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Ethical Code of Conduct
Tata Group
Submitted To
Ms. Shikha Nainawat
Submitted By
Jyoti Gharwar
Rahul Meena
Rashika Goyal
Shivani Pareek
Suhani Gupta
R.A.Podar Inst. Of Management, FMS, Jaipur
Business Ethics
 Ethics - differentiate between what is right and
what is wrong.
 Business – economic activity which produces
goods and services.
Thus business ethics is the ethics which are to
be followed while doing business.
What values are to individual, ethics is to business.
 An ethical code of conduct is a
statement which describes the norms
and beliefs of an organisation.
 It assist the members in understanding the
difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and in
applying that understanding to their decisions.
 This statement is generally proposed,
discussed and defined by senior executives in
the firms and then published and distributed to
all the stakeholders.
Ethical Code of Conduct
Tata Group Profile
 Incorporated in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata
 Headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
 Chairman - Natarajan Chandrasekaran
 29 publicly listed companies
 Tata Steel
 Tata Motors
 Tata Consultancy
 Tata Power
 Tata Chemical
 Titan………
“We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous or more
philanthropic than other people. But we think we started on sound
and straightforward business principles, considering the interests of
the shareholders our own, and the health and welfare of the
employees, the sure foundation of our success.”
Code of Conduct of TATA
 The TATA code of conduct represents the
values and core principles that guide the
conduct of every Tata business.
 For them the code is a living document. In
keeping with global best practices and
regulatory changes in key market, they undergo
various changes year by year.
 The code represents the individual and mutual
commitment to discharge responsibilities
through the most sustainable and ethical means
and the shared determination to reinforce the
Tata reputation of leadership with trust
Five core values of Tata
These universal values serve as the
foundation for the Tata Code of Conduct
Scope of this Code
Value Chain Partners
Financial Stakeholders
Group Companies
Equal Opportunities
1. Equal opportunities to all employees
2. No unfair discrimination on any ground,
3. Recruiting based solely on performance, merit,
competence and potential.
3. Fair, transparent and clear employee policies
4. These policies shall provide for clear terms of
employment, training, development and
performance management.
Dignity and Respect
5. Creating a conducive work environment built on
tolerance, understanding, mutual cooperation
and respect for individual privacy.
6. Everyone treated with dignity and respect.
Do not tolerate any form of harassment.
7. Clear and fair disciplinary procedures.
8. Employees right to privacy.
Human rights
9. Do not employ children at workplaces.
10. Do not use forced labour in any form.
Bribery and corruption
11. Employees shall not offer or receive any
illegal benefits.
Gifts and hospitality
12. Therefore, gifts and hospitality given or
received should be modest in value and
appropriate, and in compliance with our
company’s gifts and hospitality policy.
Working outside employment with us
13. Employees must notify and seek prior
approval before accepting a position of
responsibility or running a business outside
employment with company.
Integrity of information and assets
14. Employees shall not make any wilful
omissions or material misrepresentation.
15. Employees and directors shall seek proper
authorisation prior to disclosing company
related information.
16. Employees shall ensure the integrity of
personal data or information provided by them
to company.
17. Employees shall respect and protect all
confidential information and intellectual
property of the company and third party.
18. Company assets shall not be misused.
19. We shall comply with all applicable anti-money
laundering, anti-fraud and anti-corruption laws.
Insider trading
20. Our employees must not indulge in any form of
insider trading to derive any benefit from access
to and possession of price sensitive information
that is not in the public domain.
Prohibited drugs and substances
21. Use of prohibited drugs and substances is
Conflicts of interest
22. Close personal relationships should not
create a conflict of interest with the roles and
duties of employees.
23. In case of actual or potential conflicts of
interest, the concerned person must
immediately report.
24. Adequate and full disclosure of historical
conflict by interested employees shall be
made to company’s management.
25. In case of failure to disclose, the
management shall take a serious view of the
matter and consider suitable disciplinary
action as per the terms of employment.
Products and services
1. Supplying products and services of world-class
2. The products and services shall comply with
applicable laws.
3. No unfair or misleading statements about the
products and services of our competitors.
Export controls and trade sanctions
4. Comply with all relevant export controls or
trade sanctions.
