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Iowa Civil Rights Commission
The information contained in
this presentation is a brief
overview and should not be
construed as legal advice or
exhaustive coverage of the
A state administrative agency which
enforces your rights under the Iowa
Civil Rights Act of 1965 (Chapter 216
of the Iowa Code) .
Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Iowa Civil Rights Commission
• VISION: A State free of discrimination.
• MISSION: Enforcing civil rights laws
through compliance, mediation, advocacy,
and education.
Protected Personal Characteristics
In Employment
National Origin
Sexual Orientation
Gender Identity
Physical Disability
Mental Disability
Harassment Overview
• Definition of sexual harassment
• Definition of general harassment
• Examples of prohibited behaviors
• You and your organization’s responsibilities
• Liability
What is harassment ?
• Behavior which has the effect of
humiliating, intimidating, or coercing
someone through personal attack.
• Behavior that can cause the recipient
to be embarrassed, uncomfortable and
cause emotional distress.
Definition of Illegal Harassment
Harassment is unwelcome conduct which
is taken because of a protected personal
characteristic and which creates an
abusive job environment.
There are three requirements
Unwelcome conduct
Because of protected characteristic
Hostile/Abusive environment
Types of Harassment
Quid Pro Quo
Hostile Environment
Quid Pro Quo
• When employment decisions or expectations
are based on an employee’s willingness to
grant or deny sexual favors or willingness to
submit to unwelcome behavior.
• “This for that”
Examples of Quid Pro Quo:
• Demanding sexual favors in exchange for a
promotion or a raise
• Demanding participation by a subordinate in a
religious observance
• Changing job performance expectations after
subordinate refuses repeated requests for a
• Disciplining or discharging an employee who
ends a romantic relationship
Hostile Environment
• Where verbal or nonverbal behavior in the
workplace focuses on the sexuality of another
person or occurs because of a person’s gender
or other protected characteristic.
• Where verbal or nonverbal behavior in the
workplace is unwanted or unwelcome
• Where verbal or nonverbal behavior is severe
or pervasive enough to affect the person’s work
Behaviors that can be unwelcome
and/or sexual in nature
•Jokes, remarks, or
•Propositions for
sexual activity
•Pressure for dates
•Obscene language
which is gender
specific or sexual in
comments about a
person’s body
•Written documents
•Pin-up calendars
•Computer images
•Computer games
Same-Sex Sexual Harassment
The U.S. Supreme Court
ruled that same-sex
sexual harassment is a
form of sex discrimination
under Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
Behaviors that are NOT Sexual
Welcomed and NOT sexual in nature
1. Voluntary lunch or dinner dates – asking a
coworker to have lunch or dinner
2. Appropriate compliments – telling a person
that his or her outfit is nice
3. Acts of courtesy – opening the door for
In order to be “unwelcome” the conduct must
be both:
1. Actually offensive to the victim and
2. Not solicited or invited by the victim
If the conduct is welcomed, then: The conduct
cannot be considered when deciding if there
was an abusive environment.
Evidence that the victim found the
conduct unwelcome includes:
1. The victim told the
harasser to stop.
2. The victim moved away when
the behavior occurred or looked
away from the harasser when
the joke was told.
3. The victim met the joke with a
prolonged stony silence.
Evidence that the victim found the
conduct welcome includes:
The victim engaged in similar
banter with the harasser just prior
to the harassing statements.
The victim initiated physical contact
with the alleged harasser
The victim laughed after the supposedly
harassing joke and remarked it was a “good
The following do not mean that the
conduct was welcomed:
•The victim did not complain to
others about it at work
•The victim engaged in bawdy
conduct outside the workplace on
their own time
•The victim was heard to use curse
words from time to time
The requirement of an abusive job
environment is broken into three parts:
1. Subjectively abusive
2. Objectively abusive
3. Part of the job environment
A job environment is subjectively abusive if
the Complainant actually believes it is abusive.
Evidence that the Complainant has a subjective belief of
abusiveness includes:
•Complainant states that they felt the environment was
abusive. This could be corroborated by Complainant
seeking professional counseling.
•Complainant complained to other people about the
environment (whether or not “officially”).
•Witness report that Complainant was very upset
following incidents of harassment.
