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The need for Safer Spaces in
HIV Prevention and Care
Among Marginalized,
Criminalized, and Oppressed
Lindsay Roth & Kahn Miller of
Is it ?
Has there ever been a time when a client
left your organization and you weren’t
sure why?
Who We Are,
What We Do
All volunteer, grassroots direct-service and advocacy organization
for women in Philadelphia’s street-based sex trade
• One of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia with
prominent open air markets for heroin, powder and rock
cocaine, street-based sex trade
• Philadelphia has HIV/AIDS rate three times higher than national
Barriers to care are material, social, and structural
• Late Night Street Outreach
• Bad Date Alerts
• Home Deliveries
• Case Management
• Health & Safety Tips
• Overdose Response Training
• Rape and Assault Referrals
• Women Identified-Only Drop-In
Our Services:
What is Harm
What is Harm
• A public health theory addressing
behaviors that carry risk.
• We all do things we know are bad for us,
and only the individual can decide what
measures to take to mitigate harm
• Those who engage in these behaviors
should have a leading voice in any
organization or program they utilize
• Meeting people where they are at
• Non-judgmental
• Community involvement and leadership
• Addresses material needs and structural
oppressions simultaneously
This is a safer space
A big thanks to SWOP- NYC/SWANK for sharing their guidelines
• Confidentiality: What’s shared here stays here,
what’s learned here leaves here.
• One Mic
• Make Room, Make Noise
• Ouch/Oops
• It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable
• If you don’t know - ask!
• Speak from the “I”
• Please do not record this presentation (slide
show with bibliography and notes will be made
Some guidelines
Workshop Objectives
• Define Safe Space and connection to harm
reduction philosophy
• Why they are an effective and necessary tool in
HIV prevention and treatment
• How to create and maintain a safe space
• What do you want to take away?
Intended Audience
D/A Counselors,
Case Mangers,
Doctors, RNs,
Social Workers,
Supervisors, HIV
Testers &
Just because
you might not
have letters after
your name, this
is for you too!
Lived experience
cannot be
What else makes a
space “safe”?
• Area or forum where a marginalized group is
free of standard stereotypes, discrimination,
and tactics of silencing
• Physically safe: free from sources of physical
and institutional violence, i.e. law enforcement
• These are guidelines: “trolling” should not be
Good for At-Risk
• Skill share/peer education
• Ownership and self-
actualization, especially
for extremely
populations and those
with intersecting
• Decreases isolation from
prevention resources
Why safe spaces are an effective and
necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
Good for Organizations
• Community involvement
builds trust
• Builds knowledge of lived
experience and on-the-
ground realities where
research falls short -
especially situations that
are a product of structural
• Narrows the gap between
provider and participant
Why safe spaces are an effective and
necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
Good for Organizations
• Community involvement
builds trust
• Builds knowledge of lived
experience and on-the-
ground realities where
research falls short -
especially situations that
are a product of structural
• Narrows the gap between
provider and participant
Good for At-Risk
• Skill share/peer education
• Ownership and self-
actualization, especially
for extremely
populations and those
with intersecting
• Decreases isolation from
prevention resources
Why safe spaces are an effective and
necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
Sonagachi Project, Kolkata, India
3 Rs: respect for sex work and those involved in
it; reliance on sex workers to run the program;
recognition of sex workers’ rights. Condom use
rose from 27% in 1992 to 86% in 2001; HIV
prevalence in sex workers dropped.
