
New Advance Pok�mon

Pok�mon Ruby & Sapphire, the latest incarnation of the Pok�mon series. In this game there are 135 brand new Pok�mon bringing it up to a total of 386 Pok�mon!
This game is linkable with 2 gamecube games, Pok�mon Box and Pok�mon Colosseum. It also links to the E-Reader to access new trainers and some brand new berries.
The section here is vast and should contain all the information you need about Pok�mon but here is a list of the new features:

  • 2 on 2 Battling
  • Pok�mon Contests
  • 135 New Pok�mon
  • E-Reader Compatibility
  • Pok�blocks
  • Berry Blending
  • Team's Aqua & Magma
  • Pok�nav

    There is many more, but have a look around the right hand bar and you should find what you need