A job environment is objectively abusive if a
reasonable person would find the environment
Factors in deciding whether the environment
is objectively abusive include:
•Physically threatening or humiliating
•Unreasonably interferes with job
•Effect on psychological well-being
Frequency & Severity of the harassment are
the most important factors. They add together to
make how bad the environment is. If it is bad
enough it is “abusive”.
As the severity goes up -
- the frequency needed
goes down.
Is it Harassment?
When in doubt about the appropriateness of
particular behavior consider the following:
–Would I behave this same way if my
mother or child were standing next to me?
Harassment Training by Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Is it Harassment?
When in doubt about the appropriateness of
particular behavior consider the following:
–Would I behave this same way if my
mother or child were standing next to me?
–Would I want my behavior to be the subject
of a report on the evening news?
Harassment Training by Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Is it Harassment?
When in doubt about the appropriateness of
particular behavior consider the following:
–Would I behave this same way if my
mother or child were standing next to me?
–Would I want my behavior to be the subject
of a report on the evening news?
–Would I want to describe my behavior in
court in front of a judge or jury?
Harassment Training by Iowa Civil Rights Commission
What is the Employee’s
• Understand
– Know company policy and the law
– Adhere to policy and the law
– Be careful
• Be Watchful
– Pay attention to coworkers- avoid inadvertent offense
– Look for subtle forms of harassment
– Report any instances
• Be active
– Confront Harassers directly, if you are comfortable doing so
– If confrontation fails, file a grievance
– Document ALL instances- detail Detail DETAIL!
What can You do?
Practical Advice for Employees
• Be courteous
– Pleasantries are always allowed
– Remember, jokes that end with “If they weren’t watermelons,
what were they?” aren’t funny to everyone.
– Reference the Golden Rule
• Think!
– Don’t tweak “brittle” people for sport
– Try to avoid loaded words; you’re intelligent enough to express
displeasure without the “F” word
– Ask yourself (or others): Am I offending anyone?
• Be Professional
– Keep your personal life personal, and your work life professional
– Treat other employees, above and below you, with respect
Employees who deal directly with customers, the
public or with personnel from other organizations,
must always ensure that their own behavior is
acceptable. They are also strongly encouraged to
report incidents of unwelcome behavior by others.
You do not have to tolerate unwelcome behavior by
the public, but like everyone else, you must act
responsibly when dealing with unwelcome conduct.
Employee Responsibilities
and the public
Supervisors and Employees
• Take the situation
• Communicate with
• Act immediately to stop
• Maintain confidentiality
• Remain neutral
• Resolve at lowest
possible level -
whenever possible
• Report it to your
• Contact Human
Resources for
• Document actions
Your Organization’s Obligation
• Your Organization has the obligation to have
a work place that is free of discrimination
and harassment of any type
• Having an anti-harassment policy is a step
in the right direction
Anti-Harassment policy
• Statement prohibiting harassment
• Definition of harassment and examples of
prohibited behaviors
• Explanation of complaint procedures and
designation of persons to whom complaints
should be made
• Assurance that a prompt, thorough and
confidential investigation will take place
Anti-Harassment policy
• Assurance that if a violation of the policy is
found, that there will be prompt, corrective
action by the employer
• Assurance that there will be no retaliation for
reporting the harassment
Employer Liability
The employer is
subject to liability if the
harassment was
committed by a
supervisor with
immediate or
successively higher
authority over the
Affirmative Defense:
Acts of Supervisor
Employer must show that:
•Employer exercised
reasonable care to prevent
and promptly correct
harassing behavior
•Employee unreasonably
failed to take advantage of
preventive or corrective
opportunities or to otherwise
avoid harm
Employer Liability for Acts of
Quid Pro Quo
•Employer is always
liable for acts of
•Cannot raise affirmative
defense to avoid or limit
Hostile work environment
•Can raise affirmative
defense to avoid or limit
Employer Liability:
Acts of Coworkers or nonemployees
•If knew or should
have known of the
•Unless can show
they took immediate
and appropriate
corrective action(s)
•Employer’s control over
individual’s misconduct is
• Definition of sexual and general harassment
• Types of harassment
• You and your organization’s responsibility
• The organization’s policy
• What to do when harassment occurs
• Liability
Any Questions?
Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Grimes State Office Building
400 E. 14th
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
800-457-4416 (toll free)
fax: 515-242-5840

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Harassment Training by Iowa Civil Rights Commission

  • 1. Iowa Civil Rights Commission Disclaimer The information contained in this presentation is a brief overview and should not be construed as legal advice or exhaustive coverage of the topic.