Fair competition
5. Liberalisation of trade and investment in each
country and market.
6. No activity constituting anti-competitive
7. Collect competitive information through legally
permitted sources and means.
Dealings with customers
8. Dealings with customers shall be professional,
fair and transparent.
9. Safeguard customers’ personal data.
1. Actively assist in the improvement of the
quality of life of the people in the
2. Encourage workforce to volunteer on
projects that benefit the communities.
The Environment
3. Environmental sustainability.
4. Prevent the wasteful use of natural
Value Chain
1. Selection of suppliers and service providers
fairly and transparently.
2. Suppliers and service providers should adopt
ethical standards comparable to company.
3. Suppliers and service providers are expected
to abide by the Code in their interactions with,
and on behalf of company.
4. Any gifts or hospitality received from, or given
to, suppliers or service providers comply with
company’s gifts and hospitality policy.
1. Enhance shareholder value and comply
with laws and regulations that govern
shareholder rights.
2. Inform financial stakeholders about relevant
aspects of business in a fair, accurate and
timely manner and shall disclose such
information in accordance with applicable
law and agreements.
3. Accurate records of activities and shall
adhere to disclosure standards in
accordance with applicable law and industry
Political non-alignment
1. Do not support any specific political party or
candidate for political office. No mutual
dependence/favour with any political body or
Government engagement
2. Engage with the government and regulators in
a constructive manner in order to promote
good governance.
3. Do not impede, obstruct or improperly
influence the conclusions of, or affect the
integrity or availability of data or documents for
any government review or investigation.
1. Cooperation with group companies by
sharing knowledge, physical resources,
human and management resources.
2. Dispute resolution mechanism so that it does
not adversely affect business interests and
stakeholder value.
3. Ensure that no third party or joint venture
uses the TATA name/brand to further its
interests without proper authorisation.
Changes in TCOC
 Employees: Contemporary and relevant
to younger workforce.
 Value Chain Partners: Obligatory for
vendors and suppliers to comply with
Tata code.
 Group companies: Creating web based
tools to improve the communication of
Thank you !!

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Code of conduct

  • 1. Ethical Code of Conduct Tata Group Submitted To Ms. Shikha Nainawat Submitted By Jyoti Gharwar Rahul Meena Rashika Goyal Shivani Pareek Suhani Gupta R.A.Podar Inst. Of Management, FMS, Jaipur
  • 2. Business Ethics  Ethics - differentiate between what is right and what is wrong.  Business – economic activity which produces goods and services. Thus business ethics is the ethics which are to be followed while doing business. What values are to individual, ethics is to business.
  • 3.  An ethical code of conduct is a statement which describes the norms and beliefs of an organisation.  It assist the members in understanding the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and in applying that understanding to their decisions.  This statement is generally proposed, discussed and defined by senior executives in the firms and then published and distributed to all the stakeholders. Ethical Code of Conduct
  • 4. Tata Group Profile  Incorporated in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata  Headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.  Chairman - Natarajan Chandrasekaran  29 publicly listed companies  Tata Steel  Tata Motors  Tata Consultancy  Tata Power  Tata Chemical  Titan………
  • 5. “We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous or more philanthropic than other people. But we think we started on sound and straightforward business principles, considering the interests of the shareholders our own, and the health and welfare of the employees, the sure foundation of our success.”
  • 6. Code of Conduct of TATA  The TATA code of conduct represents the values and core principles that guide the conduct of every Tata business.  For them the code is a living document. In keeping with global best practices and regulatory changes in key market, they undergo various changes year by year.  The code represents the individual and mutual commitment to discharge responsibilities through the most sustainable and ethical means and the shared determination to reinforce the Tata reputation of leadership with trust
  • 7. Five core values of Tata These universal values serve as the foundation for the Tata Code of Conduct Core Values Unity Responsibility ExcellenceIntegrity Pioneering
  • 8. Scope of this Code Employees Customers Environment Value Chain Partners Financial Stakeholders Government Group Companies
  • 10. Equal Opportunities 1. Equal opportunities to all employees 2. No unfair discrimination on any ground, 3. Recruiting based solely on performance, merit, competence and potential. 3. Fair, transparent and clear employee policies 4. These policies shall provide for clear terms of employment, training, development and performance management. Dignity and Respect 5. Creating a conducive work environment built on tolerance, understanding, mutual cooperation and respect for individual privacy.
