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CNIT 141
Cryptography for Computer Networks
4. Block Ciphers
• What is a Block Cipher
• How to Construct Block Ciphers
• The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
• Implementing AES
• Modes of Operation
• How Things Can Go Wrong
• US: Federal standard: DES (1979 - 2005)
• KGB: GOST 28147-89 (1990 - present)
• in 2000, NIST selected AES, developed in
• They are all block ciphers
What is a Block Cipher
Block Cipher
E Encryption algorithm
K Key
P Plaintext block
C Ciphertext block
C = E(K, P)
D Decryption algorithm
P = D(K, C)
Security Goals
• Block cipher should be a pseudorandom
permutation (PRP)
• Attacker can't compute output without the
• Attackers should be unable to find patterns in
the inputs/output values
• The ciphertext should appear random
Block Size
• DES: 64 bit
• AES: 128 bit
• Chosen to fit into registers of CPUs for speed
• Block sizes below 64 are vulnerable to a
codebook attack
• Encrypt every possible plaintext, place in a
• Look up blocks of ciphertext in the codebook
How to Construct Block
Two Techniques
• Substitution-permutation (AES)
• Feistel (DES)
• R is a round --in practice, a simple
• A block cipher with three rounds:
• C = R3(R2(R1(P)))
• iR is the inverse round function
• I = iR1(iR2(iR3(C)))
Round Key
• The round functions R1 R2 R3 use the same
• But a different round key
• Round keys are K1, K2, K3, ... derived from
the main key K using a key schedule
The Slide Attack and Round Keys
• Consider a block cipher with three rounds, and
with all the round keys identical
The Slide Attack and Round Keys
• If an attacker can find plaintext blocks with 

P2 = R(P1)
• That implies C2 = R(C1)
• Which often helps to deduce the key
The Slide Attack and Round Keys
• The solution is to make all round keys different
• Note: the key schedule in AES is not one-way
• Attacker can compute K from any Ki
• This exposes it to side-channel attacks, like
measuring electromagnetic emanations
• Confusion means that each ciphertext bit
depends on several key bits
• Provided by substitution using S-boxes
• Diffusion means that changing a bit of
plaintext changes many bits in the ciphertext
• Provided by permutation
Feistel Schemes
• Only half the plaintext is
encrypted in each round
• By the F substitution-
permutation function
• Halves are swapped in each
• DES uses 16 Feistel rounds
CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers
The Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES)
• DES had a 56-bit key
• Cracked by brute force in 1997
• 3DES was a stronger version
• Still considered strong, but slower than AES
• AES approved as the NIST standard in 2000
• Link Ch 4a
CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers
CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers
CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers
AES in Python
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
plaintext = "DEAD MEN TELL NO"
cipher =
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
print ciphertext
print ciphertext.encode("hex")
print cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
Implementing AES
Improving Efficiency
• Implementing each step
as a separate function
works, but it's slow
• Combining them with
implementations" and
"native instructions" is
• Using XORs and table
OpenSSL Code is
Timing Attacks
• The time required for encryption depends on
the key
• Measuring timing leaks information about the
• This is a problem with any efficient coding
• You could use slow code that wastes time
• A better solution relies on hardware
Native Instructions
• Processor provides
dedicated assembly
instructions that perform
• Plaintext in register
• Round keys in xmm5 to
• Ten times faster with NI
Is AES Secure?
• AES implements many good design principles
• Proven to resist many classes of
cryptoanalytic attacks
• But no one can foresee all possible future
• So far, no significant weakness in AES-128
has been found
Modes of Operation
Electronic Code Book
• Each plaintext block is
encrypted the same
• Identical plaintext
blocks produce identical
ciphertext blocks
• If plaintext repeats, so does ciphertext
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
print ciphertext.encode("hex")
Staples Android App
• Link Ch 4b
Encrypted Password
ECB Mode
• Encrypted image retains large blocks of solid
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
• Uses a key and an initialization vector (IV)
• Output of one block is the IV for the next block
• IV is not secret; sent in the clear
CBC Mode
• Encrypted image shows no patterns
Choosing IV
• If the same IV is used every time
• The first block is always encrypted the same
• Messages with the same first plaintext block
will have identical first ciphertext blocks
• ECB can be computed in parallel
• Each block is independent
• CBC requires serial processing
• Output of each block used to encrypt the
next block
Message Length
• AES requires 16-byte blocks of plaintext
• Messages must be padded to make them long
PKCS#7 Padding
• The last byte of the plaintext is always
between 'x00' and '10'
• Discard that many bytes to get original
Padding Oracle Attack
• Almost everything uses PKCS#7 padding
• But if the system displays a "Padding Error"
message the whole system shatters like glass
• That message is sufficient side-channel
information to allow an attacker to forge
messages without the key
Ciphertext Stealing
• Pad with zeroes
• Swap last two blocks of ciphertext
• Discard extra bytes at the end
• Images on next slides from Wikipedia
Ciphertext Stealing
Ciphertext Stealing
Security of Ciphertext
• No major problems
• Inelegant and difficult to get right
• NIST SP 800-38A specifies three different
ways to implement it
• Rarely used
Counter (CTR) Mode
Counter (CTR) Mode
• Produces a pseudorandom byte stream
• XOR with plaintext to encrypt
• Nonce (N) used to produce C1, C2, C3, etc.