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
While Aboriginal Peoples make up 3.8% of the population, they
accounted for 12.5% of all new HIV infections in Canada. A
federal initiative to address HIV/AIDS prioritized positive Aboriginal
women through the use of safe spaces:
• Use and create opportunities for culturally competent, arts-
based approaches to HIV prevention, such as drum-making,
ceremonial skirt-making, and digital storytelling
• Make gathering spaces as inclusive as possible, creating
spaces for children and attending to barriers to participation
• Recognize that women are part of a larger community, offer
opportunities for women to learn alongside their families,
partners and children
• Honor the sacred role of Aboriginal women by learning about
and celebrating women’s traditional cultural roles
The Stonewall Project, San Francisco
Screenshot from
Positive Prevention Efforts
Safe Spaces
have been a
crucial tool in
HIV prevention
with PLWH/A
Peer support groups,
Post-test clubs,
Classes, Group therapy,
Positive-living Programs,
Collaboration in
Information, Education and
Communication Campaigns,
Income-Generating Activities
“I worked in groups on this idea of prevention ...The main
principle is to help people to become responsible for
themselves, their bodies and their rights. When people
become aware of their situation it is possible to promote
– HIV positive service provider, Clinica Condesa, Mexico
Intentionality and Framing
• Without intentionally, there is almost always a
reproduction of structural oppressions within the
organization or program
• Strategic Essentialism – for the most
marginalized of populations it is sometimes
necessary to reach out to a specific group so
that they may self-actualize
• Low-threshold
• Location/time
• Help meet
immediate needs
(tokens, food,
• Sometimes
relationships can
trump logistical
• If mandatory
(incarceration, court
ordered drug
treatment), theories
and practices of safe
spaces can be
• Consistency
• Think outside the
What not to do
• Don’t offer advice
unless asked but DO
recognize behavior
change that comes
from within
• Don’t assume a
singular identity; don’t
• Don’t try to do it all at
once; the small things
• Don’t exploit the space
or the participants
• Be patient, don’t take it personally
• Hire within the community and provide proper
training, including tools for de-escalation
• Appropriate imagery and visual
representations in front office
• Paperwork
First point of contact, establishes relationship and
trust between client and service provider
Direct Service Provider
• Office/workplace presentation
• Reflect clients’ language
• Do your homework, know laws and policy
• Be honest about internal biases – you can still
be a great provider! But also know when to
Coordination of services, advocate, maintains
primary relationship between client and
• Model affirmative language and client-
centered approach
• Hire within the community
• Facilitate appropriate staff trainings (beyond
accreditations) and interventions
• Safe spaces are for employees too!
Fosters and maintains successful environment for
safer spaces; less direct interaction with clients
Encountering Resistance?
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple - Assert your position without
starting a new conversation
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple - Assert your position without
starting a new conversation
Go further – Challenge existing attitudes,
systems, and client/provider dynamics
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple - Assert your position without
starting a new conversation
Go further – Challenge existing attitudes,
systems, and client/provider dynamics
Confront – Identify the problem and a path or
process to begin to address it within your
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple
Go further
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple – Continue with affirming
Go further
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple – Continue with affirming
Go further – Correct co-worker’s misgendering
Encountering Resistance?
Keep it simple – Continue with affirming
Go further – Correct co-worker’s misgendering
Confront – Set up system to ensure correct
pronoun use and gender affirmation
Participants as Consultants
• They know more than you do; avoid
privileging institutional learning, degrees,
and resumes
• A truly safe space necessitates direct
community involvement and leadership
• As with any other consultant they should be
compensated fairly and financially, their
Consultation & Self-Advocacy
• VANDU, Nothing About Us Without Us
• Young Women’s Empowerment Project (Chicago),
Girls Do What They Have To Do To Survive:
Illuminating Methods used by Girls in the Sex Trade
and Street Economy to Fight Back and Heal
• Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, Environments
of Nurturing Safety
And a note to participants…
How to get your needs met
and build a successful community-led space:
• Never assume someone knows how you feel
• Follow the rules set forth at your organization
• Work within the system to self-advocate when you feel
someone is breaking the rules or breaking your trust; don’t
lose your temper, talk to them directly or talk to their
You are the expert:
You have an important set of skills to share with
What if everyone had a safe
space to be heard?
Imagine if you had a safe space at your organization or in
your workplace where you could really listen to your
Think how you could implement some aspects of a safe
space –
or even how you are already doing so.
Thank You!

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Safe spaces2014.ppt

  • 1. The need for Safer Spaces in HIV Prevention and Care Among Marginalized, Criminalized, and Oppressed Communities Lindsay Roth & Kahn Miller of Is it ?
  • 2. Has there ever been a time when a client left your organization and you weren’t sure why?
  • 3. Who We Are, What We Do All volunteer, grassroots direct-service and advocacy organization for women in Philadelphia’s street-based sex trade Kensington: • One of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia with prominent open air markets for heroin, powder and rock cocaine, street-based sex trade • Philadelphia has HIV/AIDS rate three times higher than national average Barriers to care are material, social, and structural
  • 4. • Late Night Street Outreach • Bad Date Alerts • Home Deliveries • Case Management • Health & Safety Tips • Overdose Response Training • Rape and Assault Referrals • Women Identified-Only Drop-In Our Services:
  • 6. What is Harm Reduction? • A public health theory addressing behaviors that carry risk. • We all do things we know are bad for us, and only the individual can decide what measures to take to mitigate harm • Those who engage in these behaviors should have a leading voice in any organization or program they utilize
  • 7. • Meeting people where they are at • Non-judgmental • Community involvement and leadership • Addresses material needs and structural oppressions simultaneously
  • 8. This is a safer space A big thanks to SWOP- NYC/SWANK for sharing their guidelines • Confidentiality: What’s shared here stays here, what’s learned here leaves here. • One Mic • Make Room, Make Noise • Ouch/Oops • It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable • If you don’t know - ask! • Speak from the “I” • Please do not record this presentation (slide show with bibliography and notes will be made available) Some guidelines
  • 9. Workshop Objectives • Define Safe Space and connection to harm reduction philosophy • Why they are an effective and necessary tool in HIV prevention and treatment • How to create and maintain a safe space • What do you want to take away?
  • 10. Intended Audience Providers: D/A Counselors, Case Mangers, Doctors, RNs, Social Workers, Therapists, Researchers, Supervisors, HIV Testers & Counselors People: Just because you might not have letters after your name, this is for you too! Lived experience cannot be overvalued.
  • 11. What else makes a space “safe”? • Area or forum where a marginalized group is free of standard stereotypes, discrimination, and tactics of silencing • Physically safe: free from sources of physical and institutional violence, i.e. law enforcement • These are guidelines: “trolling” should not be tolerated
  • 12. Good for At-Risk Communities • Skill share/peer education • Ownership and self- actualization, especially for extremely marginalized/criminalized populations and those with intersecting oppressions • Decreases isolation from prevention resources Why safe spaces are an effective and necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
  • 13. Good for Organizations • Community involvement builds trust • Builds knowledge of lived experience and on-the- ground realities where research falls short - especially situations that are a product of structural issues • Narrows the gap between provider and participant Why safe spaces are an effective and necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
  • 14. Good for Organizations • Community involvement builds trust • Builds knowledge of lived experience and on-the- ground realities where research falls short - especially situations that are a product of structural issues • Narrows the gap between provider and participant Good for At-Risk Communities • Skill share/peer education • Ownership and self- actualization, especially for extremely marginalized/criminalized populations and those with intersecting oppressions • Decreases isolation from prevention resources Why safe spaces are an effective and necessary tool for HIV prevention & care
  • 15. Sonagachi Project, Kolkata, India 3 Rs: respect for sex work and those involved in it; reliance on sex workers to run the program; recognition of sex workers’ rights. Condom use rose from 27% in 1992 to 86% in 2001; HIV prevalence in sex workers dropped.