  • 11. 6. Everyone treated with dignity and respect. Do not tolerate any form of harassment. 7. Clear and fair disciplinary procedures. 8. Employees right to privacy. Human rights 9. Do not employ children at workplaces. 10. Do not use forced labour in any form. Bribery and corruption 11. Employees shall not offer or receive any illegal benefits.
  • 12. Gifts and hospitality 12. Therefore, gifts and hospitality given or received should be modest in value and appropriate, and in compliance with our company’s gifts and hospitality policy. Working outside employment with us 13. Employees must notify and seek prior approval before accepting a position of responsibility or running a business outside employment with company.
  • 13. Integrity of information and assets 14. Employees shall not make any wilful omissions or material misrepresentation. 15. Employees and directors shall seek proper authorisation prior to disclosing company related information. 16. Employees shall ensure the integrity of personal data or information provided by them to company. 17. Employees shall respect and protect all confidential information and intellectual property of the company and third party.
  • 14. 18. Company assets shall not be misused. 19. We shall comply with all applicable anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and anti-corruption laws. Insider trading 20. Our employees must not indulge in any form of insider trading to derive any benefit from access to and possession of price sensitive information that is not in the public domain. Prohibited drugs and substances 21. Use of prohibited drugs and substances is prohibited.
  • 15. Conflicts of interest 22. Close personal relationships should not create a conflict of interest with the roles and duties of employees. 23. In case of actual or potential conflicts of interest, the concerned person must immediately report. 24. Adequate and full disclosure of historical conflict by interested employees shall be made to company’s management. 25. In case of failure to disclose, the management shall take a serious view of the matter and consider suitable disciplinary action as per the terms of employment.
  • 17. Products and services 1. Supplying products and services of world-class quality. 2. The products and services shall comply with applicable laws. 3. No unfair or misleading statements about the products and services of our competitors. Export controls and trade sanctions 4. Comply with all relevant export controls or trade sanctions.
  • 18. Fair competition 5. Liberalisation of trade and investment in each country and market. 6. No activity constituting anti-competitive behaviour. 7. Collect competitive information through legally permitted sources and means. Dealings with customers 8. Dealings with customers shall be professional, fair and transparent. 9. Safeguard customers’ personal data.
  • 20. Communities 1. Actively assist in the improvement of the quality of life of the people in the communities. 2. Encourage workforce to volunteer on projects that benefit the communities. The Environment 3. Environmental sustainability. 4. Prevent the wasteful use of natural resources.
  • 22. 1. Selection of suppliers and service providers fairly and transparently. 2. Suppliers and service providers should adopt ethical standards comparable to company. 3. Suppliers and service providers are expected to abide by the Code in their interactions with, and on behalf of company. 4. Any gifts or hospitality received from, or given to, suppliers or service providers comply with company’s gifts and hospitality policy.
  • 24. 1. Enhance shareholder value and comply with laws and regulations that govern shareholder rights. 2. Inform financial stakeholders about relevant aspects of business in a fair, accurate and timely manner and shall disclose such information in accordance with applicable law and agreements. 3. Accurate records of activities and shall adhere to disclosure standards in accordance with applicable law and industry standards.
  • 26. Political non-alignment 1. Do not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. No mutual dependence/favour with any political body or person. Government engagement 2. Engage with the government and regulators in a constructive manner in order to promote good governance. 3. Do not impede, obstruct or improperly influence the conclusions of, or affect the integrity or availability of data or documents for any government review or investigation.
  • 28. 1. Cooperation with group companies by sharing knowledge, physical resources, human and management resources. 2. Dispute resolution mechanism so that it does not adversely affect business interests and stakeholder value. 3. Ensure that no third party or joint venture uses the TATA name/brand to further its interests without proper authorisation.
  • 29. Changes in TCOC  Employees: Contemporary and relevant to younger workforce.  Value Chain Partners: Obligatory for vendors and suppliers to comply with Tata code.  Group companies: Creating web based tools to improve the communication of code.