  • 2. A state administrative agency which enforces your rights under the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965 (Chapter 216 of the Iowa Code) . Iowa Civil Rights Commission
  • 3. Iowa Civil Rights Commission • VISION: A State free of discrimination. • MISSION: Enforcing civil rights laws through compliance, mediation, advocacy, and education.
  • 4. Protected Personal Characteristics In Employment Race Color Creed Religion National Origin Age Sex/Pregnancy Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Physical Disability Mental Disability Retaliation
  • 5. Harassment Overview • Definition of sexual harassment • Definition of general harassment • Examples of prohibited behaviors • You and your organization’s responsibilities • Liability
  • 6. What is harassment ? • Behavior which has the effect of humiliating, intimidating, or coercing someone through personal attack. • Behavior that can cause the recipient to be embarrassed, uncomfortable and cause emotional distress.
  • 7. Definition of Illegal Harassment Harassment is unwelcome conduct which is taken because of a protected personal characteristic and which creates an abusive job environment. There are three requirements Unwelcome conduct Because of protected characteristic Hostile/Abusive environment
  • 8. Types of Harassment Quid Pro Quo & Hostile Environment
  • 9. Quid Pro Quo • When employment decisions or expectations are based on an employee’s willingness to grant or deny sexual favors or willingness to submit to unwelcome behavior. • “This for that”
  • 10. Examples of Quid Pro Quo: • Demanding sexual favors in exchange for a promotion or a raise • Demanding participation by a subordinate in a religious observance • Changing job performance expectations after subordinate refuses repeated requests for a date • Disciplining or discharging an employee who ends a romantic relationship
  • 11. Hostile Environment • Where verbal or nonverbal behavior in the workplace focuses on the sexuality of another person or occurs because of a person’s gender or other protected characteristic. • Where verbal or nonverbal behavior in the workplace is unwanted or unwelcome • Where verbal or nonverbal behavior is severe or pervasive enough to affect the person’s work environment
  • 12. Behaviors that can be unwelcome and/or sexual in nature Physical •Assault •Touching •Blocking •Hugging •Kissing •Pinching •Patting •Leering •Gesturing •Grabbing Verbal •Jokes, remarks, or questions •Propositions for sexual activity •Pressure for dates •Obscene language which is gender specific or sexual in nature •Inappropriate comments about a person’s body Visual •Cartoons •Written documents •Pin-up calendars •Drawings •Computer images •Computer games •Posters •Objects •Faxes •E-mails
  • 13. Same-Sex Sexual Harassment The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • 14. Behaviors that are NOT Sexual Harassment Welcomed and NOT sexual in nature 1. Voluntary lunch or dinner dates – asking a coworker to have lunch or dinner 2. Appropriate compliments – telling a person that his or her outfit is nice 3. Acts of courtesy – opening the door for someone
  • 15. Unwelcomeness In order to be “unwelcome” the conduct must be both: 1. Actually offensive to the victim and 2. Not solicited or invited by the victim If the conduct is welcomed, then: The conduct cannot be considered when deciding if there was an abusive environment.
  • 16. Evidence that the victim found the conduct unwelcome includes: 1. The victim told the harasser to stop. 2. The victim moved away when the behavior occurred or looked away from the harasser when the joke was told. 3. The victim met the joke with a prolonged stony silence. Unwelcomeness
  • 17. Evidence that the victim found the conduct welcome includes: The victim engaged in similar banter with the harasser just prior to the harassing statements. The victim initiated physical contact with the alleged harasser The victim laughed after the supposedly harassing joke and remarked it was a “good one”. Unwelcomeness
  • 18. The following do not mean that the conduct was welcomed: •The victim did not complain to others about it at work •The victim engaged in bawdy conduct outside the workplace on their own time •The victim was heard to use curse words from time to time Unwelcomeness
  • 19. The requirement of an abusive job environment is broken into three parts: 1. Subjectively abusive 2. Objectively abusive 3. Part of the job environment Abusiveness
  • 20. Abusiveness A job environment is subjectively abusive if the Complainant actually believes it is abusive. Evidence that the Complainant has a subjective belief of abusiveness includes: •Complainant states that they felt the environment was abusive. This could be corroborated by Complainant seeking professional counseling. •Complainant complained to other people about the environment (whether or not “officially”). •Witness report that Complainant was very upset following incidents of harassment.