  • 16. Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) While Aboriginal Peoples make up 3.8% of the population, they accounted for 12.5% of all new HIV infections in Canada. A federal initiative to address HIV/AIDS prioritized positive Aboriginal women through the use of safe spaces: • Use and create opportunities for culturally competent, arts- based approaches to HIV prevention, such as drum-making, ceremonial skirt-making, and digital storytelling • Make gathering spaces as inclusive as possible, creating spaces for children and attending to barriers to participation • Recognize that women are part of a larger community, offer opportunities for women to learn alongside their families, partners and children • Honor the sacred role of Aboriginal women by learning about and celebrating women’s traditional cultural roles
  • 17. The Stonewall Project, San Francisco Screenshot from
  • 18. Positive Prevention Efforts Safe Spaces have been a crucial tool in HIV prevention with PLWH/A Peer support groups, Post-test clubs, Classes, Group therapy, Positive-living Programs, Collaboration in Information, Education and Communication Campaigns, Income-Generating Activities “I worked in groups on this idea of prevention ...The main principle is to help people to become responsible for themselves, their bodies and their rights. When people become aware of their situation it is possible to promote change.” – HIV positive service provider, Clinica Condesa, Mexico
  • 19. Intentionality and Framing • Without intentionally, there is almost always a reproduction of structural oppressions within the organization or program • Strategic Essentialism – for the most marginalized of populations it is sometimes necessary to reach out to a specific group so that they may self-actualize
  • 20. Logistics • Low-threshold • Location/time accessibility • Help meet immediate needs (tokens, food, supplies) • Sometimes personal relationships can trump logistical barriers • If mandatory program (incarceration, court ordered drug treatment), theories and practices of safe spaces can be included • Consistency • Think outside the box
  • 21. What not to do • Don’t offer advice unless asked but DO recognize behavior change that comes from within • Don’t assume a singular identity; don’t generalize • Don’t try to do it all at once; the small things count • Don’t exploit the space or the participants
  • 22. Reception • Be patient, don’t take it personally • Hire within the community and provide proper training, including tools for de-escalation • Appropriate imagery and visual representations in front office • Paperwork First point of contact, establishes relationship and trust between client and service provider
  • 23. Direct Service Provider • Office/workplace presentation • Reflect clients’ language • Do your homework, know laws and policy • Be honest about internal biases – you can still be a great provider! But also know when to refer Coordination of services, advocate, maintains primary relationship between client and organization
  • 24. Supervisor • Model affirmative language and client- centered approach • Hire within the community • Facilitate appropriate staff trainings (beyond accreditations) and interventions • Safe spaces are for employees too! Fosters and maintains successful environment for safer spaces; less direct interaction with clients
  • 26. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple - Assert your position without starting a new conversation
  • 27. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple - Assert your position without starting a new conversation Go further – Challenge existing attitudes, systems, and client/provider dynamics
  • 28. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple - Assert your position without starting a new conversation Go further – Challenge existing attitudes, systems, and client/provider dynamics Confront – Identify the problem and a path or process to begin to address it within your organization
  • 29. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple Go further Confront
  • 30. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple – Continue with affirming language Go further Confront
  • 31. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple – Continue with affirming language Go further – Correct co-worker’s misgendering comments Confront
  • 32. Encountering Resistance? Keep it simple – Continue with affirming language Go further – Correct co-worker’s misgendering comments Confront – Set up system to ensure correct pronoun use and gender affirmation
  • 33. Participants as Consultants • They know more than you do; avoid privileging institutional learning, degrees, and resumes • A truly safe space necessitates direct community involvement and leadership • As with any other consultant they should be compensated fairly and financially, their
  • 34. Consultation & Self-Advocacy • VANDU, Nothing About Us Without Us • Young Women’s Empowerment Project (Chicago), Girls Do What They Have To Do To Survive: Illuminating Methods used by Girls in the Sex Trade and Street Economy to Fight Back and Heal • Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, Environments of Nurturing Safety
  • 35. And a note to participants… How to get your needs met and build a successful community-led space: • Never assume someone knows how you feel • Follow the rules set forth at your organization • Work within the system to self-advocate when you feel someone is breaking the rules or breaking your trust; don’t lose your temper, talk to them directly or talk to their supervisor You are the expert: You have an important set of skills to share with people.
  • 36. What if everyone had a safe space to be heard? Imagine if you had a safe space at your organization or in your workplace where you could really listen to your clients? Think how you could implement some aspects of a safe space – or even how you are already doing so. Thank You!