• C1 = N ^ 1
• C2 = N ^ 2
• C3 = N ^ 3
• etc.
• Use a different N for each message
• N is not secret, sent in the clear
No Padding
• CTR mode uses a block cipher to produce a
pseudorandom byte stream
• Creates a stream cipher
• Message can have any length
• No padding required
• CTR is faster than any other mode
• Stream can be computed in advance, and in
• Before even knowing the plaintext
How Things Can Go
Two Attacks
• Meet-in-the-middle
• Padding oracle
Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks
• 3DES does three rounds of DES
• Why not 2DES?
University of Houston
Attacking 2DES
• Two 56-bit keys, total 112 bits
• End-to-end brute force would take 2^112
Attacking 2DES
• Attacker inputs known P and gets C
• Wants to find K1, K2
Attacking 2DES
• Make a list of E(K1, P) for all 2^56 values of K1
• Make a list of D(K2, P) for all 2^56 values of K2
• Find the item with the same values in each list
• This finds K1 and K2 with 2^57 computations
Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
on 3DES
• One table has 2^56 entries
• The other one has 2^112 entries
• 3DES has 112 bits of security
Padding Oracle
Padding Oracle
Padding Oracle
• Change the last byte in second block
• This changes the 17 bytes shown in red
Padding Oracle
• Try all 256 values of last byte in second block
• One of them has valid padding of 'x01'
• This determines the orange byte
Padding Oracle
• Continue, 256 guesses finds the next orange
CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers

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Celine George

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CNIT 141: 4. Block Ciphers

  • 1. CNIT 141 Cryptography for Computer Networks 4. Block Ciphers
  • 2. Topics • What is a Block Cipher • How to Construct Block Ciphers • The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) • Implementing AES • Modes of Operation • How Things Can Go Wrong
  • 3. History • US: Federal standard: DES (1979 - 2005) • KGB: GOST 28147-89 (1990 - present) • in 2000, NIST selected AES, developed in Belgium • They are all block ciphers
  • 4. What is a Block Cipher
  • 5. Block Cipher E Encryption algorithm K Key P Plaintext block C Ciphertext block C = E(K, P) D Decryption algorithm P = D(K, C)
  • 6. Security Goals • Block cipher should be a pseudorandom permutation (PRP) • Attacker can't compute output without the key • Attackers should be unable to find patterns in the inputs/output values • The ciphertext should appear random
  • 7. Block Size • DES: 64 bit • AES: 128 bit • Chosen to fit into registers of CPUs for speed • Block sizes below 64 are vulnerable to a codebook attack • Encrypt every possible plaintext, place in a codebook • Look up blocks of ciphertext in the codebook
  • 8. How to Construct Block Ciphers
  • 10. Rounds • R is a round --in practice, a simple transformation • A block cipher with three rounds: • C = R3(R2(R1(P))) • iR is the inverse round function • I = iR1(iR2(iR3(C)))
  • 11. Round Key • The round functions R1 R2 R3 use the same algorithm • But a different round key • Round keys are K1, K2, K3, ... derived from the main key K using a key schedule
  • 12. The Slide Attack and Round Keys • Consider a block cipher with three rounds, and with all the round keys identical
  • 13. The Slide Attack and Round Keys • If an attacker can find plaintext blocks with 
 P2 = R(P1) • That implies C2 = R(C1) • Which often helps to deduce the key
  • 14. The Slide Attack and Round Keys • The solution is to make all round keys different • Note: the key schedule in AES is not one-way • Attacker can compute K from any Ki • This exposes it to side-channel attacks, like measuring electromagnetic emanations
  • 15. Substitution-Permutation Networks • Confusion means that each ciphertext bit depends on several key bits • Provided by substitution using S-boxes • Diffusion means that changing a bit of plaintext changes many bits in the ciphertext • Provided by permutation
  • 16. Feistel Schemes • Only half the plaintext is encrypted in each round • By the F substitution- permutation function • Halves are swapped in each round • DES uses 16 Feistel rounds
  • 19. DES • DES had a 56-bit key • Cracked by brute force in 1997 • 3DES was a stronger version • Still considered strong, but slower than AES • AES approved as the NIST standard in 2000
  • 24. AES in Python from Crypto.Cipher import AES plaintext = "DEAD MEN TELL NO" key = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD" cipher = ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext) print ciphertext ??k٨?U?`??? print ciphertext.encode("hex") 8fc96bdbb85c8155896088b4ca201b7e print cipher.decrypt(ciphertext) DEAD MEN TELL NO