  • 21. Abusiveness A job environment is objectively abusive if a reasonable person would find the environment abusive. Factors in deciding whether the environment is objectively abusive include: •Frequency •Severity •Physically threatening or humiliating •Unreasonably interferes with job performance •Effect on psychological well-being
  • 22. Frequency & Severity of the harassment are the most important factors. They add together to make how bad the environment is. If it is bad enough it is “abusive”. As the severity goes up - - the frequency needed goes down. Abusiveness
  • 23. Is it Harassment? When in doubt about the appropriateness of particular behavior consider the following: –Would I behave this same way if my mother or child were standing next to me?
  • 25. Is it Harassment? When in doubt about the appropriateness of particular behavior consider the following: –Would I behave this same way if my mother or child were standing next to me? –Would I want my behavior to be the subject of a report on the evening news?
  • 27. Is it Harassment? When in doubt about the appropriateness of particular behavior consider the following: –Would I behave this same way if my mother or child were standing next to me? –Would I want my behavior to be the subject of a report on the evening news? –Would I want to describe my behavior in court in front of a judge or jury?
  • 29. What is the Employee’s Responsibility? • Understand – Know company policy and the law – Adhere to policy and the law – Be careful • Be Watchful – Pay attention to coworkers- avoid inadvertent offense – Look for subtle forms of harassment – Report any instances • Be active – Confront Harassers directly, if you are comfortable doing so – If confrontation fails, file a grievance – Document ALL instances- detail Detail DETAIL!
  • 30. What can You do? Practical Advice for Employees • Be courteous – Pleasantries are always allowed – Remember, jokes that end with “If they weren’t watermelons, what were they?” aren’t funny to everyone. – Reference the Golden Rule • Think! – Don’t tweak “brittle” people for sport – Try to avoid loaded words; you’re intelligent enough to express displeasure without the “F” word – Ask yourself (or others): Am I offending anyone? • Be Professional – Keep your personal life personal, and your work life professional – Treat other employees, above and below you, with respect
  • 31. Employees who deal directly with customers, the public or with personnel from other organizations, must always ensure that their own behavior is acceptable. They are also strongly encouraged to report incidents of unwelcome behavior by others. You do not have to tolerate unwelcome behavior by the public, but like everyone else, you must act responsibly when dealing with unwelcome conduct. Employee Responsibilities and the public
  • 32. Supervisors and Employees DO’S Supervisors: • Take the situation seriously • Communicate with employee • Act immediately to stop behavior • Maintain confidentiality • Remain neutral Employees: • Resolve at lowest possible level - whenever possible • Report it to your supervisor • Contact Human Resources for assistance • Document actions
  • 33. Your Organization’s Obligation • Your Organization has the obligation to have a work place that is free of discrimination and harassment of any type • Having an anti-harassment policy is a step in the right direction
  • 34. Anti-Harassment policy • Statement prohibiting harassment • Definition of harassment and examples of prohibited behaviors • Explanation of complaint procedures and designation of persons to whom complaints should be made • Assurance that a prompt, thorough and confidential investigation will take place
  • 35. Anti-Harassment policy • Assurance that if a violation of the policy is found, that there will be prompt, corrective action by the employer • Assurance that there will be no retaliation for reporting the harassment
  • 36. Employer Liability The employer is subject to liability if the harassment was committed by a supervisor with immediate or successively higher authority over the employee.
  • 37. Affirmative Defense: Acts of Supervisor Employer must show that: •Employer exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct harassing behavior •Employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of preventive or corrective opportunities or to otherwise avoid harm
  • 38. Employer Liability for Acts of Supervisors Quid Pro Quo •Employer is always liable for acts of supervisor •Cannot raise affirmative defense to avoid or limit liability Hostile work environment •Can raise affirmative defense to avoid or limit liability
  • 39. Employer Liability: Acts of Coworkers or nonemployees Coworkers: •If knew or should have known of the misconduct •Unless can show they took immediate and appropriate corrective action(s) Nonemployees: •Employer’s control over individual’s misconduct is considered
  • 40. Review • Definition of sexual and general harassment • Types of harassment • You and your organization’s responsibility • The organization’s policy • What to do when harassment occurs • Liability
  • 42. Iowa Civil Rights Commission Grimes State Office Building 400 E. 14th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319 515-281-4121 800-457-4416 (toll free) fax: 515-242-5840 website: