the configure button to the right of (EAP-
MSCHAP V2) Uncheck Automatically use my
Windows logon name and password.
Click OK OK OK OK OK OK…….
Click OK on all boxes to get back to the desktop
/ Wireless Network Properties
Click on Ballon – Enter credentials
In the system tray, you’ll notice a balloon that
pops up asking for credential information. Click
on the balloon and fill in the User Name and
Password Fields only.
Click OK and
you’re done!
Pushing the Limits: Wireless
and the Law
Sherry Callahan, Director of Information Security
So many unsecured networks!
Wireless security
Look, but don’t “touch”!
• Wardriving, warflying or war-anything is NOT
• Capturing traffic is also not illegal but, in some
states, intent is the key.
• Just because a wireless network is unsecured ,
it’s not an invitation to use them.
• If you connect to a wireless network without
permission, you are committing a felony under
Kansas or Missouri law.
Wireless security
Additional Resources
How to Access KUMC’s Wireless Network
In-depth on-line class on Wireless Basics

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Wireless security

  • 1. Out of Thin Air!Out of Thin Air! An introduction to wireless security at home, on the road and on campus University of Kansas Medical Center June 6, 2007
  • 2. Wireless Networking at Home Daniel Van Meter, Systems Security Specialist
  • 3. What is Wireless Networking? Wireless or Wi-Fi technology is another way of connecting your computer to a network without using wires. Wireless networks utilize radio waves and/or microwaves to maintain communication channels between computers. This gives people the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or office network. Wireless networking works similarly to how cordless phones work, through radio signals to transmit data from one point A to point B. A basic wireless design typically consists of a wireless router that provides access to the Internet and/or network and a system that connects via a wireless adapter.
  • 4. Typical home wireless network Home wireless networks typically consist of at least one Wireless Access Point/Router and one or more computers that connect to the wireless router. The Access Point/Router is the device that systems connect to for access to the internet or to another computer sharing the signal. Home wireless networks typically consist of at least one Wireless Access Point/Router and one or more computers that connect to the wireless router. The Access Point/Router is the device that systems connect to for access to the internet or to another computer sharing the signal.
  • 5. Wireless Hardware Wireless Router with 4 port switch Here we see a typical wireless router with 4 available ports to plug computers directly into, the wireless antenna and one WAN port. Wireless Network Adapters Computers need an adapter that is compatible with the router in order to connect. Most newer laptops and PDAs already contain a wireless adapter. There are many different kinds of adapters. PCMIA, PCI, USB, and Firewire are a few shown below.
  • 6. A, B…..G? Current Wireless Standards 802.11A Supports bandwidth up to 54 Mbps. It has a very limited range and has more difficulty penetrating walls and other obstructions. These devices should considered outdated and is not typically found in common retail stores. 802.11B Supports bandwidth up to 11 Mbps. It has a much better range than 802.11a and is not as easily obstructed by walls or other objects. Devices that use this protocol can suffer from more interference from other electronic devices such as microwaves. These devices are quickly becoming scarce at retail stores as they are replaced by the newer 802.11G devices. 802.11G Supports up to 54 Mbps and has a range that will cover most average homes. These devices are still typically common in retail stores but are quickly being replaced by the newer technologies such as 802.11N. 802.11.N One of the newest types of wireless devices found in retail stores. Supports up to 600 Mbps and can cover an extremely large home or small business.
  • 7. Before you head for the store Prior to purchasing a wireless network there a few things that you can look for to ensure that the equipment will provide an adequate amount of security. • Gather as much information about your wireless hardware’s security as possible. Advanced firewall protection, strong encryption protocols, web filtering, and MAC filtering are just a few items you should look for in a wireless router. • Ensure you have access to phone ,email, or knowledgebase support from the manufacturer. • Check the documentation that comes with the router/network adapter. Verify that configuration and securing of the router is simple and easily understood.
  • 8. That was easy! Wireless networks have become extremely easy to setup these days. Many people find that they can simply plug the hardware in and in just a few minutes they can be surfing the web or transferring files to other computers with no wires attached. But perhaps it was TOO easy…. Many people you setup the wireless fail to setup appropriate security measures on their wireless once they are connected. If you simply plugged in your network adapter, found and connected your laptop or PDA to your network, there’s nothing to prevent your neighbor or someone else from connecting just as easily as you did!
  • 9. Recommendations for Securing Your Wireless Network at Home 1. Change the router’s default passwords. 2. Change the SSID name and disable SSID broadcast. 3. Setup MAC filters to limit which computers can connect. 4. Turn on WPA or WPA2 encryption. 5. Review your wireless logs. 6. Watch for upgrades from the manufacturer. 7. Practice good computer security.
  • 10. Step 1. Change the router’s default passwords. Most wireless router manufacturers provide Web pages that allow owners to enter their network address and account information. These Web tools are protected with a login screen (username and password) so that only the rightful owner can do this. Right out of the box, however, they are usually configured with a default password that is too simple and very well-known to hackers on the Internet. Change these settings immediately.
  • 11. Step 2. Change the SSID name and disable SSID broadcast. Access points and routers all use a network name called the SSID. Manufacturers normally ship their products with the same SSID set. For example, the SSID for Linksys devices is normally "Linksys." When someone finds a default SSID, they see it is a poorly configured network and are much more likely to want to snoop around. In Wi-Fi networking, the access point or router typically broadcasts the network name (SSID) over the air at regular intervals. In the home, this feature may be unnecessary, and it increases the likelihood an unwelcome person will try to log in to your home network.
  • 12. Step 3. Setup MAC Filters. All network communication devices have unique hard coded numbers assigned to them. This number is called the “MAC” address. If your router is capable of MAC filtering you should only allow devices that you expect to appear connect to your wireless network and deny all others.
  • 13. Step 4. Turn on WPA / WEP Encryption. Understanding WEP vs. WPA2 WEP (wired equivalent privacy) was the encryption scheme included with the first generation of wireless networking equipment. It was found to contain some serious flaws which make it relatively easy to crack, or break into within a matter of minutes. However, even WEP is better than nothing and will keep casual snoopers and novice hackers out of your wireless network. Using encryption with a longer key length will provide stronger security, but with a slight performance impact. WPA (WIFI protected access) is a much stronger security protocol than WEP and should be used instead of WEP if your wireless router and network adapters will support it. Some routers may refer to this as WPA- PSK. You should always consider using the router’s strongest encryption mechanism. All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of "encryption“, which scrambles the information sent over the wireless network so that it can’t be easily read. WEP or WPA are the most common encryption schemes found on home wireless systems. For most routers, you will provide a passphrase that your router uses to generate several keys. Make sure your passphrase is unique, not a dictionary word and at least 10 characters long – the longer, the better!
  • 14. Step 5. Review wireless Logs. Most routers will keep track of what systems have been successful or have failed to connect to your router. Reviewing your logs can help identify a possible intruder or misconfiguration in your routers security.
  • 15. Step 6. Watch for firmware upgrades for devices. Network hardware is run by software called firmware. Just like computers, flaws may be found in the software that would allow people to bypass security mechanisms built into your router or network adapter. You should regularly check your wireless manufacturer’s website for updates and apply when appropriate.
  • 16. Step 7. Practice good computer security. Don’t rely only on your router/access point to protect your computers inside your wireless network. Even the most secure wireless network typically won’t stop a determined hacker. • Enable System Firewalls • Use accounts protected with a strong password • Apply security patches to your OS in a timely manner • Ensure you have antivirus up to date on your system • Avoid using open shares on your computers to share files • Be on the lookout for malicious websites, spyware/adware, phishing and scams Windows Users Mac
  • 17. How can I confirm my setup is secure? When connecting to your wireless network. Look for “Security-enabled wireless connection”. If your home network connection is listed as “Unsecured”, you may be a sitting duck to individuals free-loading off your internet connection or snooping around on your computer.
  • 18. Demonstration Hacking an Unsecured Home Wireless Network
  • 19. Wireless Networking “On the Road” Kyle Crane, Network Security Specialist
  • 20. Free Wireless On The Road • Many businesses now provide some form of free wireless internet access. • Airports • Cafés • McDonalds • Starbucks • Panera Bread • Even some gas stations??
  • 21. Can I connect? Generally (but not always) the network will have a name that matches the business. If in doubt, ASK! • There are examples of places that have open access but never intended to provide that to the public. • The laws on access to networks are strict and don’t fit well to the grey areas in wireless access but may well be applied to you anyway.
  • 22. How to Find an Open Wireless Network with Windows XP – Windows normally provides notification of wireless networks in range and lists the names. – You can then select the network you wish to connect with and click “Select”
  • 23. How to Find an Open Wireless Network with Mac OS X – MAC OS X provides a similar notice when the Airport icon is available and the airport is on. – Click the Airport icon and select the network from the list to connect to it.
  • 24. It Looks Open…but Should You Connect? How do I know the terms of access? – Many locations use a type of portal to gain access. You must read and agree to the terms before you are allowed on the net. Those terms are binding. If you are not presented with any terms or acceptance screen? – Be wary. You don’t have to know the networks terms of use to be held to them. It doesn’t have to make sense it’s just the law.
  • 25. Wireless on the Road: The good… • Convenient • It’s always nice to be able to stay connected on the road. • It is becoming more widespread and almost expected in hotels and other travel locations. • More freedom when working on the road • Allows a teleworker the freedom to get out of the house. • Allows for easier use of vacation even if critical actions need to occur while you are away.
  • 26. Wireless on the Road: The bad… • Legal grey areas – Some businesses can be vague about what the terms are to use the access. • Often times can be poor quality – Many locations implement wireless poorly and the signal is weak in the intended areas. – This makes it much easier for a hacker to setup a fake wireless router and fool you into thinking you are connecting to a legitimate wireless network. • You have no idea who your neighbors are – Open wireless is by nature uncontrolled and any one with any intentions can be there with you. – Are you sure that “McDonalds” is really McDonalds?
  • 27. Wireless on the Road: The Downright Ugly… Really nasty stuff: • Large open WiFi networks are just like being on the Internet • There can be hundreds of people with unknown intent who are all on the same physical network as you, just as though they were inside your house. • Your system is wide open to anything if not using a firewall. • Detection and identification of the offender are harder than it would be on the net • Automated tools are emerging to take advantage of systems on wireless networks • While not necessarily simple today, they will improve with time. • Moving towards automatic discovery and exploitation of systems.
  • 28. Recommendations for Using Wireless on the Road • Disable automatic connections even to preferred networks. – This prevents scanners from gathering the list of wireless networks that windows will automatically connect to. • Keep Antivirus products installed and up to date. This is pretty general advice but it holds here too. • Enable the windows firewall whenever you are working with public wireless. – All but the most determined attacker will be seriously frustrated in attempts to attack a firewall enabled system. It raises the bar.
  • 29. Recommendations for Using Wireless on the Road • Turn off or disable your wireless card when not in use. • Ensure your system is patched and up to date. • Use the auto update features of your OS to reduce the number of possible exploits available to an attacker. • Don’t access personal or sensitive information while on a public wireless network (e.g., banking sites.)
  • 31. Wireless Networking at KUMC Dallas Ivanko, WAN Engineer
  • 32. Are you using Wireless on Campus? • How many people here use wireless on campus? • How many people use wireless for palm or pocket PC devices? • How many people use wireless for Tablet or PC devices?
  • 33. SSIDs on University Campus • University-Wireless • unsecured, broadcasted, “guest” • KUMC-Wireless • secured, non-broadcasted, staff/faculty/special permission only
  • 34. University-Wireless SSID Most broadcasted SSIDs are used in hot spots such as coffee shops, hotels, and etc. Here at KUMC we have one SSID that is broadcasted – the “University-Wireless” SSID. This allows devices to connect to the wireless network easily; however, this method is less secure than other types of “encrypted” wireless connectivity.
  • 35. KUMC-Wireless SSID Did you know there are 2 SSIDs on campus? We already mentioned the less secure “University-Wireless” SSID, but did you know that there is a more secure SSID named “KUMC-Wireless”? The KUMC-Wireless SSID uses WPA encryption to secure the traffic from Access Point to wireless devices.
  • 36. KUMC-Wireless and WPA • Daniel mentioned WEP and WPA earlier. • WPA offers a more secure connection and rather than having a static key provides a method of key rotation where the Access Point and wireless device change keys at certain intervals. • The key exchange method used on the “KUMC- Wireless” SSID is known as Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and is extremely hard to hack.
  • 37. Wireless Security on Campus We strive to provide the most secure environment possible using the KUMC-Wireless SSID. The method of communication between wireless devices and Access Points should be considered carefully. Basic web traffic and synchronization with other encryption methods between server and client are a good choice to be used on the less secure SSID University- Wireless. If communication between devices requires a more secure connection then choose the KUMC- Wireless SSID and have a customer support representative help you connect to our network.
  • 38. A Secure Connection – KUMC-Wireless Let’s get started. Right click on Network Neighborhood or choose Network and Internet Connections from the Control Panel.
  • 39. Wireless Network Properties Right click on “Wireless Network Connection” and then choose Properties.
  • 40. Adding a Wireless Network Click “ADD” and then place in the SSID, Authentication and Encryption method.
  • 41. Changing Authentication Method Choose the Authentication TAB and choose PEAP as the EAP Type.
  • 42. Authentication Type Properties • Choose Properties (right below the PEAP option). • Uncheck “Validate server certificate”. (we’re using an internal certificate.
  • 43. Changing EAP-MSCHAP Authentication Click the configure button to the right of (EAP- MSCHAP V2) Uncheck Automatically use my Windows logon name and password.
  • 44. Click OK OK OK OK OK OK……. Click OK on all boxes to get back to the desktop / Wireless Network Properties
  • 45. Click on Ballon – Enter credentials In the system tray, you’ll notice a balloon that pops up asking for credential information. Click on the balloon and fill in the User Name and Password Fields only. Click OK and you’re done!
  • 46. Pushing the Limits: Wireless and the Law Sherry Callahan, Director of Information Security
  • 47. So many unsecured networks!
  • 49. Look, but don’t “touch”! • Wardriving, warflying or war-anything is NOT illegal. • Capturing traffic is also not illegal but, in some states, intent is the key. • Just because a wireless network is unsecured , it’s not an invitation to use them. • If you connect to a wireless network without permission, you are committing a felony under Kansas or Missouri law.
  • 51. Additional Resources How to Access KUMC’s Wireless Network In-depth on-line class on Wireless Basics