  • 26. Improving Efficiency • Implementing each step as a separate function works, but it's slow • Combining them with "table-based implementations" and "native instructions" is faster • Using XORs and table lookups
  • 28. Timing Attacks • The time required for encryption depends on the key • Measuring timing leaks information about the key • This is a problem with any efficient coding • You could use slow code that wastes time • A better solution relies on hardware
  • 29. Native Instructions • AES-NI • Processor provides dedicated assembly instructions that perform AES • Plaintext in register xmm0 • Round keys in xmm5 to xmm15 • Ten times faster with NI
  • 30. Is AES Secure? • AES implements many good design principles • Proven to resist many classes of cryptoanalytic attacks • But no one can foresee all possible future attacks • So far, no significant weakness in AES-128 has been found
  • 32. Electronic Code Book (ECB) • Each plaintext block is encrypted the same way • Identical plaintext blocks produce identical ciphertext blocks
  • 33. AES-ECB • If plaintext repeats, so does ciphertext plaintext = "DEAD MEN TELL NODEAD MEN TELL NO" ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext) print ciphertext.encode("hex")
  • 36. ECB Mode • Encrypted image retains large blocks of solid color
  • 37. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) • Uses a key and an initialization vector (IV) • Output of one block is the IV for the next block • IV is not secret; sent in the clear
  • 38. CBC Mode • Encrypted image shows no patterns
  • 39. Choosing IV • If the same IV is used every time • The first block is always encrypted the same way • Messages with the same first plaintext block will have identical first ciphertext blocks
  • 40. Parallelism • ECB can be computed in parallel • Each block is independent • CBC requires serial processing • Output of each block used to encrypt the next block
  • 41. Message Length • AES requires 16-byte blocks of plaintext • Messages must be padded to make them long enough
  • 42. PKCS#7 Padding • The last byte of the plaintext is always between 'x00' and '10' • Discard that many bytes to get original plaintext
  • 43. Padding Oracle Attack • Almost everything uses PKCS#7 padding • But if the system displays a "Padding Error" message the whole system shatters like glass • That message is sufficient side-channel information to allow an attacker to forge messages without the key
  • 44. Ciphertext Stealing • Pad with zeroes • Swap last two blocks of ciphertext • Discard extra bytes at the end • Images on next slides from Wikipedia
  • 47. Security of Ciphertext Stealing • No major problems • Inelegant and difficult to get right • NIST SP 800-38A specifies three different ways to implement it • Rarely used
  • 49. C1 K E C2 K E C3 K E Counter (CTR) Mode • Produces a pseudorandom byte stream • XOR with plaintext to encrypt
  • 50. Nonce • Nonce (N) used to produce C1, C2, C3, etc. • C1 = N ^ 1 • C2 = N ^ 2 • C3 = N ^ 3 • etc. • Use a different N for each message • N is not secret, sent in the clear
  • 51. No Padding • CTR mode uses a block cipher to produce a pseudorandom byte stream • Creates a stream cipher • Message can have any length • No padding required
  • 52. Parallelizing • CTR is faster than any other mode • Stream can be computed in advance, and in parallel • Before even knowing the plaintext
  • 53. How Things Can Go Wrong
  • 55. Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks • 3DES does three rounds of DES • Why not 2DES? University of Houston
  • 56. Attacking 2DES • Two 56-bit keys, total 112 bits • End-to-end brute force would take 2^112 calculations
  • 57. Attacking 2DES • Attacker inputs known P and gets C • Wants to find K1, K2
  • 58. Attacking 2DES • Make a list of E(K1, P) for all 2^56 values of K1 • Make a list of D(K2, P) for all 2^56 values of K2 • Find the item with the same values in each list • This finds K1 and K2 with 2^57 computations
  • 59. Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on 3DES • One table has 2^56 entries • The other one has 2^112 entries • 3DES has 112 bits of security
  • 62. Padding Oracle • Change the last byte in second block • This changes the 17 bytes shown in red
  • 63. Padding Oracle • Try all 256 values of last byte in second block • One of them has valid padding of 'x01' • This determines the orange byte
  • 64. Padding Oracle • Continue, 256 guesses finds the next orange byte